Inside Vendia chamber, they are now sitting on a different couch inside Vendia guess room.

"Uncle, I have a horse now. Do you want to see it? Mother and father bought it while we're in the town earlier. He's a boy, and he has a brown and white color on his fur," Vendia mentions, full of excitement, while Sir Aloit only gazes at her confused.

"Horse?" Sir Aloit looks at her with wonder.

"Yes, you promise me you will teach me how to ride a horse so we can ride them together to the mountain, remember?"

"Ahhh, yes. Sorry, hahaha, I almost forgot. Thank you for reminding me," Sir Aloit respond.

"Your welcome, your sure are getting old, uncle," Venida mentions, grinning as Sir Aloit frown at her, sulking.

"I am not that old, hemp!" Sir Aloit's childish reply.

"HAHAHAHA," Vendia laugh at his reaction as Sir Aloit chuckled while admiring his moment with his first love granddaughter.

Inside Lord Marthen's office, Mary and her master are now sitting on a separate couch talking.

"Mary, you won't be joining us tonight," Lord Marthen mentions as Mary looked at them, confused.

"Huh? But why My Lord?" Mary asks, disappointed.

"Because the person Sir Aloit suspected is a fraud," Madam Rose mentions.

"A fraud?"

"Yes, meaning, he is not the one who hired the person whom you fought back at Voldrone land," Lord Marthen respond.

"I see... so Sir Albert is not the one. That's a relief then," Mary blurted out, sighing.

"Why do you call him Sir? And not Prince?" Madam Rose asks as her right brow twitch. Mary looks at them with a shocked expression.

"W-what? Ma-madam, did you say, Prince?" Mary asks, stuttering.

"Yes, he's the third prince of Alfendra kingdom. Why are you so surprised? Don't tell me..." Madam Rose replies, surprise.

"Dear, how can Mary know such a thing?" Lord Marthen reminded his wife that Mary is a servant and not educated about a royal family that much. Mary gasp and talk again, stuttering.

"S-s-so the one, th-the one who is the art-store owner in the town is P-Prince Albert?"

"WHAT? What art-store? Which one is it, the one that Vendia always went to buy her art materials?" Madam Rose asks, worried.

"Yes, it is, Madam," Mary reply with a nod as Madam Rose gasp and felt stress.

"Oh... good lord, how can this happen. Prince Albert's is Prince Adam's cousin..." Madam Rose blurt out, holding her head using her right hand as her expression show anxiety.

"Dear, don't worry. You already know that he only has a good intention for our daughter. You heard Aloit earlier, right?" Lord Marthen, trying to ease his wife's worries and concern.

"I know... but I can't help it..." Madam Rose still felt bothered and concern.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine," Lord Marthen responds to his wife's words.

"Don't worry, Madam. Prince Albert differs from Prince Adam. He is a very considerate and reasonable person," Mary trying to make her madam lease worry too as Madam Rose looks at her for a second then closes her eyes, deep sighing.

"Dear, don't overthink too much, okay? Is bad for your health," Lord Marthen speaks out his concern towards his wife's health.

"Ha..." Madam Rose sigh, calming herself down from overthinking as she then collects herself back and smiles at her husband.

"Is fine if Mary says that he's different from Prince Adam, then is fine as long as he didn't do things that can bring harm to our daughter," Madam Rose responds.

"Don't worry, Madam. Prince Albert is a reliable person. He trusts Miss Vendia and Miss Vendia also trusts her," Mary replied with an assured smile as Madam Rose nod then breath out a relieved sigh. After that, a surprising knock disturbs them.

"What is it?" Lord Marthen answer.

"My Lord is Sebi. Your all dinner is ready. Sir Aloit and Lady Vendia are already waiting for you both in the dining room," Butler Sebi mentions from outside the door.

"Okay, we will be there," Lord Marthen respond as Butler Sebi then leave, striding back to his work.

"Mary, when Vendia asks you about why we buy you a dress. Answer her that those were only a gift from us," Madam Rose instructs her.

"I will, Madam, don't worry," Mary answer as they then all stood up from the couch and went over to the dining room. After one hour of eating, they then fix themselves for the party.

