Heir To All

Chapter 847: One day you will wake up

"Fuck you shit!"

Chu Linguang was really shocked the more he listened.

Angrily, he held the sky-opening axe and rushed directly towards the crowd.

When he is the demon prince.

My prince your sister.

Is there such a fool?


"No Prince!"

"Get away!"

"Don't hurt the prince!"

In an instant, there was a commotion among the crowd above the canyon.

All of them entered a defensive state, and it looked like they really regarded Chu Linguang as the prince of the demon god, and no one took the initiative to attack Chu Linguang.

But these people, defending at the same time, made up of forces that Chu Linguang could hardly break for a while.

Can only keep going forward.

Focus on the impact.

Attempt to break through and smash the old king's body into thousands of pieces.

Chu Linguang would not believe the old monarch's nonsense.

Of course, the phantom behind it must be related to the demon **** Mengba. He must not allow the phantom to achieve materiality, otherwise, once the current strength is limited by the phantom, how could Chu Linguang bear it.


As a real superb powerhouse.

Chu Linguang's attack was still unreasonable.

Although the old king and others, although there were many people, they were not Chu Linguang's opponents after all.

For a time.

In the canyon.

The pool of blood was boiling.

Bloody water came out of the canyon.

The blood-colored ocean rolled, and the blood-colored waves rushed to the sea, and drowned toward Chu Linguang, trying to block Chu Linguang from outside.

De Chu Linguang couldn't enter the blood pool.

The old king and others could see that Chu Linguang was determined to destroy the blood pond. Once the blood pond was destroyed, the gate of **** would basically be over.

"See when you can hide?"

Chu Linguang roared.

Charge forward again.

"My lord, if you continue to do this, we can only resist."

Standing behind the old king before, only the voice of the old man with divine and soul power came out.

His face appeared in the boiling sea of ​​blood.

He looked respectful, and looked a little helpless.

"Don't pretend to be fools. You think that if you do this, I will let you go. It's impossible."

Chu Linguang's eyes were piercing, and he locked the opponent firmly.

Directly rushed over to kill.

In an instant, the boiling blood water turned the river to the sea, and a **** force, like the power of the sky, came surging.

The demon howled.

The sounds of various ghosts crying and wolf howling came out of the sky full of blood and water.

Even in that **** water, there were arms and various figures struggling in the **** water, as if that was purgatory, the entrance to hell.

All kinds of weird breath.

Along with that sky-reaching power, a shackle was formed, directly covering Chu Linguang.


Chu Linguang hacked it down with an axe.

The axe light was swallowed directly.

The shackles converged towards the middle.

Chu Linguang felt as if his hands and feet were restricted, and his strength was suppressed.

This feeling was like being trapped in an endless magic circle, and it was hard to break free. It was even more uncomfortable than being blocked by the powerful real immortal, the Taoist world behind him.


However, Chu Linguang is a master of space magic.

Seeing the shackles and seals descend.

His body faded.

Using space magic magical powers, he broke free, and his body came to the sky above the canyon.

The axe mang swung down again.

The infinite axe light seems to be split from the sky, as if it came from the hand of Pangu.

The blood boiling in the canyon was instantly hit hard.

With a bang.

The height of the blood water dropped several layers directly.

All kinds of screams kept coming out.


The voice of the old man came out.

He gritted his teeth, helpless.

Originally thought that the shackles arranged by everyone could lock Chu Linguang and let Chu Linguang calm down. Everyone sat down and broke apart. How did you know that Chu Linguang actually mastered the supernatural power of the space technique.

Unexpectedly, they escaped from the shackles and seals.

A fatal blow was given above the crowd.

This blow.

The spirits of the old king and the old man were hit hard.

Although they are crowded and powerful.

But using the power of the blood pool to fight.

But they still can't really control the power of the blood pool, their own strength is not as good as Chu Linguang, and because of Chu Linguang's identity, they can't really hurt Chu Linguang's life.

This made them subject to various restrictions on their shots.

One goes down and the other goes up.

Blame it if you don't die.

It's better to slip away sooner.

"You can't go."

Chu Linguang shouted.

However, I saw it.

The blood-colored ocean boiling in the canyon, soaring into the sky, filled the sky with water jets, and bursts of blood mist covered it layer by layer.

The old king and others all entered the blood pool.

The water level of the blood pool dropped, as if turning into the earth's crust, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The blood pool seemed to swept away the outstanding children of the gate of hell, and escaped under Chu Linguang's nose.

Wait until Chu Linguang rushed out of more than a dozen layers of blood fog.

Reached the depths of the canyon.

Under a pair of fiery eyes, there was no trace of the blood pool.

There is only a deep well without a bottom.

It seemed that this deep well was originally a shelter for the blood pond.

At this time Chu Linguang seemed to realize it.

The blood pool does not seem to be just a sip of blood, it seems to have a strong consciousness, is a complete life form, knows how to retreat and escape, and can keep the gate of **** as the last fire under any conditions.

This discovery made Chu Linguang feel uneasy.

He is not afraid of the immortality of the old king.

I am afraid that the blood pool at the gate of **** will never end, and it will never be destroyed.

"Chu Linguang, you should be fortunate that you are the prince of the demon god, and we are waiting for you to wake up. All the children of the gate of **** are waiting for your orders. One day, you will lead us to level the Three Realms and Six Paths.

Become the demon **** of the world below.

Your faithful believer, desperately hope for your awakening. "

Standing in the deep well, Chu Linguang wanted to go down and see if he could trace the blood pool. Although the blood pool was covered by the divine consciousness and the golden eyes of the fire, he could not detect the slightest trace of the blood pool, but Chu Linguang wanted to give it a try.

Unexpectedly, in the deep well, there were waves of old voices.

It seemed to be the voice of the old man.

Or maybe the blood pool was talking to Chu Linguang.

"Fuck you!"

When Chu Linguang heard the words, he soared directly into the sky and destroyed Hades Mountain. The canyon that had been split by him collapsed directly. The endless rocks rolled down, submerging the canyon and burying the deep well.

Let the majestic Mount Hades become a doomsday scene.

The altitude has changed from towering into the clouds to less than five hundred meters.

From afar, it was a bright red, as if lava was boiling.

"One day, you will awaken."

The voice came again.

In the mighty mountain of Hades.

Chu Linguang looked for it carefully, using his fiery eyes, but couldn't find where the sound came from, but he knew that it must have something to do with the blood pool.

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