-Marquis Residence-


"Sir Aloit!" Vendia called him.

"Oh, Vendia, you're here. How are you?" He replies,

"I'm good,"

"What are you going to do today, Sir Aloit?" She asks.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just re-checking the design,"


"To see if I didn't miss something," He answers,

"Oh, okay,"

"Why you want something from me?" He asks, wondering,

"Uh, yes. My parents told me about you being my knight," Vendia mention,


"They didn't force you to do it right, Sir Aloit?"

"What? Of course not,"

"I'm glad,"

"I told you from today onward I will be here to protect you and your mother," Sir Aloit mention,

"Yes and um today, I plan to go downtown to buy something, a frame," She answer,

"A-frame? For what?"

"I'm going to paint my parents today, then put it inside the frame to keep it safe and put it as a design in the house,"

"Ahh, so you mean to say you want me to accompany you downtown today?" He mentions,

"Yes! But that is if you're not busy, Sir Aloit Je Je," She said a little embarrassed,

"HA HA HA, what are you so embarrassed? I'm your knight is normal for me to accompany you wherever you're going," He responds winking, she nods smiling, feeling glad,

"Thank you, Sir Aloit,"

"Nah, don't mention it," He replies, smiling, ruffling her hair. Vendia smiles, feeling secure.

*Marquis Hall*

"Mary?" Madam call upon her,

"Yes, Madam?" She paces toward her,

"Where is Vendia?" She asks,

"Why you ask, Madam?"

"I just went through her Chamber, and she is not there. Do you know where she is?"

"Ahh... she must have forgotten to tell you, Madam. She went downtown today together with Sir Aloit," Mary replied,

"What? Downtown? Why?" She asks, worried.

"Oh, she said that she is going to buy some frame for her painting Madam," Mary confess,

"I see," Madam Rose understand but somehow still feeling worried, and Mary saw her bothered expression,

"Oh, Don't worry, Madam. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to her because Sir Aloit is with her," Mary Assure her,

"I supposed so. Thank you for telling me, Mary,"

"Your welcome Madam, I go back to my pose now, Madam," Mary responded,

"Uh, yes, go ahead," Mary nods, bow, and leave,

*Marquis office*


"Yes, come in," Lord Marthen permit,

"Dear..." Madam Rose went inside and, call his husband,

"Oh, dear, what brings you here? Is something the matter?" Lord Marthen ask, stood to his chair, and went over to his wife sitting beside her on the guest couch.

"No, is nothing. I just come here to ask you if you knew Vendia went downtown today,"

"Oh, yes, Sir Sebi told me earlier why?" He answers,

"Nothing, I just feel uneasy about it," She confesses,

"Dear... don't stress yourself by overthinking things, okay? I'm sure our daughter is fine and enjoying her time in the town right now," Lord Marthen mention.

"Okay... I won't," she responds.

"Okay, how about some tea? To calm your thoughts, hm?" He asks.

"Okay, thank you, honey," She said, and Lord Marthen went over to his desk and rang the bell, then a servant came to take his order.

"Bring some tea and a light snack for us," he demands,

"Right away, my lord," the male servant responds, bowing and leave his office,

To be continued....

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