In the world of the living.

A group of office workers squeezed into the subway and bus to go to work, and habitually took out their mobile phones to watch videos

"……Last night, Chunjiang Community was haunted, and Zhang Dadan broadcast a live broadcast of a battle with a female ghost all night long!"

The onlookers were shocked:"Ah? Kuaishou can broadcast this? Is the female ghost pretty? Is she censored?"

"Get lost... Damn it, don't tell me you know me outside anymore."

On the bus and subway, almost everyone who watched the video saw content related to the same topic: Chunjiang Community, Zhang Dadan!

The popularity of related terms directly dominated the top ten hot searches, and even the news of celebrities cheating, which netizens used to love to hear, was suppressed, and the popularity was far behind

"Holy shit... It's haunted! Why do I feel like the whole world has changed when I woke up this morning? Where's Newton? Where's Einstein? You can't just ignore them because they're dead, right?"

"Are you going crazy? How can no one take care of such ridiculous content?"

Everyone in Daxia who saw the video started discussing it, and there were hundreds of thousands of comments under the video.

【It's Zhang Dadan again. Do you believe this? I've wasted my nine years of compulsory education. Evil disciples, don't mention your master's name in the future.】

【Quickly shake the immortal, the magic power is boundless……】

【It's really quick to shake the gods, it's better to pray to God than to pray to Buddha.

There are spectators, there are argumentative people who rebel when encountering things, and there are die-hard fans of Zhang Qingyuan. The comment area is noisy, and even the entire Internet is noisy. Major portals and well-known newspapers have begun to reprint related content.

The content of the interview by the local media in XN is like a nuclear bomb, which has blown up the entire Daxia public opinion field.

Zhang Dabing, who is the protagonist of the hot search, doesn't know about the world of the living. His account has directly gained 5 million followers in just a few hours, and many anchors shed tears of envy.

Regardless of whether netizens believe in ghosts or not, in short, with such a huge amount of exposure, the matter has successfully gone viral and affected all areas of the world of the living.

For example, Lao Wang hadn't gotten up in the morning, and various business partners called to inquire about the situation. After all, the matter of catching ghosts in his family was also a sensation.

"Don't worry, it must be true. Mr. Zhang is indeed a ghost. If it weren't for his help last time, my Wang family would have been finished."

"Yes, we built a temple, and it's almost finished... What? You want to invest money to expand it, that's fine, I'll ask Mr. Zhang for you"

"Is your place haunted too? Sure, let me ask Mr. Zhang if he can help."It has been so many years since Wang Zhengyang took the helm of the Wang family. He has not been so busy for many years. He has received dozens of calls and people are still calling in.

The poor are afraid of having no money, and the rich are afraid of not having the opportunity to spend money. Almost everyone who can call is seeking peace of mind. Even if they have not encountered any strange things like ghosts, they still want to establish a relationship in advance, just in case they need it in the future, or they can ask about Feng Shui or something.

Of course, the more important thing is to inquire about the affairs of the underworld and understand the market in advance, so as not to be in trouble after death. If you don't live well in the underworld, after all, you can't live forever, so you can only hope to continue to be a ghost in the underworld and exploit those poor ghosts to make a living.

This is something that emperors of all dynasties cannot escape, not to mention a group of businessmen who are in the world of fame and fortune.

Of course, Wang Zhengyang also received calls from some powerful people who were powerful enough for him to take seriously. Almost everything he knew was told.

Quick shake the company headquarters.

Yan Ziyue, who had been up all night, finally saw Su Qiaoyang step into the door of the company in high spirits.

She hurriedly greeted him and said,"Boss, we……"

"Needless to say, I saw it on the way here. You did a good job. You worked hard last night, but you can't stop yet. Tell the employees that the purpose of hyping up last night's hot search was to promote Qingyuan Temple. This is a request from one of our major shareholders. We must do it well."

"Yes Yes……"Yan Ziyue responded immediately.

Watching Su Qiaoyang's back as he entered the elevator, she couldn't help but wave her fist at him, cursing in her heart: Su Ba Pi, I stayed up all night and didn't let me rest. All men are bad, especially those with the surname Zhang.

