Heir To All

Chapter 846: Demon Prince

After dealing with Lao Wu's affairs, Chu Linguang asked the lord of Crystal City to take care of Lao Wu and others.

And he went straight to the gate of hell.

Chu Linguang vowed not to give up unless he figured out the situation at the gate of hell.

The gate of hell, in Hades Mountain.

Some distance from Crystal City.

In a triangle between Sun City and Crystal City.

At this time, the mountain of Hades was dead silent.

The powerful formation seal envelops the mountain of Hades, covering the mountain of Hades from top to bottom.

It made it difficult for the creatures in the Quartet to rush into it.

Chu Linguang used the space magic magical powers and came to the sky above the mountain of Hades. Although the forbidden array in front of him was strong, he couldn't help him at all. When he shook his figure, he entered the array and came to the top of the mountain of Hades.


Just entered Hades Mountain.

Silhouettes burst out all around.

That is the child of the gate of hell.

They did not leave.

Even waiting for Chu Linguang to arrive.

Seeing this, Chu Linguang calmly cut out with a sword, and directly used the power of the phantom, Chu Linguang also wanted to figure out what the phantom behind him was.


A ghost appears.

That powerful posture slashed out with Chu Linguang's sword.

Although there is no Hongmang roar.

However, the coercion he carried caused the children of the gate of **** to numb their scalp, and even knelt directly on the ground.

The turbulent crowd suddenly died down.

Even countless people retreated quickly.

There was a mess on the ground.

"Old King, come out to me!"

Chu Linguang held a sky-opening axe in his hand.

He slashed towards the hall in the Hades Mountain head-on.


A powerful axe roared out, and some phantom whizzed, even opening his eyes.

In an instant, the axe light went straight to Xiaohan.

Makes everyone shocked.

A layer of defensive light burst out from the hall, but under the impact of this axe, all defenses were instantly crushed.

Rumble, the hall collapsed.

One after another, the figures galloped towards the distance.

Even Chu Linguang saw a series of souls, those souls, as if recuperating in the hall.

"Sure enough, they are all demons and ghosts, how long do you think you can hide?"

Chu Linguang clearly realized that the phantom behind him seemed to exist in awe of the old king and others, so that none of this group dared to emerge.

He behaved in Hades, and no one dared to resist.

Chu Linguang understood.

This is not because of his own strength, able to crush the gate of **** and smash the gate of hell, but the phantom behind him, so that the old king and others dare not move.

But it was the same, the more Chu Linguang had to figure out what the phantom was behind him.

Why did the old king and others be so jealous that even the demon army did not dare to mess around.

"Look at how long you can shrink, if I find the blood pond, I will clean up all the water in the blood pond."

"Come out!"

"come out!"

"come out!"

Chu Linguang went crazy.

There was devastation in the Hades Mountain, the axe rose up into the sky, the sword aura raged, the King Kong palm burst out one after another, and various magical powers were displayed recklessly, as if to crush the entire Hades Mountain directly.

The more people are in contact.

Chu Linguang invented white.

It seems that the power of the phantom that he owns is only owned by himself.

Even in Shenzong’s Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, there is no record of the power of phantom shadows.

Even the power of the thick ink, there is no even a bit of news.

These discoveries made Chu Linguang extremely disturbed.

He always felt that once the phantom behind him reached materiality, he was afraid that his life would be in danger, even if he was the heir to everything, this feeling made Chu Linguang extremely uneasy.

However, this **** gate seems to be able to find the answer.

Judging from the reactions of the old king and others, Chu Linguang realized that they must know who the phantom was.


Chu Linguang used all his strength in this attack.

The axe flooded into Hades Mountain.

Flying sand and rocks on Hades Mountain.

All the buildings on the top of the mountain were destroyed.

The large formation shrouded in Hades Mountain was directly pierced by the axe.

Split in the middle of the mountain.

The cracks spread.

As if a gorge appeared in the middle of Hades Mountain.

Sunlight shot out from this crack like a canyon, it was extremely dazzling and eye-catching.

And under the crack, Chu Linguang also saw bursts of red light.

It was sparkling there.

Countless figures dodge among them.

Chu Linguang glanced intently and couldn't help but look overjoyed. It was the blood pool.

The blood pool in the gate of hell.

Although this blood pool was not the blood pool of the demon **** Mengba Nirvana, it was also the foundation of the gate of hell, and it was also the place where the old king was reborn.

Ruined this blood pool.

The goalkeeper of **** disappeared completely.

Mengba's arm could no longer reach the cultivation world.

Chu Linguang felt so in his heart.

People also rushed in directly.

He wants to destroy this blood pool directly.


The man was still in the air, and before he rushed into the canyon, Chu Linguang cut it down with an axe.

The powerful axe broke out again.

This time, layers of defensive palm prints broke out in the canyon.

It is a red power.

It seemed to burst out of the blood pool.

It actually blocked Chu Linguang's axe light.

However, Chu Linguang's attack did not explode the strongest force.

Cut forward again.

The red power exploded again.

As if it was a skull, it opened its mouth wide to swallow the axe.


The skull burst.

Chu Linguang's slashed axe light rushed into the canyon and slashed into the blood pool.

Ah ah ah!

There were screams.

Obviously, this blow caused the Hell Sect children to pay an extremely painful price.

"Chu Linguang, he grew up from the same root, so why is it too anxious!"

Suddenly the voice of the old king came.

His figure also appeared above the canyon.

As if standing on top of the blood pool.

The whole person is bathed in blood power.

The red light on his body was like pieces of armor.

"What do you mean by this?"

Chu Linguang didn't understand.

"Don't you know that you are the chosen son of the Demon God, the prince of my Demon God clan."

The old king said.

"Chu Linguang, calm down, the gate of **** is your home, and the demon **** is your backer. Come back and take over the gate of hell. We will look forward to you. I believe that under your leadership, the gate of **** can become the strongest plane of this plane. The presence."

An old man followed behind the old king.

But he is just a soul.

There is no physical body.

However, the soul, surrounded by **** power, seemed to be blessed by the flesh, bursts of huge aura, which made people feel uneasy. It seemed that the strength of the old man would not be weaker than the old king.

"The gate of **** is your home, and the devil is your support. Come back!"

There were voices in the blood pool.

One after another.

In the next moment, countless figures appeared above the canyon, looking at Chu Linguang eagerly.

It looked like he really regarded Chu Linguang as the prince of the demon god.

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