"Huang Tianfa, thunder!"

Zhang Qingyuan shouted, Yin Qi surged through his body, and then he pointed his sword with one hand, pointing at"Dian Wei".


Lightning flashed, and a thin whip-like lightning snake burst out and instantly hit"Dian Wei".

Lightning jumped on his body, freezing him in place. The broken hand held the bone knife and chopped it down on his head. The seemingly blunt bone knife actually cut off half of his head directly, with great power.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it!"

Zhang Qingyuan seized the opportunity, unplugged the gourd on his waist and jumped up, pointing the black mouth of the gourd at"Dian Wei" and shouted:

"Come in!"

A powerful suction force enveloped him, and a black light spurted out, wrapping around"Dian Wei" and sucking him into the gourd without any hindrance.

After covering the gourd with the stopper, Zhang Qingyuan patted the gourd with satisfaction and said,"This thing is good, it works very well."


A cold snort came from behind, and Zhao Jin saw that he had dealt with"Guan Gong" at some point. Standing on the stairs, he said:"If it weren't for this broken hand helping you hold him back, with your casting speed, you would have been chopped down countless times."

Zhang Qingyuan said helplessly:"I can't do anything about it. The time is too short and I haven't practiced many things well."

""Okay, okay, don't be so naive. If you can practice like this for a few months, you can barely pass the test. Don't dawdle here, hurry up to the sixth floor."

After saying that, Zhao Jin took the sword and climbed up the corridor again.

In the live broadcast room, netizens were all green-eyed.

【Shit, was Gou Dadan rubbing lightning with his hands just now?】

【It's so bright that my Carslan titanium alloy dog eyes are blinded】

【You are so brave, you have three seconds to hand over the secret book, and I will barely recognize you as my son.

The filial son and grandson kept arguing, but Zhang Qingyuan didn't bother to pay attention to them and followed Zhao Jin upstairs.

Without the obstruction of ghosts, the two of them arrived at the sixth floor in less than a minute. There were three doors in total, standing on the left, right and middle of the staircase. It was a relatively compact residential building style.

"Judging from the location, it should be this room."Zhang Qingyuan pointed to the door on the left.

There was a house number 7-602 on it. A faint light could be seen through the crack of the door. He put his ear to the door and heard the opera very clearly. It seemed that he had found the right place.

Through the security door, the ghost's spiritual sense felt a great threat, just like prey encountering a natural enemy, and instinctively wanted to stay away from this door.

"Senior, I will cover your retreat." He raised the evil-slaying knife and decisively retreated behind Zhao Jin.

"What a promising future! He has the same surname as the Great Celestial Lord?" Zhao Jin took the opportunity to dig up old history,"Get out of the way, I have to make preparations first, we can't just rush in like this."

As he spoke, Zhao Jin took out a piece of yellow cloth from the cloth bag slung across his waist and shook it open. He saw a Tai Chi Bagua diagram painted on it, which looked a bit like Uncle Jiu's. Spreading the yellow cloth on the ground, Zhao Jin took out an empty bowl and turned it upside down on the Tai Chi diagram in the center of the Bagua, and then took out five lifelike paper figures, almost the same as the paper-cut figures just now.

However, these five paper figures were not as sloppy as the previous yellow paper figures. Not only were the facial features and clothes drawn, but the five people also worked together to lift a sedan chair.

"This is the Five Ghosts Moving Secret Technique that I got from Mount Mao before I died. Great Lord Mao worked under the Emperor of Fengdu and passed down many ghost arts, all of which are unique."Zhao Jin explained as he fiddled with it.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens were very excited.

【This old Taoist priest is on par with Uncle Jiu.】

【Did you hear that? This is the secret technique of Maoshan. But didn't he introduce himself as being from Zaoge Mountain? Or is he the uncle of the cute girl?】

【Stealing skills... You get it, right? Who says that Taoist priests from Zaoge Mountain can't know the secret techniques of Maoshan?

After a moment, Zhao Jin clapped his hands and stood up, looking at his arrangement with satisfaction.

"Senior, what's the use of this?" Zhang Qingyuan came forward and asked

"Hehe, this is very useful. The fellow Taoists of Maoshan used to catch zombies and ghosts everywhere, and they often encountered dangers. This Five Ghosts Technique was their last resort to escape, and I don't know how many lives of Maoshan Taoists have been saved."

"With this thing, even if something unexpected happens, we will at least be able to save our lives. It can bring us out at the critical moment." As he said this, he took out two strands of hair of unknown origin and said,"Here, hold them in your mouth, and then the Five Ghosts will take you away. Don't lose them."

Zhang Qingyuan naturally obeyed, took the hair, and stuffed it into his mouth, deliberately placing it between his lips and teeth, so that he would never lose it.

"Get ready, I'll go in first, you follow closely, and when we get in, no matter what you see, don't panic. If you can see me, come over and join me, if you can't, find a safe place to wait, don't act on your own."

Zhao Jin warned very seriously, and Zhang Qingyuan nodded repeatedly.

After that, Zhao Jin raised his hand and pressed it on the security door. A vortex appeared with his palm as the center, and the next second, the whole person was sucked in.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't rush in, but turned to face the camera and said to the netizens in the live broadcast room:"My friends, I'm taking risks now. I'm going to fight a female ghost. Don't forget to swipe '666' later. Of course, I don't mind if a rich boss gives me a big reward."


【Kuaidou Daxian, with boundless magic power, can exorcise ghosts and ward off evil spirits, better than any other immortal……】

【Kuaidou Daxian, boundless power! 】

In addition to 666, netizens began to post strange content again. In just a few months, he changed from Zhang Dadan to Gou Dadan. Is he going to become Kuaidou Daxian again?

It seems a bit too arrogant. How can he face the ancestors of the Zhang family in the future with a sentence that is better than all the immortals?

This generation of netizens can always understand things from all kinds of strange angles.

Zhang Qingyuan did not argue with the netizens in the live broadcast room anymore. With a nervous mood, he pressed his hand on the door. Suddenly, a suction force came, and his whole body was like jelly. He was directly pulled into a long strip by the vortex that appeared on the door and then sucked in.

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