Heir To All

Chapter 848: Vortex counterattack

Can't find the blood pool, let alone know what the phantom behind him is.

Chu Linguang was very depressed.

The demon prince among the population of the old king, referring to him, or the phantom behind him, all these problems are waiting for Chu Linguang to dig.

At this time, Chu Linguang, the only thing that can be clear is to find the old king and slaughter them all.

Now they made no sound and fled.

Chu Linguang could only take second place.

Go to the blood pool of Mengbanirvana to find the answer.

In fact, whether you can find the answer or not.

Chu Linguang wanted to destroy the blood pool of Mengba Nirvana, and would never let it fall into the hands of the old emperor.

According to the information on the scroll given by Ti Renfeng, Chu Linguang knew that the blood pool of Mengba Nirvana was some distance away from the gate of hell. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Chu Linguang immediately set off.

The body turned into a long rainbow, galloping toward the blood pool of Mengba Nirvana.

A few days later.

Chu Linguang came to the sky above a forest.

This side is covered with snow and ice all year round.

Silver-clad plain wrap.

The endless white world.

The blood pool, the place where Mengba Nirvana is, is under this forest.

If it weren't for Ren Feng's scroll guidance, how Chu Linguang could find it, I was afraid that the old king and others would not find it here.

Standing above the forest.

Chu Linguang used his dazzling eyes again.

As a real superb powerhouse.

Chu Linguang’s golden eyes at this moment can see through dozens of layers of seals and shackles, piercing the boundless land and reaching the depths, but even so, at this glance, according to the information on the scroll, he knows that the blood pool is below, but Chu Linguang always Unable to see the blood pool clearly through the golden eyes.

Without any choice.

Chu Linguang could only go underground.

It reaches a depth of five or six hundred meters.

Once again, he used his golden eyes and saw a red dot.

That's not underground magma.

It is a blinking eye.

In Chu Linguang's golden eyes, there was an eye, an eye that was watching him.

He went deeper.

I don't know how long it has passed.

Chu Linguang finally came to the sky above the blood pool.

Found the blood pool of Mengba Nirvana.

See this pool of blood.

Chu Linguang had originally risen up, wanting to destroy the blood pool and let the blood pool disappear completely, but at this moment, it disappeared, and even had the urge to enter the blood pool to soak.

"Be sober."

The thought of going down and soaking just appeared, Chu Linguang immediately shook his head violently.

But the moment he opened his eyes, his eyes were indeed blood red.

Even behind the body, that phantom shadow automatically appeared.

Chu Linguang knew clearly that he hadn't used the power of the phantom at all at this time.

"Go down!"

At the end, the ghost made a sound, and the next two words were extremely urgent and excited, as if it came from Chu Linguang's heart.

"No, I'm Chu Linguang, I'm Shenzong Junior Master, I'm the patron saint of Dahua, no, no!"

Chu Linguang shook his head violently.

Turning around and looking behind him, the phantom looked at him.

The eyes were also blood red.

For the first time, Chu Linguang saw the blurred face with a pair of exciting eyeballs covered in blood red.

"Who on earth are you?"

Chu Linguang asked.

The ghost did not answer.

But there was pressure swept through.

Ling's Chu Linguang couldn't help but descend towards the blood pond, and slid straight down seven or eight meters from the air.


at the same time.

The pool of blood was boiling.

Bubbles keep coming up.

There were even blood-colored threads extending from the blood pool, winding towards Chu Linguang's body, as if to pull Chu Linguang into the blood pool.

"Go away!"

Chu Linguang said angrily.

But there was no resistance.

At this moment, his heart is extremely complicated. Seeing the blood pool thread entwined, he didn't want to resist and wanted to be pulled into the blood pool, but he also knew in his heart that once he entered the blood pool, the consequences would be unimaginable. .

Knowing that it is dangerous to go down.

He even understood that these thoughts might be caused by phantoms and blood pools, not their true thoughts.

But entering the blood pool, it seems that you can get powerful power and get the greatest pleasure. These have been tempting and stimulating Chu Linguang.

"This is where your life originated."

The phantom said again.

The voice sounded deep in Chu Linguang's heart.

He even raised his illusory hand and pressed it on Chu Linguang's back, trying to push Chu Linguang into the pool of blood.

The blood-colored threads extending from the blood pool also gradually grew, like tentacles, entwining Chu Linguang's body, pulling it hard, and pulling it into the blood pool.

Chu Linguang could resist.

But don't want to resist.

He was full of curiosity and longing for the blood pond, and he was fully aware that these thoughts might be phantoms at work.

But, in a daze, the phantom voice that appeared in his heart was more like the voice deep in his heart.

Chu Linguang seemed to have lost himself.

In this way, entangled in a pool of blood.

Let the whole person bathe in the pool of blood.

The phantom shadow behind him was also the moment Chu Linguang entered the blood pool, and he immediately sank into the blood pool.

In an instant, the blood pool completely boiled.

The endless blood power, from Chu Linguang's pores, into Chu Linguang's body, wandering in Chu Linguang's blood, and even to Chu Linguang's sea of ​​consciousness, causing everything in Chu Linguang's body to turn blood red.

Chu Linguang also gradually closed his eyes.

Accept all these changes silently.

His consciousness is getting weaker and weaker.

There was endless blood in front of her eyes.

The countless army of demon gods roared in front of them, and the blood sea of ​​corpses was endless.

The Three Realms and Six Paths have become purgatory on earth.

The water waves in the red waters of the upper world seemed to be pure blood, blood in a pool of blood. The gods fell and the demon gods rose.

Also at this moment.

The power in the blood pool completely penetrated into Chu Linguang's sea of ​​consciousness.

The blood pool roared in Chu Linguang's sea of ​​consciousness, and turned into countless shots, wanting to firmly occupy Chu Linguang's sea of ​​consciousness and completely control Chu Linguang.

But at this moment.

The vortex in the sea of ​​consciousness spins violently.

A force surging out from the vortex.

In an instant.

Those scarlet powers are like a mouse meeting a cat.

He almost reflexively withdrew from Chu Linguang's sea of ​​consciousness. Outside of Chu Linguang's sea of ​​consciousness, he shivered and dared not go beyond.

The original of this order was about to lose consciousness. Chu Linguang, who was swallowed by the blood-colored power, suddenly opened his eyes, stood up from the blood pool, looked at the whole body, everywhere, except for the body that was not invaded by the sea of ​​consciousness. Chu Linguang's eyes were brighter than ever.

"Crimson Power, I understand."

Chu Linguang clenched his fists.

He absorbed the power in the blood pool with all his strength and energy.

At this time, he has a clear consciousness. Although his body is wrapped in blood power, he can use this power for his own use. It seems that he can swallow the blood pool.

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