-Duke residence-

*Guest Room*

"Your highness is nice to see you. What brings you here…" Duchess Aerwen greet him.

"Greetings to you, Duchess Aerwen, sorry for intruding here on such brief notice," He replied

"No is fine, sit down, so what can I do for you?" Duchess Aerwen ask.

"I came to visit your daughter, but I heard she is not feeling well so," Prince Adam speak


"By any chance, you knew the condition of the Marquis daughter?"

"What about her? Did she do something unpleasant again?" Duchess Aerwen asks, frowning.

"No, she did nothing," Prince Adam answers.

"Oh, okay," Duchess Aerwen reply.

"I just wanted to ask Lady Cathlen if she knew about Vendia's condition," Prince Adam mention,

"Condition?" Duchess Aerwen curious,

"Yes, she lost her memory," Prince Adam reply,

"What!" Duchess Aerwen shocked,

"Yes, an hour ago I went to the art store and heard one of the Marquis servant talking about her," Prince Adam elaborate,

"That is surprising. What could have happened for Vendia to lose her memory,"

"I am still uncertain,"

"Well, even though she has a bad image. I still feel sad for her parent going through this is not simple. I wonder what happened," Duchess Aerwen feels pity for Vendia's parents.

"I order my trusted guard to investigate about it," Prince Adam mentions,


"Yes, I want to know if she loses her memory, or she is just pretending," Prince Adam answers,

"Why?" Duchess Aerwen ask

"Because I want to make sure that she isn't planning something bad for Cathlen again," Prince Adam explain,

"I see,"

"I supposed Cathlen is still unaware,"

"Yes, I think it so. Because if Cathlen already knew, she would tell us right away,"

"I know, sorry for keeping you for so long and delaying you at your busy schedule,"

"Oh, no is good to have taken a break for a minute," Duchess Aerwen assuring him,

"Then I will go now, thank you for you having me today, Duchess Aerwen," Prince Adam standing up to his chair and went over to Duchess Aerwen,

"Your welcome, your highness, please come by here sometimes if you have free time, you're always welcome here," Duke Thranduil announce his arrival.

"Oh, honey," Duchess got surprised by her husband's sudden appearance,

"Greetings to you, Duke Thranduil," Prince Adam,

"Sorry, I was late,"

"Oh, there's no need to apologize. I understand, is my fault for coming here on such brief notice,"

"You can visit here anytime," Duke Thranduil mention,

"Thank you, I will," Prince Adam reply, then leave the Duke residence.

"Let's talk," Duchess Aerwen point at her husband as they sit in the guest room,

"What is it? Why are you wearing a serious face?" Duke Thranduil asks,

"The prince mentions about the Marquis, daughter," Duchess Aerwen speak,

"Okay, what about it?"

"He's investigating her," Duchess mentions,

"What? What for?"

"He wants to make sure if Lady Vendia lost her memories or she is just faking it to hurt our daughter again,"

"WHAT? She lost her memory?" Duke Thranduil asks, surprised,

"Yes, is still unconcluded," Duchess reply,

"Wait a minute, did I just hear you right?" Duke Thranduil asks,

"What?" Duchess Aerwen, confused.

"Are you accusing the Marquis daughter again without proof?" Duke asks,

"I'm not," Duchess deny,

"You did,"

"Okay, I did," Duchess reply, and Duke Thranduil deep sigh.

"Dear, I told you so many times not to speak out any words about the Marquis daughter's to the public you only embarrassed yourself," Duke reminded his wife.

"Why would I embarrass myself? I am only telling them the truth that the Marquis daughter harm our daughter,"

"Okay, but let me ask you this,"


"Do you have proof?" Duke asks, and Duchess can't reply.

"No," She answers in a whisper. Duke Thranduil deep sigh,

"Let's say this: we saw our daughter got hurt and all, but we don't have a strong proof that the Marquis daughter is the person who hurt her," Duke mention and Duchess Aerwen's deep sigh,

"Okay, I understand. I will refrain myself from saying any harmful words about the Marquis daughter to the public from now on," Duchess mention,

"Good, because I can't bear to see you get hurt," Duke Thranduil mention and grin,

"I know, I love you," Duchess Aerwen reply,

"I love you too," Duke Thranduil answer, and they hug each other.

