Woo, wow, wow...

The cold wind was raging, the ground was barren, and a small village was located in front. At the entrance of the village stood a tall black tree, without a single leaf, but hung with white, juicy fruits.

Zhang Qingyuan didn't know what kind of fruit it was, and he would arrest Director Hu to ask him when he had the chance.

The village was very dark, but you could see white cloth and funeral couplets hanging on the doors of every household. It looked eerie and scary, not like a village, but rather like a huge tomb.

But in the center of the village, you could see a red light rising into the sky, and faintly heard the sound of drums and music from the stage, as well as various operas, which was very lively.

"Senior, Senior……"

He shouted a few words at the top of his voice, but the surroundings were very quiet, not even a fart, let alone a response.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh… the severed hand climbed onto his shoulder, Zhang Qingyuan took the phone from him, and then handed the bone knife to the severed hand.

"Watch it for a while, if you find anything wrong, just chop it directly, don't give me face."

The broken hand took the knife and swung it twice very skillfully, creating two strong winds.

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

He is much more skilled than me. I feel ashamed for no reason.

After getting ready, Zhang Qingyuan carefully walked towards the village with his broken hand. As soon as he reached the entrance of the village, he heard a sound from the side. The branches of the strange tree were shaking, and the fruits hanging on the tree collided with each other, making a tinkling sound.


This strange fruit actually grew a bunch of small mouths, which made eerie laughter, like a group of babies howling, and the sound was extremely sharp.

Zhang Qingyuan felt as if a steel needle was inserted into his ear, and the severe pain made the scene in front of him blurry.


The severed hand next to him suddenly waved the bone knife and chopped towards the ground.


The white fruit on the tree let out a scream, and black juice came out of the cracked ground. A vine-like thing struggled to come out from inside.

""Damn, this ghost tree!" Zhang Qingyuan took the opportunity to break free from his discomfort and chopped the evil-slaying knife in his hand towards the ghost tree. With a dull sound, the evil-slaying knife chopped on the tree trunk, tearing a crack, and the same black juice flowed out of it, like blood. Just as he was about to chop the second time, the fruits on the tree fell down with a swish, rolling everywhere.


"Eat it!"

These fruits, with their mouths full of sharp teeth, jumped towards Zhang Qingyuan, jumping around like basketballs.

His feet began to itch, and he took the opportunity to volley a powerful shot, kicking out another banana ball. If the conditions were not allowed, he would have celebrated on the spot. The severed hand was extremely flexible, flying in the air, and the bone knife in his hand drew a series of cold lights. The white fruit that was cut directly exploded, exploding with green and sticky juice, which was very disgusting.

"Huang Tianfa, thunder is coming!"

It's thunder again!

The blinding lightning tore through the dark sky and crashed down towards the ghost tree.



The lively white fruit screamed and collapsed to the ground, no longer showing its previous arrogant look.

"Cut it off for me……"

He shouted, raised his sword and chopped at the ghost tree.

Suddenly, a cold light shot out and hit his sword. The huge force almost made him lose his grip on the sword, and he stepped back several steps.

"Which shameless thing attacked me from behind?" He held the knife and scanned the surroundings with a sharp gaze.

"Humph, it's me!"

Zhao Jin came out of the darkness with his hands behind his back, and said with a deadpan face,"I told you not to act rashly after you come in. You're making so much noise with the beatings and thunder, are you afraid that others won't know you've come in?""

"Uh... I wanted to go in and find the senior, but this ghost tree suddenly attacked me." Zhang Qingyuan said helplessly.

Zhao Jin ignored him, walked straight to the ghost tree, touched the trunk, and said affectionately:"What a good thing, fortunately I came in time, if you had chopped it down in one go, I would have wanted to pick up the sword and chop you."

As the saying goes, there is no gain without pain, this old ghost is usually very shrewd, and judging from the appearance, this tree must be a good thing.

Zhang Qingyuan immediately stopped talking, ran up and said with a smile:"Senior, you deserve to live a long life, tell me, what is this thing?"

Zhao Jin glanced at him sideways, put his hands behind his back and acted like a master:"You should know the technique of sowing beans to make soldiers in"The Taiping Heavenly Book"?"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded repeatedly:"Of course I know, but it requires the help of spiritual seeds……"

Halfway through his words, he suddenly reacted, looked at the white fruits humming all over the ground, and asked doubtfully:"What do you mean, senior?"

Zhao Jin nodded:"Yes, although this thing is not a spiritual root of heaven and earth, and cannot compare to the spiritual seeds used by real immortals, but for you at present, it can barely be used."

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly realized, and hurriedly flattered:"Senior still knows a lot."

Having said that, Zhang Qingyuan was not polite and directly collected all the remaining fruits from the severed hand into the Sumeru Ring. Although many of them were cut into pieces by the severed hand, he still collected more than 20 intact fruits in the end.

"What about this tree?"

"Keep it, and when we get rid of this evil spirit, find a way to move it back and plant it somewhere, so that it can bear fruit at any time in the future."Zhao Jin thought very far ahead.

Zhang Qingyuan gave him a thumbs up:"Senior, you are still thoughtful."

"cough cough……"Zhao Jin suddenly coughed twice, and said with a vague look:"Well, when we get back, show me the art of turning beans into soldiers. This magical skill is not simple. I will check it for you so that you don't make mistakes by practicing blindly."

Zhang Qingyuan:"……��

So you've been laying the groundwork for this for a long time, just for this sentence?

Seeing him hesitate, Zhao Jin glared at him and said,"Why, you don't want to?"

"How could it be possible... Aren't you thinking about which magic you should learn from your senior?"Zhang Qingyuan was not stupid either, and hinted that Zhao Jin would also use magic to exchange, so no one could get it for free.

"You are quite a cunning boy. Okay, let's talk about this later. Now let's get rid of the ghosts in the village first."

""Follow me closely, open your eyes wide, this is the lair of the female ghost, you may face her at any time." Zhao Jin reminded again.

Zhang Qingyuan would not be careless, and turned to the broken hand and said:"It's the same sentence just now, if you find anything wrong, cut it first."

The broken hand was extremely excited and slashed in the air a few times, and the bone knife danced in the wind.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Jin couldn't help but said:"I don't know whether to say you are unlucky or lucky. You can meet this broken hand in such a dangerous place like Youdu. It is a good helper."

Zhang Qingyuan is now very satisfied with the broken hand. It can be used as a mobile phone holder when nothing is done, and it can also be used to chop people with a knife when something happens. It is simply perfect.

It is better than the boss's personal secretary.

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