"What is your name?" I ask while I break our hug.

"I am Rhean Rose Klause, your mother, and you are Vendia Klause. My only daughter, your father's name, is Marthen James Klause. You are the only daughter of the Marquis family," Madam Rose said as she hugged me.

Scanning the place, I see one servant, and this girl claimed to be my mother. My body trembled in fear again, but I calmed myself down. It will be all right. I sighed and thought back on what happened before I got here.

[Flash Back]

(Under the seawater)

Alda and I hugged each other. She gestured, telling me I should never close my eyes, but I can't take it anymore. I can't breathe anymore.

"I am sorry..."

Those are the last words I said before my last breath takes me.


'That is the last thing that happened before I got inside this world and into Vendia body,'

I hugged myself. Chills ran all around my body.

"Vendia?" Madam Rose called, concerned as she sees me trembling in fear. I think of an excuse as I calmed myself down once again.

"I uh... I'm hungry. Can I get something to eat, uh mo-mother?" I requested as we lock eyes. She smiles at me,

"Of course," I sighed in relief.

'Oh, good, she buys my excuse,' I thought.

"Mary, hurry, prepare food for your young miss, to eat," She orders the maid standing beside her. I looked, scanning her up to down.

"Your..." I point at her as she smiles at me with a face full of gladness and relief. I smiled back at her.

She is Vendia's trusted maid. From what I remember, Vendia is a villain inside the book, but she never once hurt her servants. She orders them around without their consent. But hurting was not her motive. Vendia keeps Mary on her side ever since she becomes obsessed with the prince.

'Oh, my, is this heaven? Is this what they called food in heaven? So many kinds of cuisines,' I thought,

My tummy rumbled and groaning, as my eyes shine like stars while my mouth drools from the sight.

"Thank you," I thanked her as she gasps.

"What is it?" I ask a bit of concern,

'Did I say something wrong?' I panicked,

"I, uh, I'm sorry. I got surprised because it's my first time hearing you say thank you,"

'Oh yeah, I forgot about it. Vendia never once said thank you or apologize to her servants' I sigh in relief as I smile at her and relax.

"Is that so, but I can't remember anything right now, and because of it. I might change. Do you not enjoy hearing me saying thank you?" I ask,

"No, that's not what I mean. I like it, but I'm not used to it," Mary responds.

"Oh, don't worry, you will get used to it soon. Okay?" I said as I smile at her. She smiles back, sighing in relief.

"Do you want to join me? Come on. I can't finish this at all. It's too many," I invited her, but she hesitates and showed me an uncomfortable expression,

"Uh, no, it's fine. You eat it all and get better soon," Mary replied. I smile and just nodded so that I won't make her feel even more uncomfortable around me,

"Em... so delicious," I confess, feeling happy and so relaxed because of the food in front of me.

'Yes, food helps me relaxed and happy always even in my previous life that is why for me food is life,'

(A/P: Right true, true gurl food is life...)

"Yes, that is your favorite. Chef Andria cooked it for you,"

Chef Andria? Oh right, the chef who cherishes Vendia like her own little sister, but Vendia didn't like it and ignore her kindness. However, Chef Andria still looks after her as her little sister.

"Really?" I'm surprised and feel thankful.

'So this food is Vendia's favorite, ha? Inside the book, it didn't state their that Vendia has a favorite. Strange hum food,' I wonder as my eyes light up again because of the food, and I continue eating.

"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked while munching away.

"You've been sleeping for three weeks, Miss. The Madam and Lord Marthen turned aggressive towards us and couldn't sleep well. They were so worried and concerned about you," She confessed, looking sad. I put my spoon and fork down, then hold on to both of her hands and smile.

"Don't worry, I'm awake now, and I will be fine soon, okay?" I assure her while I smile as she smiles back at me and nods.

'Vendia is precious to all of them, even though inside the story she is a villain, she never mistreated her parents and servant,'

"Young Miss, if you need anything else. Just ring the bell beside your bed. I'll be going now to help the others clean," Mary mentions as she smiles at me.

"No, I need nothing at the moment. I'm good. You can go ahead now. Thank you for bringing me food again," I said, then Mary bowed leaving, me alone inside the extensive and designed room.

"So this is what it looks like on the inside. It's amazing and well designed," I mused.

'Oh, I must finish my food and rest. I'm getting tired from munching Je Je,'

To be continued.

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