Heir To All

Chapter 858: Kill three people in a row

Three real immortal first-class powerhouses joined forces to critically strike Chu Linguang.

The three layers of Taoism are integrated.

Take the world fortune.

For a time.

The original lush bamboo forest rushed like the ocean.

The earth undulates among the rhizomes of the bamboo forest.

The torrential rain shuttled through the bamboo forest, and the water flowed into a series of poisonous snakes, looking hideous and terrifying.

Covered by the three layers of Taoism, the entire watch city became extremely depressed.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky above. The endless bamboo forest that shades the sun felt that they were extremely small, and even short of breath, and felt a deep anxiety, as if everyone was a drop of water and a particle of dust in this bamboo forest. , A piece of bamboo leaf.

Fate is firmly in control.

Always unable to struggle.


The bamboo forest is rolling.

It was as if the earth was rolling, hitting Chu Linguang directly.

To be precise, it was the scarlet giant that Chu Linguang evolved in the air.

At this time, the three people's Taoism merged and complemented each other.

At the same time, the power of mana and supernatural powers have been improved as never before. All the gods and senses have blocked the watch city, and they want to search for the trace of Chu Linguang, who knows, at this time, they can only determine the figure of the scarlet giant.

It is still impossible to know where the controller behind the Scarlet Giant is.

This discovery made the three people obviously a little uneasy.

But the arrow had to be sent on the string.

The three had no time to hesitate.

Inject all mana and supernatural powers into this bamboo forest.

In the eyes of countless people.

The tumbling bamboo forest.

The water rushed and turned into a wild beast. Under the bamboo forest, the power of the earth did not pop out of huge heads, as if it was easy to shoot, it could make Chu Lin lose his life.

However, in the air, like the scarlet giant who had been blocked by the three layers of Dao Yun, Gu Jing Wubo, just guarding him in front of the mother, flood dragon and her son, when the three layers of Dao Yun rushed in.

The scarlet giant just raised his hand.

Toward the front, take a shot forward.

Boom boom boom!

Looking at the city, the mountains shook.

A boundless palm print burst out from the hands of the scarlet giant, forming a tendency to cover the sky and the sun, drowning everyone.

Covers the three layers of Taoism.

Chu Linguang was nourished by the **** power.

He had long since transformed from the super-class level of the real immortal to a super-class existence beyond the real immortal. He had no idea about his specific strength.

The only thing that is certain is that he seems to be able to kill a group of true immortal powerhouses with a random punch.

Of course, that is an ordinary real immortal powerhouse.

But even in the face of the hand of Tianhe, the hand of the bamboo forest, the hand of the earth, such a real immortal first-class powerhouse, Chu Linguang didn't care about it.

The pure King Kong palm blasted out directly.

Let his palm power reach the extreme.

This is the explosion and escalation of pure power, and there is no other law of Taoism injected.

But even so.

That is also ruining the world.

The world of Taoism formed by the three.

There are turbulent waters, the earth is undulating, and the vigorous bamboo forest is like being disintegrated in an instant by the hand of heaven. Taoism is everywhere, its function collapses, and the bamboo forest instantly withers and falls down.

The undulating land was torn on the spot, and the dust turned into bursts of ochre brilliance. It wanted to gather, but in the process of gathering, it was directly refined into nothingness.

And the water tumbling in the bamboo forest.

As if being emptied by this palm, a heart-piercing cry came out.

The master of the Hand of Tianhe, blood is spilled into the sky.

The arm was torn.

The little old man in black robe, who controls the power of the earth, lost half of his body, and walked away in a panic.

The woman's body was battered, and she was terrified all day long.

Also turned around and fled.

The three people join forces, and the Tao and Yun overlap.

The three powers overlapped, and the resulting lethality, even if the real immortal super-first-class powerhouse faced it, would have to retreat. How could it be known that it was directly destroyed by Chu Linguang's handprints of King Kong.

Moreover, Chu Linguang at this time had not yet appeared.

Just using the evolving scarlet giant figure against them, there is such a skill and lethality, it is hard to imagine how the three of them can stand it if they show up in person.


Panicked, the three ran away in a hurry.

Abandoning the power of Dao Yun, letting the magical powers erupt freely, raging in the watch city, and ignore them at all. Their magical powers are devastating to the civilians, even ordinary people.


The other strong people who looked at the city took a breath after another.

The palace lord of Liushen Palace, that is, the palace lord of the city lord’s palace, the lord of the city watching the city, directly ordered that no one should spy on the scarlet giant, let alone the whimsical idea of ​​hitting the female dragon and the little dragon.

He even felt intensely disturbed about the matter of capturing the female dragon and escorting to the martial arts field, wanting to tame it in public.

It is hard to imagine, if the other party finds fault.

How can Liushenfu and Liaowangcheng be able to resist.


The mother Jiaolong saw this scene.

It originally thought it would be difficult to escape from birth. At this moment, it was whispering in its heart, and it seemed to be communicating with the little dragon.

"This human being is too strong, if you don't want to tame me, I can't agree, but you can't."

Obviously Chu Linguang aroused the approval of the mother Jiaolong.

Of course, letting his son become Chu Linguang's mount, as a mother, he still couldn't agree.

If his own son, just like himself, is just an ordinary dragon.

It may not object.

With the opponent's level of strength, even if the Dragon Clan knew that their mother and son had become his mounts, there should be nothing to say.

But the son may become a dragon.

This level of identity is too noble.

Neither the female dragon nor the dragon clan members would agree.


The little dragon is also responding to the mother dragon.

During the wailing, it seemed to have conveyed the recognition of Chu Linguang, but it was only a recognition of the thought of not surrendering. It seemed that it was more proud of its mother than its mother.

"Now that you have dealt with it, don't want to leave."

The Scarlet Giant spoke.

Chu Linguang shot again.

When the three of them joined forces and the Dao Yun overlapped and killed him, Chu Linguang didn't intend to spare the three of them. What's more, the three were indifferent and treated the lives of ordinary people as ants.

A big battle came down.

Not to mention that tens of thousands of civilians died under the influence of their magical methods.

Like this kind of true immortal who ignores the lives of other people and uses fierce methods to affect countless people at every turn, keeping them will only continue to harm the innocent, causing blood to flow in this land.


Chu Linguang shot again.

Did not hesitate.

The King Kong's palm prints were the same as before, drew a circle in the air, and patted them one after another.




Three crackles.

The three had not had time to run far.

It turned into blood mist in the air.

The spirits are all shattered.

On the spot, the form and spirit were all destroyed.

Facing Chu Linguang's interception, they couldn't stand it at all, and they couldn't even resist. When they were covered, they wanted to scream, but they died.

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