On the other side of the place, Vendia, Sir Aloit, Sir Den, and Mary are now close to Astrod town.

"We're almost at Astrod Land," Sir Aloit mentions outside the carriage.

"Miss, we're almost home," Mary mentions, and Vendia looks at her full of excitement.

"Wah... I am so excited I can't wait," Vendia responds, happy upon hearing that they're almost home and that they are now out of Voldrone Land.

"Miss, are you hungry? I can create a bread salad for you," Mary mentions, and Vendia nods, smiling.

"Thank you, Mary," Vendia mentions, and Mary nods, accepting her thanks. Vendia felt glad she is almost back home. She can't wait to see and hug all the people who miss her, but the carriage stops without warning, causing her and Mary to stumble inside.

"Miss!" Mary went over to her in hasten.

"Are you okay, Miss?" Mary added, consulting her, worried.

"I-I am okay, Mary," Vendia smile at Mary, but her face showed otherwise. Mary got concerned.

"Vendia, Mary, are you guys okay inside?" Sir Aloit asks from outside the carriage.

"We are fine, Sir Aloit," Vendia responds as Mary helps her up to sit on the carriage couch.

"Sir Aloit, what happened? Why our carriage stop? And also why is our carriage seem to be out of balance," Mary asks, concern as she notices that the carriage is not in balance.

"We did not see a big rock up ahead, and our carriage wheel bumps on it and get broke down," Sir Aloit's answer went to open the carriage door as he then helps Vendia and Mary got out in caution.

"What are we going to do now, Sir Aloit?" Vendia ask.

"Don't worry, Miss. I brought along an extra wheel in case this kind of thing happened to our voyage. I only have to change the broken wheel into a new one. Then we can proceed back home after," Sir Den inserted, making them out of worried.

"Vendia sit under that tree for a while with Mary while Sir Den and I fix the carriage wheel, don't worry. Will get back home before the sunrise," Sir Aloit assures and eases Vendia's worries.

"Okay," Vendia reply, smiling as she then went to sit under the tree with Mary.

Back to the Astrod Kingdom, Prince Adam stays inside his garden house while he sits on a chair inside without an intention to live. Tears of pain and sadness still flow to his cheeks like a river that will never stop running anytime soon. 

"Your Highness," Sir Ken calls out to him. 

"Leave, I want to be alone for now," Prince Adam responds with an exhausted tone of voice. 

"But, Your Highness," Sir Ken insisted, worried.

"Do you want me to feel more ashamed of myself right now?" Prince Adam mentions, and Sir Ken looks at him with a sad expression. 

"No, I'm sorry, Your Highness," 

"Leave, now," Prince Adam reply. Sir Ken then bowed to him and left the garden house in silence.  When he arrived outside, he then meets someone whom he did not want to meet. 

"B-butler Sed," Sir Ken mentions, shocked as he sweats in front of him because of nervousness. 

"Where is Prince Adam?" Butler Sed asks, serious. 

"He is inside the greenhouse and does not want to be disturbed," Sir Ken answer. 

"Why? Has Lady Cathlen already arrive for their dance practice?" Butler Sed asks. 

"She has, but Prince Adam commanded her to leave and go back to the Duke residence early," Sir Ken answers. 

"WHAT? Let me in," Butler Sed, shocked and push Sir Ken away to the garden house door, then get inside.

"Why did you disobey your father or-" Butler Sed went mute upon seeing the Prince in an awful state. He went over to Prince Adam, but he halts when Prince Adam shouts at him. 



"I SAID LEAVE!" Prince Adam stands up and looks at Butler Sed with angry eyes. Butler Sed got scared for a minute, then sigh. 

"What happened..." Butler Sed asks, not listening to Prince Adam's demand.

"I said leave," Prince Adam repeated words as he unsheathed his sword and pointed it close to Butler Sed's neck. 

"Do it," Butler Sed commands, not showing any fear. Prince Adam looks at him, not showing any resistance as well. 

"As you wish," Prince Adam answer as he proceeds without hesitation.


The sound of the sword got blocked by someone.

"Don't you dare!" A piercing tone of voice echo inside the garden house.

"F-father," Prince Adam mentions, shocked. King Phantrel arrived inside with his servants on his back.

"What kind of behavior are you aiming for just now?" King Phantrel asks between his growl. Prince Adam drops his sword and kneels to his Father and apologies.

