After bidding farewell to Zhao Jin, Zhang Qingyuan locked the door and walked towards the inner city. He soon came to the Suppression of Evil Division to find Yu Xuanji.

Yu Xuanji looked through the second volume of the [Book of Life and Death] and immediately found the information of the employee of Huaming Group who jumped off the building.

"Song Ming, 35 years old, committed suicide due to company layoffs.

There is no record of his entry into the Ghost Gate.

It seems that he turned evil and forced himself to stay in the world of the living.

However, this new evil ghost will not be too strong, so there is no need for our Evil Suppression Division to take action.

I have already notified the Soul Catcher and let them go.

"It was almost the same as Zhang Qingyuan's guess.

The Evil Suppression Division did not care about such a small ghost.

After leaving the Evil Suppression Division, Zhang Qingyuan took out his mobile phone and informed Wang Zhengyang of the result. The latter was naturally grateful and told him that in about a month, the main body of the Qingyuan Temple would be completed, and the subsequent expansion would be carried out slowly.

Wang Zhengyang: [Mr.

Zhang, can you come on the day when the Qingyuan Temple is completed? I will ask some media to report on it and use it to build up its reputation.

It should attract many people to burn incense and pay tribute.

] The two worlds of the underworld have their own order.

After the small road outside Fengdu City changed and became difficult to step on, even Zhao Jin could not go to the world of the living whenever he wanted.

, and can only go there when the Suppression of Evil Division has a mission from the mortal world.

Zhang Qingyuan thought about it and replied: [I see, you can send me a message in advance and I will find a way to go.]

He attached great importance to the Qingyuan Temple. The power of incense is something that all gods and immortals are fighting for. Although that old ghost Zhao is hiding it and hasn't told him how to use it, it doesn't hinder his planning. After leaving the Suppression of Evil Division, Zhang Qingyuan went straight to the Offering Pavilion, where there was still a large sum of money burned by Lao Wang for him that he hadn't taken out.

The Offering Pavilion was still deserted, and there were very few ghosts coming to take the money.

When he stepped into the hall, the half-dead ghost was standing under the weird tree, looking at him expressionlessly.

"Withdraw the money!" Zhang Qingyuan said bluntly.

"Name, place of origin, date of birth and death……"The Yinchai asked stiffly.

Zhang Qingyuan was very familiar with the process and reported the relevant information. The signs on the bone tree changed rapidly, and then a sign fell into the Yinchai's hand. The

Yinchai, who originally looked half dead, took a look at the sign, and suddenly his whole body stood up. His pair of green bean eyes that were emitting a faint light instantly widened into copper bells, and he stammered:"One, one thousand five hundred taels of Yin money!"

He looked at the sign in disbelief, and then looked at Zhang Qingyuan, as if to confirm whether he had taken the wrong one.

Such a large sum of Yin money, he had never seen it in the hundreds of years he worked in the Gongyang Pavilion.

Zhang Qingyuan: Calm down, calm down, don't look like you have never seen the world...

Ten minutes later, the Yinchai of the Gongyang Pavilion, who originally looked half dead, nodded and bowed, and sent Zhang Qingyuan out of the door with a smile on his face, in exchange for a shiny one or two taels of Yin money in his hand.

"One thousand five hundred taels of Yin money should be enough to buy a Yin house with a yard in District A, and it may not cost that much."

Zhang Qingyuan calculated silently, took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the interface of his personal account.

【Nickname: Zhang Dadan

Fans: 18.43 million

Followers: 12 Likes

: 4.5 billion

Withdrawable balance: 221 taels of Yin money]

A live broadcast in Chunjiang Community earned more than 70 taels, which added up to a total of 1,721 taels of Yin money.

Several waves of hot searches on Kuaishou helped him gain more than 6 million fans. This increase in fans can almost be described as terrifying, even more fierce than the increase in fans of anchors in black silk short skirts. With a huge sum of money in his pocket, Zhang Qingyuan wandered around the inner city and soon arrived at another unfamiliar Yinsi Yamen.

【The Yin Ji Si is a government office under the Chacha Si, which is mainly responsible for managing the Yin residences of the Yin spirits in the underworld and the land and houses in Fengdu City.