-Astrod Kingdom-

"Your highness, your back," A two guards pop out of nowhere greet him.

"Yes, I am. Thank you for greeting me, Sir Ben and Roy," He replied to his two other trusted shadow guards in the kingdom,

Sir Ken, Sir Ben, and Sir Roy are Prince Adam's three trusted guards in the kingdom they've, been serving him for 16 years. Sir Ben and Roy are his secret shadow guard, who does a dangerous and confidential task. Not handled by the king and queen, but only accredited by the prince.

"Sir Ken mentions he will be away for two days because of your request," Ben speak,

"Uh yes, is that why you two are here beside me now, guarding me like a loyal puppy?" Prince Adam reply,

"Why of course this two loyal puppy of yours is very loyal to you *wink*" Roy confident respond,

"Okay, did captain John know that you two are here with me today?" He asks the two of them, went quiet for a minute, and speak,

"Sir Ken asks for us to be here, so it's going to be fine, right, Sir Ben?" Roy asked for assurance somehow, worried that their captain might scold them and might punish them for escaping their work in training the recruit knight,

"I think so," Ben brief reply, not showing care.

"What do you mean by I think so?" Roy asks, nervous,

"It means he also doesn't know either and that you two are so screwed up now," Prince Adam respond,

"WHAT?" Roy shouts in panic,

'Je these two idiots still haven't changed,'

"Go back now before Sir John figured out that you two escape your both work today,"

"Okay, see ya later, your highness," Roy mentions, then they run fast back to the knight training ground.



I keep walking back and forth inside my room, biting my nails and lips. Tell I rang the bell beside my bed, and Angela arrives fast inside my room, panting.

"Miss! What happened? Are you all right?" She asks, pacing.

"Yes, I'm fine," I answer, as she sighs in relief.

"That's a relief. Do you need anything?"


"What is it?"

"By any chance, do you have a map?"

"A map?"

"Yes, a map. Do you have one?"

"A map... for?"

"A map to the forest,"


"So, do you have one?"

"No, I'm sorry. I don't have one,"

"SHIT! Then where can I find one!" I ask, raising my voice from anger and impatience. Angela got surprised,

"Um," She's afraid to speak. I sighed and calmed myself down.

"I'm sorry, my emotion flood through me because of the lamp," I apologize and explain things to her,

"Is okay, miss, I understand," She responds, and I nod.

"Thank you, so do you know where I can find a map?"

"From what I remember, the antique store sells one," She answer,

"The antique store?"

"Yes, the antique store downtown, but I heard they got close because of tax debt,"

"WHAT? Then do you have a second option?"

"Hmm..." She thinks through it,


"Ah! The art store," She said,

"Art store?"

"Yes, there's an art store downtown who sells a map to the forest, but I don't know if they still sell one,"

"It's okay. We can find out ourselves,"

"What? You're not going to town, are you?" She asks, and I smirk,

"You guess it,"

"But Miss, you're not feeling well," She speaks her concern, but I ignore it as I went over to my wardrobe and wear my violet cloak.

"I lie now, follow me," I answer as I walk fast and get out of my room in silence without receiving Angela's reply,

"WHAT? But why you lie? Wait, Miss! WAIT! FOR ME!" She shouts, running after me,

"Shh! Don't be loud!" I scolded her, and she covers her mouth fast following, beside me, as we continue walking through the hallway in silence to get out of our mansion.

"Where's your cloak?" I ask. We are now out of our mansion,

"I forgot, you walk out before I could get it to wear," She answers, and I deep sigh,

"Here," I take off my cloak and give it to her,

"But what about you, Miss?" She wears a worried face, and I smile at her,

"Is fine, don't worry. When we arrive downtown, I will buy one for myself to wear," I answer,

"Thank you, Miss," She mentions,

"Your welcome," I respond as we continue walking fast to go downtown to buy the map I need to search for the lamp.

To be continued....

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