"It's all because of him, that Zhang Dade, the hateful man, you'd better pray that I live a hundred years, otherwise I will go to hell and hang you up and beat you, drip wax, whip you, tie you up……"Yan Ziyue cursed as she returned to her office.

The employee sitting in the aisle waited until she was far away before looking up with a look of horror.

"Wax dripping? Whip? So the boss likes this kind of thing. No wonder she can’t find a boyfriend at the age of nearly 30. Women without love are really terrible!"

Another outrageous office gossip was born. I wonder if Yan Ziyue will be so angry that she will vomit blood after hearing it.

But she probably won’t hear it. The last time the boss’s office gossip from the secretary of the president’s office came to her ears, it hasn’t reached Yan Ziyue’s ears yet.

Starting from noon... the traffic on Kuaishou began to change. From the haunted incident in Chunjiang Community in the morning, the popularity gradually shifted to a keyword: Qingyuan Temple in Qingsong Mountain

——The only certification of Zhang Dabing is that the person enshrined inside is Zhang Dabing.

The construction was funded by the boss of the Wang Group and is almost completed.

For a time, the video of the Wang family's haunting was dug up again by netizens and became a hot topic again.

People who don't know the inside story know that such a thing actually happened a few months ago, and they immediately became curious about Qingyuan Temple.

The most important thing is that there are already travel and store exploration bloggers who live broadcast and flew to Qingyuan Temple to check in and shoot first-hand information.

With Yan Ziyue and his gang working overtime and behind the scenes, most of the platform's traffic is concentrated on Qingyuan Temple, which is much more popular than the haunted incident in the morning.

【If you don't understand, then ask, building a temple is a treatment for people who have made contributions, virtues, courage and martial arts in the past dynasties. Isn't it a bit too much for Boss Wang to build a temple for him? 】

Someone sober asked in the comment area.

But a more sober reply came

【You don't understand this. The whole network is full of traffic from this incident. It is obviously driven by capital. Wang Group and Kuaishou Company, they want to create a god, which must be much easier than in ancient times. Guan Sheng Temple and Yue Fei Temple have to stand aside.】

【This is the era of capital!! 】

Of course, Zhang Qingyuan’s die-hard fans are even more excited to hit hard under every video.

【Is that what you can call Zhang Dadan? Please call him Kuaidou Daxian from now on!】

【Quickly shake the immortal, the magic power is boundless……】

【Popular science: The Jade Emperor in heaven has a surname of Zhang, the founder of Mount Longhu has a surname of Zhang, the Emperor Wenchang has a surname of Zhang… Zhang Qingyuan also has a surname of Zhang. That’s all I have to say, please take your time to appreciate it!】

【You may not believe it, but don't talk nonsense when you go there, after all, the underworld has come out. You should know that one of the tickets to enter the tongue-pulling hell is to slander the gods. 】

The Internet is in a turmoil, and many netizens have begun to popularize the power of Zhang's ancestors among the gods.

When an account named [Longhushan Taoist Temple] with a blue-label certification posted a video to refute it, it was like stirring up a hornet's nest.

"It is disrespectful for a small yin to build a temple and receive incense! Longhushan, as the inheritance of the Heavenly Master and the leader of the Taoist sect, will certainly not allow such evil gods to exist.……"

Below the video, many certified Taoist sect accounts liked it, and even Buddhist temples participated in it.

Ge Tianshi Daochang: [Zhang Qingyuan is a Taoist soldier of our Zaoge Mountain. Senior Zhao Jin is also the deceased master of our sect. Please be careful with your words! ]

At the end of the video, there is a golden book with a red pen writing a request for a seal.

【Today, Zhang Qingyuan, a soldier of our sect, is a messenger from the underworld. He killed evil spirits in Chunjiang Community and saved hundreds of lives. We specially ask the ancestor to confer him the title of"Mountain Protector God!"

The content is very short, and laymen cannot understand it, but experts will be shocked at a glance.

What does this mean? The Tianshi Daoist sect conferred Zhang Qingyuan the title of Mountain Protector God. Although he is not a true god, he is a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister. With the title of Ge Xuan Tianshi, he is still qualified to enjoy incense and offerings like a true god.

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