To put it bluntly, all the Yin residences and land in the entire Fengdu City are under the management of this office, which is similar to the functions of some government offices in the world.

If you have money, you must buy a house, otherwise how can you hook up with the female ghost lady.

Lin Fu had been waiting at the door for a long time, and another ghost wearing a similar Yin messenger uniform was waiting at the door

"Hahaha…Brother Zhang is really generous. He can buy a house in Area A just after coming to the underworld. It’s really extraordinary. Lin Fu smiled and greeted him from a distance.

Zhang Qingyuan naturally stepped forward and returned the greeting.

"Brother Zhang, this is Brother Meng Gao from the Yin Ji Division, he is my good friend. You want to buy a Yin house in District A, let him take us to see the houses later, Brother Zhang, wherever you see, Brother Meng Gao can do it on the spot."Lin Fu introduced with a smile.

Zhang Qingyuan also hurriedly said to the other party:"It turns out to be Brother Meng Gao, I have heard a lot about you."

"Brother Zhang is a dragon among men and a hero among ghosts. I have heard from Brother Lin that he is a hero among ghosts. I have admired him for many days and finally I get to meet him."

The three of them exchanged false greetings as they walked towards the outer city. Meng Gao must have heard about Zhang Qingyuan's generosity from Lin Fu. He was very enthusiastic along the way and explained to him several vacant properties in Area A.

"Brother Zhang, do you have any requests?" Meng Gao asked


I don't have many requirements, just a large area and a low price. Of course, it would be even better if there was a beautiful female ghost living next door."……"

Lin Fu said quickly:"To put it bluntly, it is cost-effective. Old Meng, please help Brother Zhang choose. We are all family members."


Money makes the world go round. It can be seen that the two were the kind of Confucian scholars who regarded money as dirt when they were alive. However, after being beaten in the underworld for hundreds of years, Confucius's saying"Wealth and honor cannot corrupt, poverty and humbleness cannot change" has long become"Wealth and honor should corrupt, poverty and humbleness should change."

In the next half day, Meng Gao took the two to see four or five tombs in Area A. They were basically the same, the only difference was the distance from the inner city and the people living around the tombs.

Finally, Meng Gao took the two to a place that Zhang Qingyuan was very familiar with.

"Brother Zhang, this is the last grave. It's not far from the inner city. There's a big yard. You can plant some underworld plants there. The most important thing is that it's next to the grave of the new left deputy chief of the Suppression of Evil Division. She's a big shot who has been granted the title of Heavenly Father. If you live next to her, maybe you'll get to know her.……"

As he spoke, Meng Gao leaned close to his ear and said in a tone that all men could understand:"Besides, I heard that Yu Sishou is extremely beautiful, the most beautiful woman in the world!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face turned green: Damn it! Don't I know she is beautiful? The main thing is that he has the heart but not the courage to steal.

Cursing in his heart, he looked at the grave next to him. A towering tree grew out of the yard. The two graves were completely next to each other, separated by a wall.

"Live next to the boss, build good relationships, get promoted and get a raise in the future, marry a rich and beautiful woman... It seems possible."

Zhang Qingyuan immediately decided:"This is the cemetery, how much is it?"

Hearing this, Meng Gao's face flashed with ecstasy, and said:"Brother Zhang is really a man of character, and he will be the first to get the moon in the future.……"

Zhang Qingyuan quickly stopped him and said speechlessly,"Okay, okay, okay... Brother Meng Gao, if you want me dead, don't hide it. Use that knife that can stab brothers quickly and fiercely, and stab me twice."

"Ahem... This Yu Si Shou is Brother Zhang's immediate superior." Lin Fu explained awkwardly.

Meng Gao was instantly silent.

Zhang Qingyuan did not hesitate. This Yin house cost 1,300 taels, which was extremely expensive. But thinking about the benefits of living here, he gritted his teeth and took out 1,350 taels of Yin money and handed it to Meng Gao. The extra 50 taels would naturally belong to him and Lin Fu. After all, they had done their best and would be of use in the future.

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