Mary is now inside Vendia chamber, helping her change into her dress. With the other lady servants who also help Vendia with her make-up and hair.

"Mary," Vendia called within her uneasy tone of voice as Mary then went over to her.

"What is it, Miss? Is there something wrong?" Mary asks, concern.

"Why is it that there are so many maids inside my room? Helping me get change today?" Vendia asks as she whispers the last word to Mary's right ear.

"Is uncomfortable,"

Mary chuckled at her words, then reply.

"Because, is a grand party, Miss. The Madam wants you to be a star at the party tonight. So she hired more maids to help you get ready," Mary answer.

"That's unnecessary," Vendia responds, uncomfortable as Mary looks at her with a daring smile.

"I'm not used to having many people helping me to get ready," Vendia added in a whisper as she opens up her discomfort feeling towards Mary while Mary only chuckled at her words again.

"Don't worry, Miss. It will be over soon," Mary respond as Vendia deep sigh.

"Okay," Vendia responds, forcing herself not to mind other people touching her skin, face, and hair, while everyone is busy preparing someone with a high-status barge into the Marquis residence unwelcome.

"Who is it!" The guard asks within his demanding voice.

"We are from the Alfendra Kingdom. We are here for the Marquis daughter by Prince Albert order," The coachman delivered an answer as the Marquis guard then nod to his other subordinates, then went inside the Mansion in pace, and pass a message to Butler Sebi.

"What seems to be the problem?" Butler Sebi asks, a concern because the guard went inside in rash.

"An Alfendra carriage is outside our residence," The guard answer in pace.

"What? Why would an Alfendra come to a Marquis residence?" Butler Sebi asks, confused.

"Sebi, what's wrong?" A deep, demanding voice calls out from his back, making him flinch and surprised.

"My Lord," The guard kneels then bowed, showing respect to his master as Butler Sebi only vows at Lord Marthen.

"My Lord, a carriage from Alfendra is outside our residence," The guard delivered, still kneeling and bowing.

"Stand up," Lord Marthen demand as his guard then stood up straight in front of him.

"Did they state their reason for coming here?" Lord Marthen asks.

"Yes, My Lord, the coachman mention that Prince Albert is here for Lady Vendia," The guard mention, which made Lord Marthen stiff on the ground for a second because of the unexpected name has pronounced by his guard.

'How come he's here? What his intention?' Lord Marthen thought, anxious, and Bulter Sebi saw it.

"My Lord, is something wrong?" Butler Sebi asks, worried.

"Sebi, call Aloit and your Madam to meet me at the guest room right away," Lord Marthen pace instruction, not answering Butler Sebi's words.

"Yes, My Lord," Butler Sebi respond with a nod, then went upstairs to do what Lord Marthen told him to do.

"You follow me," Lord Marthen pointed to his guard as they stride outside to meet the unexpected guest.

"Open the gate!" Lord Marthen exclaimed as his guards then open the gate for the unexpected guest to enter. The carriage then went inside, and the unexpected guest came out from it with a daring smile.

"Good evening to you, Lord Marthen, it's been so long," Sir Albert greets him as Lord Marthen only looks at him with an unpleasant expression.

"Why are you here?" Lord Marthen asks in his discomfort tone of voice.

"Oh, you know pretty well already. Why I'm here, Lord Marthen," Sir Albert answers, smiling.

"I am here to help," Sir Albert added as Lord Marthen looks straight at him with a pressing expression for a second, then he deep sigh.

"Is it true that you are my daughter's friend?" Lord Marthen asks.

"What? You still don't know? Is Sir Aloit haven't told you all about it? Is that why you look at me with an unpleasant expression. When I arrived at your residence?" Sir Albert felt unbelievable.

"Yes and no, we already know because Mary told us all about you, but how come you hide your identity from them. What is your intention?" Lord Marthen asks.

"I didn't hide my identity, they don't know who I am, and they didn't ask. So I didn't bother telling who I am," Sir Albert answer leaving no trace of lies as Lord Marthen only deep sigh.

To be continued.

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