But the young child is still five years old so, what her mother words say to her she would believe it even though, she know inside her heart that something is still not right at her mother.

Her mother is only forcing herself to get up and cooked for her daughter. She had been lying in the bed for almost one month now and seeing her child suffering day by day because of her incompleteness capability.

Her heart ache, it made her eager to be better fast, but her body seemed fail her and won't respond in the way she want it to be. She hate it, she can't help but cry out the anger she felt herself, every day when she saw her daughter going out with all the stock pile products she use to sell to other people all the time.

But after sobering from crying, she once again, decide to force herself on trying to standing up and do some work for her daughter, to lessen the burden and guilt she felt inside her heart.

She force herself weak self to stood up and cook her daughter favourite dish, ginseng chicken cheese soup. Even if it's hard for herself, she still endure it. Because she can't forgive herself to see her daughter being sick as well. She won't forgive herself if that would happened.

The young Mary glance at her mother dark eye bags and thought,

'It's okay, I can give mother a makeover, so she would look livelier outside,' Mary felt excited upon thinking about it. Because of it she seemed had forgotten of having anxious and worry a minute ago.

She held her mother hand and smile.

"Then, mother can Mary give you a makeover?" she ask. Her mother eyes showed surprised for a second, then she smiled, holding back her daughter hand.

"Does our Mary practice to do a makeover while mother is in bed all day?" her mother respond. Mary exhaled and exciting tone out of her lips, then said.

"No, Mary meet a grateful young noble girl to the street today. She bought mother makeup products and crops, after that she then teach Mary, how to do make up," Mary explain everything that happened to her mother from start to finish.

"She also ask me a favour," she mentioned. Her mother eye brows twitch in discomfort.

"What kind of favour?" Mary mother felt glad that her daughter had meet a noble girl and had purchase all their crops also makeup products that she made, but inside her heart she also could not help but be worry.

For meeting a noble people sometimes can be very dangerous, because some of them approach you with some negative motive and unbeneficial intention. In short some of them only approach you with an ill intention and selfish request that can bring negative effects to you as a person.

Mary saw her mother worry eyes and she immediately touch her mother hand that she was holding with her free hand, to make her focus her thought to her. She smiled then reply.

"Mother don't have to worry, the noble girl is very kind and warm hearted person. Her name is Vendia and she request for me to call her an elder sister because sh—"Mary stop in the middle of her sentence, upon feeling something is missing. But she can't seem to figure out what it is. She let go of her mother hand, feeling anxious upon thinking that she might had lost something very important. She look at her hand, observing as if she lost something very rare and important.

Her thought look through her memory that happened earlier, while her mother look at her with worry.

"Mary? What is it?" Her mother ask, but Mary could not answer her back because she was very anxious right now and she seemed firm in her thought. The young child had think through her thoughts for a second, until she gasp, remembering something.

She touch her chest, with her hands, then shoved her hands inside her pants pocket hoping to find the thing she manage to remember. But the thing she was aiming to find was not with her. Her heart start to beat in fright. The pouch bag and the money she earn today was not with her.

'No, I promise to keep it well beside me,' Mary felt frightened. She had lost something that the noble girl had given to her as a token of their first meeting and the money that the young noble girl had paid for all the things she bought to her.

Because of how panic the young Mary is she totally forgot about her mother presence beside her and she went out at their kitchen in haste to go find the thing she lost, but she came in halt in a second, after managing to go out in the kitchen. 

Her mother walk with caution to get to her child, that's standing outside the door, spacing out while her eyes is looking at the ground. Here expressions seems in deep thought and scared. 

Leaving her mother with an impression that her daughter might had something in her mind that is very worrying. She manage to get to her, then touch her shoulder with her right hand, which made her child flinch in surprised and turned around to look at her. Only to see that her daughter is wearing a face that on verge of crying. 

"Mary? What is it? Why are you acting like this? Is something wrong?" She ask. Mary nod, then hugged her mother waist tight and cry. 

"Uwaaaah, mother I'm sorry," her child apologize. 

"What? Why are you apologizing?" her mother ask. Her voice ring surprised and confusion. 

"Mary, lose the money that sister Vendia pay and I also lost the pouch bag she give to me as a promise," Mary answer within her sobs. Her mother heard her and can't help but sigh. She caress her daughter back two times and break her embrace. Mary mother then touch her face, her child look straight at her with teary and wet eyes.

"It's okay, we can still find it," her mother tried to comfort with an assuring tone of voice and words. The young child, Mary look at her and ask. 

"Are you sure?" Her nose is drooling from too much crying, she sniff to make the drool lessen, then use her hand to wipe it. Her mother can't help but sigh again and use her shirt to wipe her daughter face fully. 

"Aiyo, don't cry. Mother is sure," She tried to give comfort to her cute daughter, then the young child nodded with no seconds. Fully trusting in her mother words. 

"Did you still remember where you went just now with it?" Her mother inquired, then Mary stop her sobs, thinking through her memories. Just now when she went back home, she still had in with her but when she heard her mother—she pause and gasp. 

Her mother then know what her daughter reaction is about, it can only indicate one thing and that her daughter already spotted the thing she lose somewhere. 

"Did you remember where you last had it with you now?" she ask. Even though she already know the answer. The young Mary stare at her mother with a twinkling eyes that full of gladness and a lips that formed into a smile.

"Mn! Mother is very amazing, I will be back," She said, her mother then nod. Not making her daughter delayed to get the things she had lost. The young child then rush back inside their house and look around, then she saw the pouch that has a money and the pouch bag that the young Vendia had given to her. 

The young Mary can't help but jump in joy, she felt very happy that she didn't fully lost it. She is glad that she had only drop it inside their house because of how frightened and anxious she is earlier. 

"Thank god," She said, then pick it up in rush to the dirty ground, hugging it back to her chest, like a long lost treasure. 

"Wah, I am so glad," she released a sigh of relief and a cheerful giggled while hugging the thing she thought she lost. After quite while she felt satisfied, then went out the house to get back to the kitchen, where her mother is waiting. 

When she come back inside, she then give the pouch that has a money and showed the pouch bag that the noble girl named Vendia had given to her. She then continue telling her mother about her day today with eyes filled of excitement and full of happiness, while her mother continue cooking the ginseng chicken cheese soup and a sweet potato. 

Upon hearing her daughter adventure today, she can't help but released a relief sigh, she is glad that her daughter don't have a heavy day and difficulties upon selling the products today. 

She knows her daughter is an independent young child, but she still can't avoid thinking about her daughter age. She is still five years old and having experience such heavy environment, made her felt guilty. 

She turned around, smiling, then strode over to her daughter and sat to the wooden chair she made beside her, while they wait for the sweet potato to be cooked. 

To be continued.

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