"Your highness, it's done," The physician mentions, and Prince Adam nod.

"Okay, how many days for them to be well?" Prince Adam ask,

"In their case, the wounds they get are only minor. They will get healed after resting for seven days," The physician answer,

"Seven days... okay," Prince Adam reply,

"Your highness, what should we do? Lady Vendia has left without your eyes," Sir Ken mentions, worried.

"Don't worry. Lady Vendia also has a knight," Prince Adam responds,

"Your highness, I must leave now. I will come again tomorrow," The physician mentions, not hearing what they talk about a second ago.

"Okay, thank you," Prince Adam reply and the physician then nod then leave the room.

"Sir Ken," Prince Adam calls,

"Yes? Your highness," Sir Ken respond,

"Monitor Lady Cathlen for me," Prince Adam mentions.

"But... what about you, your highness?" Sir Ken asks, concern.

"I will be fine. We need to make our move touching no suspicions. My father planted his people already. We need to distract and scattered them to make them reveal themselves. So we then can put a hole through their net and skip from them," Prince Adam explains, and Sir Ken then nods, understand what he means.

"Then... I will do what you wish for me to do, your highness," Sir Ken replies, vowing to him.

"Thank you, make sure you do your job in silence, don't make her notice, and if you see something out of her character, report to me straight away," Prince Adam demand,

"I will, your highness," Sir Ken replies,

'I am doing this so I can take a record of how many people my father uses to monitor my every move. And also, I want to know why Cathlen is acting odd for the past few days,'

"She wants to break our engagement without thinking twice. Something is not right," Prince Adam mumble,

-King Phantrel Chamber-

"You're leaving?" King Phanthrel asks Butler Sed, who wears his clothes on.

"Yes, I have a duty, My King," Sed reply, face backing him.

"Why are you addressing me like that again. We are alone now," King Phanthrel complain. Butler Sed went over to him and kissed him for a second,

"Sorry, I forgot you were cruel to me earlier you didn't stop even I told you to, remember?" Sed mentions, winking and smirking. Then King Phantrel sulk.

"Hmph! Is your fault for being too good for me," King Phantrel mentions, smirking back, and Butler Sed giggled,

"I know... but that does not clean your fault to me," Butler Sed respond,

"Yeah... I know, and I apologize," King Phanthrel reply and Butler Sed smile,

"I accept your apology, my Han," Butler reply as he kisses him once again, but a sudden knock on the door disturbed them, and they then pull themselves away to each other.

"Your majesty," One of King Phanthrel's knights calls outside his door.

"Come in," King Phanthrel respond, then the knight gets inside, bowing.

"The prince hasn't taken his move," His knight inform,

"I see. Did the prince mends his guard needs?" The King asks,

"Yes, he still hasn't left the knight quarter,"

"Hmm... continue watching over him," The King ordered,

"We will, your majesty," His knight responds, vowing.

"Okay, if that's all, you can leave now," King Phanthrel mentions as his knight then bowed to him and left the room.

"You put your frowning again," Butler Sed mentions as he sits beside the King already dress up. The King then lean his head to his right shoulder, tired and stress.

"What should I do? How can I give my throne to my son if he's not ready to set on it?" King Phanthrel speak out his concern.

"You worry too much. Everything will be fine," Butler Sed responds, caressing King Phanthrel's cheeks using his left hand to calm his worries down.

"I can't help to doubt his reign. His fiance, I still doubt her too. If only people think the goodness and wellness of other people this would not be difficult," King Phanthrel continue talking,

"But, is not. All noble and royals only need power and extravagant life not caring for other people goodness and development of life,"

"Yes, is very disappointing," Butler Sed agreed.

"I am glad you are different from them," Butler Sed added,

"Yes, but my father hurt them," King Phantrel respond,

"But you heal them, and you help me out from my misery," Butler Sed reply,

"Without you, I may still be a slave and a prostitute to some old fart nobles and royals," Sed added, and King Phantrel deep sigh and smile.

"You're right. I almost forgot about that," King Phantrel respond, smiling and admiring Sed, who sit beside him and hold his left wrist. When Sed's father dies alongside the late King, his uncle, who has a debt to his father, then trades him for money and sends him to a slave factory.

"Thank you for never stop searching and loving me for so many years, even though your wife is beside you and also had loved you," Sed mentions, and King Phantrel, kiss Sed's forehead.

"I never forget your promise to me from a long time ago inside our palace garden," King Phantrel mentions, then the old memories flash through Butler Sed.

"Sed! Hurry! Let's tell our father to let us tour the town today," A twelve years old Prince Phantrel shouts at nine years old Sed.

"Wait up! My feet can't run fast as yours," Sed shout in reply as he runs after Phantrel, who laughs at him.

"Hurry! Or I'll kiss you," Prince Phantrel mentions, and Sed got surprised then blushed as he stops running for a second.

"YAH! I told you to stop teasing me! You can't say those words out loud!" Sed complains, running after him once again.

"Why can't I? I will marry you one day when I become king. You'll be my Queen," Prince Phantrel shout as a response.

"Yah! I'm a boy, can't you see it?" Sed reply shouting.

"Yes, I can see it very well, but I don't care because, in my eyes, you are the prettiest and the most beautiful man for me. No woman can beat you," Prince Phantrel responds as he stops running without warning, then Sed bumps into him and stumbles in front of him.

"Ah!" Sed shouts, scared to fall on the ground with his butt.

"Gotcha!" Prince Phantrel catches him in time and carries him in bridal style.

"Pu-put me down now," Sed demands, blushing so hard.

"Je!" Prince Phantrel laugh and smirk. Satisfy upon seeing Sed blush so hard.

"I don't want to," Prince Phantrel responds and kisses Sed's forehead.

"Stop what if someone sees us," Sed yank his head away, anxious.

"Let them see and think what they want," Prince Phantrel respond,

"Are you crazy?" Sed reply felt unbelievable at the moment,

"Yes, I am, only for you," Prince Phantrel respond, smiling at him, and Sed blushed more.

"Stop teasing me, please," Sed demand can't stop his heart from beating because of happiness.

"I can't, answer me first, then I stop," Prince Phantrel mentions with demands,

"What is it?" Sed ask,

"Well, you be my Queen?" Prince Phantrel answer,

"What?" Sed got surprised.

"Come on, don't act like you didn't hear me," Prince Phantrel sulking in front of him.

"Han… you know this already. I can't, and you know that, right?" Sed reply showing a sad expression.

"I am not asking if you can or can't. I'm asking you to be mine," Prince Phantrel mention with a deep angry voice, and Sed trembles from hearing it as he looks into Prince Phantrel's eyes.

"Um..." Sed hesitate for a second, then nod,

"Answer me with words," Prince Phantrel forced demand.

"Ye-yes, I will be your Queen," Sed reply, then Prince Phantrel once again felt joy and happiness upon receiving a blissful response from Sed.

"You promise?" Prince Phantrel asks for assurance.

"Yes, I promise," Sed reply smiling, and Prince Phantrel then kissed his forehead once more.

"Thank you. I will never forget that," Prince Phantrel respond, full of joy.

To be continued.

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