"Father, I'm so-" He didn't finish his words as King Phantrel slap him hard to his right cheeks, causing him to fall to the floor.

"Han..." Butler Sed shakes his head, signaling King Phantrel to calm down and not hurt his only son any further.

"Hemp!" King Phantrel scoffed and dragged Butler Sed out to the garden house, leaving his son in pain.

"Aren't you going to consult your son? He's crying. Maybe something happened between him and Lady Cathlen," Butler Sed mentions, worried as they keep walking through the hallway with the King servants tailing. King Phantrel halt as Butler Sed, and his servant also does the same. He turns around and lets go of Butler Sed's right hands as he then spotted a light scratch from Butler Sed's neck. King Phantrel frown from the view of it, his heartfelt worried upon seeing his beloved got hurt.

"Does it hurt?" King Phantrel ask wearing a concerned expression, as he went close to Butler Sed, caressing the scratch using his right hand. Butler Sed smile and felt loved as he replies.

"I am fine, don't worry. You should tend to your son's needs instead of worrying over my light scratch, okay?" Butler Sed mentions, but King Phantrel only gives him a frown expression.

"He almost harms and hurts you. Why should I tend him," King Phantrel mentions, insisting on Butler's Sed request.

"Han, he's your only son, and for him to act like that without hesitation, something serious must have happened. Please do this for me. Tend to him, okay?" Butler Sed demand. King Phantrel deep sighs, smiles, and nods.

"Okay, but let me escort you back to your chamber first," King Phantrel accepts Butler Sed demand.

"Okay," Butler Sed responds, sighing in relief as he then smiles at King Phantrel.

On the other side, Sir Michael saw the Vendia crew condition from afar with Maya's help, and they stop following them for a while.

"Are they okay? What did Maya see? Did someone got injured?" Sir Michael asks Ongi as they jump down from their horses one by one.

"Maya saw that their carriage hit a big rock, and it causes their wheel to give out and break, but two of his man companion are already fixing it," Sir Ongi answer. Michael people have special skills that can understand and talk to animals through their sound and actions.

"Oh, that's a relief," Sir Michael sighing in relief.

"But, wait, how's Lady Vendia doing?" He added, asking Sir Ongi as he wears a concerned expression.

"Maya said she is sitting under the tree with her maid," Sir Ongi reply.

"Stop worrying. Are you Lady Vendia's mother?" The man who has silver-black hair and a sturdy body inserted, as Sir Michael looks at him smirking.

"Why are you jealous?" Sir Michael fire back to the man.

"Meh... why would I be jealous?" The man's reply, mocking at his words.

"Hahaha, you have a point, Clark," Sir Michael responds, mentioning the man's name, who looks at him with a grin.

"Sir Clark, do you still have food for birds?" Sir Ongi asks, interrupting their conversation.

"Yes, I still have more. Why? You already run out?"

"Yes, the food that I have prepared for Maya already runs out," Sir Ongi responds.

"Aiyooo, a small bird with an enormous appetite, I see," Sir Clark mentions, and Ongi scratches his head using his left hand embarrass.

"Peetweet?" Maya calls, tilting his head to the right side like he understands Sir Clark's words.

"Haha, Maya, you need to take on a diet, or else you won't be able to carry your body if you get fat. You would not want that to happen, right?" Sir Clark advises Maya as he went close to Sir Ongi and pat Maya's head.

"Tweet," Maya responds, shaking all his feathers, responding to Sir Clark's words and touch.

"Very good, good boy,"

"Owkow," Sir Clark's morning owl call out to him as it landed on his left shoulder out of the blue, making him surprised.

"Oh, yelow already done flying? Or you come back because you saw me patting other birds. Awe, is my yelow jealous?" Sir Clarks mentions as yelow reply drowning his head to his left neck.

"Haha, Sir Clark, you must control your bird, or else you will never get a lover," Sir Vin teases him as Sir Clark looks at him with a frown then smirks.

"Ha! As if you can get one either," Sir Clark backfire as Sir Vin gives a pissed-off expression to him.

"What did you say?" Sir Vin asks, angry.

"Vin, stop you tease him first," Sir Michael stops them from fighting.

"Hemp!" Vin scoff then went to tend his horse while still huffing from anger. Sir Clark giggled, feeling satisfied upon seeing Sir Vin's pissed-off expression as Sir Michael look at him, deep sighing while he shakes his head.

'Ha... this two my God,' Sir Michael thought, stress.

To be continued.

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