"Vendia! My baby, my poor baby," Madam Rose cries out as she watches her daughter slip from consciousness. She catches her head just in time and lays her back on the bed.

"Dear..." Lord Marthen watches upon his wife, who is crying in vain for their only daughter.

"What happened! Why she loses consciousness again? And why she looks at us as somebody else? What is going on?" Madam Rose asks.

"You said to us that our daughter only had a high fever, then what is THIS?" Madam Rose cried with resentment. The physician trembled, bowing down.

"M, my lord, M, madam. I, I swear the young miss was only having a high fever, unless..." the old physician said with a shaken tone of his voice. He looked back at them, sweating and trembling as he gulped and concluded.

"Unless what? Speak!" Lord Marthen asked with impatience.

"Unless the young miss experiences a heavy mental breakdown and it affects her, giving her amnesia," the physician, pacey concludes.

"What? How is that even possible?" Lord Marthen narrows his brows with a sniping glare directed towards the old physician. He embraced his wife, who was crying in despair, close to him.

'Come to think of it, she told me back then when I found her in the forest alone, laying on the muddy ground,' Lord Marthen reminisced.


I searched for my daughter Vendia everywhere. She had been missing for four days, but we couldn't find her anywhere, so I ordered my guards and people to search inside the forest with me.

And I found her lying in the mud and all wet. I ran towards her in terror. I held her as I carried her bridal style. She wakes up with a weak, raspy voice as she speaks.

"F, father... I, I killed her..."

"What? W, what are you saying? VENDIA!" I shouted in terror.

She lost consciousness and had a high temperature. I signaled my guards and my people to stop searching, and we went back home.


"Her case is rare, I never had a case like this before," the old physician said,

"So? What should we do then?" Lord Marthen sighed, waiting for answers.

"Yes, how can we get our daughter's memories back?" Madam Rose asked.

"For now, the young miss needs to rest. Don't let her do any heavy work or get stressed and spend more time with her as a family. These could help her regain her memories back and heal," the old physician suggested,

"Okay, we do that," Lord Marthen replied.

Madam Rose's tears had dried out. She made her way to her daughter, laid down with her on the bed as she embraced and cuddled her.

"My poor child..." Madam Rose and Lord Marthen thanked the old physician and dismissed him along with their servant.

"Everything will be all right, dear." He assured his wife, who nodded.

'Maybe it's better this way. She won't remember everything, yes it's better this way. My daughter, whatever you did, I know you didn't mean it. So no matter what happens, I will protect you. Don't hurry on remembering everything. But in my perspective, I rather let you forget everything and start new,'

Lord Marthen looked over to his only daughter with concern, feeling pain seeing her like that.

After so many hours, Lord Marthen left his daughter's room and went back to his business and plans, while Madam Rose stayed with her daughter, holding her close.

Yerre wakes up sitting up on the bed,

"W, where Am I?" Yerre asks between her hoarse voice.

"Vendia? Vendia! Oh, my child. Thank god," Madam Rose hugged her child in joy and relief.

"Who are you?" Yerre asked, confused. She wore a surprised expression, processing the situation. Madam Rose let go of her as she looked at her. Then hold her hands and caressed them.

"Who are you? Why do you call me Vendia?" She asks again. Then a few seconds. She remembers what happened and looks straight at her with a puzzled look.

"I am your mother, and your name is Vendia. You are my precious and only child," Madam Rose emphasized, hugging her again. She flinched to the sudden affection but calmed down.

'Ah... right... now I remember earlier my head still hurts,' Yerre thought groan in pain.

"I'm Vendia..."

"Yes, you are,"

Yerre felt insecure in her situation right now.

'I'm Vendia, the villain inside this story.' She hugged her new mother in need of comfort and a warm embrace.

To be continued....

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