And starting that day, everything then changes, till an intolerable day comes. The King and my father got ambush on their way back home from their summit to the southern kingdom and dies together. Phantrel became King at twenty-one.

And on the day of his coronation. My uncle forced me to leave his side. He sold me to slavery without Phantrel knowing.

Then start that day. Our life plan together got ruined before I knew it. His warmth already went through me. But even if many people use my body as a temple of their happiness and satisfaction.

Even if I was away from him, I never stop thinking and longing for him, not even a day that I want to break from my chain to run to him and tell him I never abandoned him, that my uncle forced me and that I want him to hold me and tell me I am the only one for him.

I never stop praying and believing that one day we will again. Then a miracle happened: the slavery factory got under investigation and surveillance I was free, and it all because of him. We saw each other once again, and Phantrel cried in front of me as he saw me, but I felt ashamed and so dirty.

I thought if we see each other again. I will straight-away give my warmth to Han, but once I saw him, all the unforgivable things that people do to me flashback through me, and all of my confidence to embrace him in my arms had all gone.

My uncle then had given a death sentence by him, with the people who are part of the human trafficking. After that, he brings me back to a place where all my memories are filled only with happiness and blessings. Then start the day, I thought maybe we could start over again, but I found out that he already has a wife and a son.

So I again distance myself from him, but he won't let me, and instead, he gives me more temptations and intolerable desires. We keep our relationship hidden from everyone once again. Until the day his wife died from an incurable illness, his son has left only a father. Han suffers from his loss. I didn't know that he also had loved his wife, but not the love he had towards me.

After he lost his wife, Han then shows his color towards me outside to inside. He revealed our relationships to his son, then to his followers. Adam could not accept it first, but he then gets used to it by not caring for his father anymore, and Han followers also get used to the fact that their King was in love with a man.

Till now, everything was clear and easy to comprehend.

'I will die for you,' Butler Sed thought, smiling at the King.

"I know. Thank you for loving me all these years,"

"I will never let you go," King Phantrel mentions and hug Butler Sed close to him.

"Why are you so cheesy these days, hm?" Sed asks, hugging the King back.

"Because I am too sweet for you," King Phantrel reply and Sed laughs at him.

"Hmm... well, I can't agree enough," Sed responds, then they both giggled as they take their time together, hugging till he goes back to his position as a Butler.

On the other side, at the knight quarter Prince Adam orders Sir Ken to proceed and do what he asks for him to do.

"Be careful," Prince Adam remind him and Sir Ken nod.

"You too, your highness," Sir Ken reply,

"Don't worry. My father won't do any harm to me. After all, I'm his son," He responded. Then Sir Ken leaves, wearing a cloak and his sword.

When he left, Prince Adam went back to his chamber and changed his clothes. Then leave to go to his cousin Albert with his, father people tailing on him like a shadow.

-Sir Albert Art-store-

"Welco, hey! Why are you always showing up without giving me a notice? What is it this time? Did you cause a problem again?" Sir Albert asks, irritated upon seeing Prince Adam visit his store once again.

"I am," Prince Adam answer without a second, and Sir Albert got stunned for a minute, then gulp.

"Are you serious?" He asks, leaning close to Prince Adam's.

"Yes, Father found my two guards monitoring Lady Vendia," Prince Adam answer, and Sir Albert showed an anxious look on his face.

"Wh-what..." He stutters,

"They are now under a healing process," Prince Adam mentions,

"What? That bad?" Sir Albert got shocked.

"Yes, also outside your store and at the top of your store ceiling," Prince Adam leans close to Sir Albert's left ear then whispers his last words.

"Is where my father people surveilling," He mentions, and Sir Albert pushes him away from him with a nervous expression.

"WHAT? They follo-"

"SHH, Here," Prince Adam covered his mouth fast and lent the paper to him, then he read it, using his eye.

[What is this?] Sir Albert mouthed to him, worried.

[Read it well,] Prince Adam reply, then Sir Albert nod.

Inside the paper,

My father planted his people in my back, and to my people, I want you to help me escape on it, so I can get to Vendia to know if she's safe.

Sir Albert had done reading and look straight at Prince Adam, with a mocking expression as he then escapes a deep sigh.

"Don't worry, I have speculations that something might happen, so I contacted my people to follow them as a commoner," Sir Albert mentions.

"Vendia is on Voldrone land," Sir Albert added, and Prince Adam showed a surprised expression. Voldrone, a small land own by Duke Thranduil.

"The Duke land?" Prince Adam asks, shocked.

The land first owned by the viscount, the person who's obsessed with using other people for his desire and satisfaction because of it, his people suffer. But his people's suffering did not last long, for his people already got tired of his reign and called for help from other kingdoms. But they got rejected, for the viscount also connected to them.

However, the viscount people did not give up and went to the last kingdom. Who ruled by the King, rumored to be gay, King Phantrel. He refuses them first because he does not want to cause a problem for his people and family. But Duke Thranduil hears their prayers, and King Phantrel sends the Duke with a promise that if he wins over the viscount, then the land will be a gift to him as his reward.

And he wins. The viscount got sentenced to death together with the people who help him and related to him. Then the Voldrone land showed its beauty again, got healed, and become safe under the Duke authority.

To be continued.

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