
At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Lu Qi was startled by the ringing of the phone and quickly got up

"Hey, boss, why are you calling me so late? I just went to bed.……"Lu Qi acted cute to express his dissatisfaction.

On the other end of the phone, Yan Ziyue's irritable voice came:"Nonsense, do you think I want it? The boss just called me and asked me to go back to work overtime. Prepare wolfberry water tonight and work all night."

"Uh... Boss, wolfberry soaked in water doesn't seem to be used in this place!" Lu Qi replied weakly.

"I don’t care what you use it for, just get back to the company, quick. Damn it, that bastard Zhang Dabing, he’s still bothering me even after he’s dead." Yan Ziyue hung up the phone swearing. Lu Qi was speechless, unable to communicate the benefits of soaking wolfberries in water to this boss who hadn’t been nourished by love for thirty years.

After packing up, he went out to get a taxi and returned to the office half an hour later. Everyone in the department was called in.

Yan Ziyue, holding a stack of documents, stood in the office with her hands on her hips and shouted,"Listen to me, this is a task assigned by the boss himself.

Everyone knows about the sudden situation in Chunjiang Community tonight.

The local media has reported it, and it has exploded on the Internet.

The popularity has risen rapidly.

To cooperate with the popularity tonight, we must do our best to promote the traffic of Qingyuan Temple.

Everyone, cheer up and work hard.

You will be given a day off after the work is done.


Lu Qi took the information and saw that it was the latest platform traffic report. Chunjiang Community, Zhang Dabing, Yinchai, haunted... several hot words were listed.

The other document was the introduction document of Qingyuan Temple that Su Qiaoyang delivered to Yan Ziyue’s office this evening.

"Hurry up, there must be a result before the boss comes to work tomorrow morning."

Being called back to work overtime at midnight, Lu Qi was angry but dared not say anything. He looked up the contact information of major travel and store exploration bloggers on the platform and made calls one after another to work overtime.

"……Yes, that's right, I'm promoting Qingyuan Temple. I've sent you the information. When you post the video, remember to use those keywords. I've reviewed it for you."

"What? Too late? Too late? I'm working overtime and you're telling me it's too late. Do you still want traffic in the future?"

"I have to release a video tonight, start preparing my emotions, and start pushing it tomorrow. Hurry up, don’t give me any nonsense."

The office was filled with the sound of phone calls. Some of the irritable ones had already taken the platform anchor as an object of venting their anger, and they responded with a barrage of insults.


The Underworld Suppression Department.

Zhang Qingyuan and Zhao Jin stood in front of Yu Xuanji's case in a proper manner.

"……Senior Yu, this is probably what happened. The female ghost was dumped by a man, and she became self-pitying and turned into a fierce ghost. She also specifically seeks men's lives. Thanks to Senior Zhao Jin's presence, otherwise, who knows how many more people the female ghost would have harmed." Zhang Qingyuan roughly recounted what happened in Chunjiang Community.

After listening to it, the latter didn't know what to think, and sighed quietly:"What is love in the world? It makes people promise to be together for life and death... Since ancient times, beautiful women have been short-lived, what a pity."

Zhang Qingyuan:"???"

Leader, what do you mean by saying this? Are you sympathizing with the female ghost?

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Zhang Qingyuan immediately reacted: It’s over, it’s over... I forgot that Yu Xuanji was also a scumbag in her life, so she became a monk.

Damn, no wonder Old Ghost Zhao was so kind and gave him the opportunity to report his work and show off his face.

Zhang Qingyuan thought of the description of the female ghost just now, love-brained, dog-licking... Every word touched Yu Xuanji's nerves.


He glanced at Yu Xuanji secretly, her face was hidden by the paper umbrella, and he couldn't see it clearly... It was the first time that he hated another thing as much as he hated safety pants. Looking at Zhao Jin next to him, this old ghost looked like nothing happened, his eyes looking at the ceiling.

"You...are very good! You are very capable! If you have nothing else to do, go back first."

Yu Xuanji's words were emotionless, and she even praised him twice, but as we all know, you have to listen to a woman's words in reverse, and you have to go around in circles before you can guess the final meaning of her words.

Zhang Qingyuan was uneasy, and he and Zhao Jin left the Suppression of Evil Division.

"Shit, old man Zhao, are you trying to trick me on purpose?" Zhang Qingyuan was furious as soon as he walked out of the door.

Zhao Jin jumped up and cursed,"Bullshit, I gave you the opportunity to show off and show off in front of Senior Yu, so I asked you to say that."

"You said you didn't cheat me, but you knew it before I even said anything."

Zhao Jin was speechless, his old face was embarrassed, and he turned the tables and said,"You can't blame me for that. It's you who didn't control your mouth and said whatever you wanted. I told you long ago that I would give you the Tiancan Talisman, but you didn't want it."

"What do you mean I have no control over my words? I examine myself three times a day and I will definitely correct my mistakes if I make any.……"

"Humph! You're still reflecting on yourself, have you corrected your mistakes?"

Zhang Qingyuan argued, pulling his neck,"Of course... I reflected on myself three times and found that it was all other people's fault, how can I correct it?"

Zhao Jin: I really want to hit someone.

He said with a dark face,"Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to talk to you, don't worry, Senior Yu won't care about this little thing."

"Let me first tell you what happened just now. When will you have my golden statue erected in the temple? Don’t say I took advantage of you. After that, I will tell you the secret of Taoism. It is definitely something that will not be found in the Taiping Heavenly Book. It will be very useful to you in the future."

Zhang Qingyuan's heart moved, and he asked quietly:"Is it about incense?"

Zhao Jin glanced at him and said:"You are quite smart. How long has Lingshan been burning incense for you, and you found out?"

"As the saying goes, people fight for a breath, Buddha fight for a stick of incense... This is true, but not entirely true. It's not just Buddhas who fight for a stick of incense, all the gods and immortals fight for it. That thing is very useful."

"In addition, I remind you again, you can use the power of incense, but don't easily integrate it into your true soul light. I will tell you how to use it when the time comes."

Zhao Jin was mysterious and didn't want to see the rabbit, so it was obvious that Zhang Qingyuan would not tell him unless he set up his golden body in the temple.

"This old ghost is really a cunning ghost……"

Cursing inwardly, Zhang Qingyuan said goodbye to him at the gate of the inner city. He didn't plan to go back to the Yin house for the time being. He had to go to the Chachasi before that.

Brother Hu died, and was converted by Zhao Jin with the"Duren Jing" and sent to the underworld. He should have entered the underworld by now. I don't know if he will pass through Jinji Mountain, Evil Dog Ridge, etc. like the normal way to enter the underworld.

He planned to find Lin Fu to check his whereabouts so that he could find him.

Although the two had known each other for a short time, Brother Hu was willing to donate blood and burn Yin money for him in order to fulfill his promise. This friend is worth making.

At that time, think of a way to make Brother Hu a Yin messenger. In the future, at least more friends and more roads will be good for him.

And Bian Fei, he must hurry to get him into the Suppression of Evil Division.

Finally, there is Jian Jiaozi. If you want to find a way to get an old ancient book to fool around, you have to find Lao Wang for this matter. With Lao Wang's status in the world of the living, this matter should not be too simple.

The only problem is that he didn't know who the person who met him in Fengdu was. Before he left, Xue Ren only said that someone would come to find him, but he didn't say who it was.

I feel like I'm an undercover agent?

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