Heir To All

Chapter 857: Force him to show up

"Hahaha, this idea...what are you talking about?"

Master Tianhe laughed, then woke up, furious.

The sky where he was, the raging waves rolled, and there was heavy drifting rain.

"Do you want to die with us?"

The bamboo forest owner snorted coldly.

"Only by killing you can this problem be solved perfectly."

Chu Linguang was also helpless.


The land master was furious.

Continued: "You do seem to be capable, and your strength is even higher than that of any of the three of us, but you and me at this level are fighting against each other and wanting to kill the enemy is not easy.

If you join forces with the three of us, you will undoubtedly die.

At the same time, as long as we destroy the little dragon and make you empty, I believe it will be enough to drive you crazy. "


Chu Linguang's voice sounded again. Although everyone could not see him, he seemed to be able to imagine from his voice that he was laughing at the moment.

"Big deal, I don't want the little dragon, but you don't want to get it."

The master of Hand of Tianhe made a move.

In an instant.

Looking at the city, thousands of currents are rushing.

Numerous water jets rose into the sky, intertwined and converged in the air, turning into a big mouth of blood, surging towards the mother and little dragons.

Obviously the other party felt that Chu Linguang was playing tricks.

I want to make Chu Linguang regret it.

"I want to see if you can stop us at the same time!"

The woman also shot.

The lush bamboo forest seemed to have taken root and sprouted in the watch city a long time ago. Bamboo thorns sprinted out like rain, rushing towards the female and little dragons.


The earth is undulating.

Six or seven yellow giants.

Walk towards the mother dragon.

Every step falls.

The earth was trembling.

Countless houses and buildings were trampled on by the yellow giant, razed to the ground, and countless people turned into mud.

Three true immortal powerhouses shot together.

Regardless of the life and death of ordinary people.

In their eyes.

Under the real fairy, all are ants.

How can ordinary people care if they live or die?

"You all deserve to die!"

Chu Linguang's voice was extremely cold.

He saw the river disperse the crowd, leaving countless people destroyed.

The lush bamboo thorns pierced many people into shreds at the moment they rose from the ground. There were even bamboos that grew out of the bodies of some people. These bamboos rushed towards the female dragon with flesh and blood.

And the people and monks who died at the feet of the six yellow giants were countless.

Looking across the city was in chaos for an instant.

The owner of the so-called City Lord's Mansion Liushen's Mansion was silent at this moment.

It seems that the life and death of these poor people has nothing to do with them.

Seeing Liaowangcheng plunged into chaos, they turned out to be indifferent.

Those powerful people rose up into the sky one after another, like the upper ones, those who looked at the world below condescendingly, died and wounded in this catastrophe.

Not many people feel pity.

Of course, some people dare not say anything.

Looking at the purgatory below, I could only shake my head and sigh, and warned myself that I must become stronger and stronger. Only when I become stronger can I dominate my life and not be trampled on by ants.


Seeing this scene, the female dragon seems to know that it is inevitable to die.

Let the little Jiaolong lie on his back.

It directly unlocks racial supernatural powers.

Even if you die, you have to stand.

Die in the hands of three human true immortal powerhouses, it seems that it is also a very good home.

"You three beasts, get out!"

Chu Linguang's voice roared in the air.

A blood-colored figure appeared above.

The scarlet figure is a giant.

Under this roar.

The Hand of Tianhe collapsed.

The hand of the bamboo forest also burst.

The six yellow giants rushing towards the female flood dragon continued to melt away, like sand, collapsed instantly.

A powerful blood-colored force spread everywhere, even into the ground.

Following those three different forces, they were rushing towards the three people in the dark.



Power bursts.

A blood red.

A figure rose into the sky embarrassedly, and slammed a palm, blocking a **** force.


To the southwest.

A woman moved hurriedly and dodged several times. After all, she couldn't avoid the **** palm prints. She was slapped flying with a palm and appeared in the air. She looked shocked and felt incredible.


True north.

A little old man in a black robe turned into countless figures, soaring into the sky, forming a yellow giant in the air, stomped hard, trying to directly defeat the spreading **** power.


Unexpectedly, it was the yellow giant who broke down.

The figure of the little black-robed old man flew out of the collapsed giant, stumbled in the air, and finally got his foothold.

The three of them looked towards the scarlet giant above the martial arts field.

There was a deep jealousy in his eyes.

They knew that the other person's real body was not exposed.

But nevertheless.

Three people were forced to show up unexpectedly.

At the same time, all three of them suffered.

If this kind of result hadn't happened just now, they wouldn't believe it if they were killed. In this lookout city, someone shot away, and at the same time made them hiding in the dark show up at the same time, and they were extremely embarrassed.

It's as if the mouse was picked up directly from the cave by humans.

There is no resistance.

And this scene.

It also shocked and even frightened the other powerhouses in the city.

The people in Liushenfu had some actions.

Originally in the dark.

There were also several figures, locking down the little flood dragon.

He wanted to take advantage of the chaos and take the little Jiaolong away and escape.

But at this moment, the scarlet giant appeared in the sky above the martial arts field.

The real celestial powerhouses in the three directions were forced out, and they all appeared very embarrassed. This scene made them feel particularly jealous of the owner of the scarlet giant.

The other party hasn't shown up yet.

Shows such strength.

Once the real body appeared, I was afraid that no one in Watching City could resist it.

Some people even doubt whether this person will be the most powerful person in the Baiyun Sect.

Although in the eyes of ordinary people, Liuwangcheng is the final say in Liushenfu, but in the hearts of Liushenfu and many true immortals, they know that the strong of Baiyunzong is the real master of the city.

"Force him to show up!"

Master Tianhe shouted.

at this point.

The three can't stop.

Otherwise, there is no face.

Even if you can't get the little dragon, you still have to ask Chu Linguang to act today and let everyone see what he looks like.


The woman looked aggrieved, as if she had never been humiliated like this.

The sky was suddenly covered by bamboo forests.

She disappeared, as if she was in this bamboo forest.

"I'll help you!"

The master of the hand of the earth, the little old man in black robe, injected the sky full of loess color breath and continuous earth color power into this bamboo forest, letting his magical powers merge with the woman's.

"And I!"

Thousands of water fell from the sky and rushed into the bamboo forest.

The originally suspended bamboo forest was down-to-earth in the air, supported by the earth below, and rainwater in the sky, the power of supernatural powers soared.

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