"Is this the grave you bought in Area A?"

Zhao Jin's jaw dropped, staring at the tall tree next door in amazement. He knew it, of course, because Yu Xuanji often stood under that tree.

Zhang Qingyuan said proudly,"How is it? Not bad! Next door is Senior Yu."

"I'm so fucking……"

Zhao Jin cursed out loud, his eyes glowing green:"You are a kid who just came to the underworld, and you bought a tomb in Area A directly?"

"Is there a problem? Can't I buy it even if I have money? It's not expensive, I only spent 1,300 taels of Yin money."Zhang Qingyuan Van Er track

"How much? ? ?"Zhao Jin's voice suddenly rose several degrees, and his voice became a little sharper.

"One thousand three hundred taels……"

"You're such a spendthrift. You have so much money, why spend it on other things? Why spend it on buying a grave? You must have been kicked in the head by a donkey.……"

This old man's reaction was very intense, showing the fake brotherhood of being afraid that his brother would suffer and worry that his brother would drive a Land Rover.

"Ahem... Of course it's to plant the ghost tree that I found in the ghost den last time."

As he said that, Zhang Qingyuan took out a dead branch from his Xumi ring. The root was wrapped in a ball of Yin soil. It was the tree that he almost chopped down in the ghost den of Chunjiang Community last time.

Zhao Jin sealed it with a Taoist secret method and stuffed it into his Xumi ring, saying that if he brought it back and planted it, he would have a steady supply of fruits to perform the art of sowing beans into soldiers.

Seeing this tree, Zhao Jin's mood calmed down a little, but he still had a face that was trying hard to suppress jealousy, and said in a weird voice:"Huh, you kid is really... I don't know what to say to you. Living in the same Yin house as Senior Yu, what a waste!"

""Bring the things here!"

As he said that, he grabbed the ghost tree, tore off the yellow talisman stuck on the Yin soil, and then found a place in the corner of the yard, dug a hole and buried it.

After a while, the soil was stretched open, and a strange black Yin tree grew out of it. In the blink of an eye, it returned to the appearance that the ghost had seen, with white fruits hanging all over the tree.

"All right!" Zhao Jin clapped his hands and said bluntly,"Boy, when will you teach me the art of turning beans into soldiers?"

"What do you intend to exchange for this, senior?"

Feelings are feelings, and interests are interests. Zhang Qingyuan can still distinguish between them.

Zhao Jin fell into deep thought. After thinking for a long time, he said,"I cannot pass on the secret techniques of Zaoge Mountain to you, but I can give you some techniques from other sects that I collected during my lifetime. One is the Five Ghosts Moving Technique, which you have seen before, and there are also the Yin-suppressing Technique, the God-inviting Technique, and the Disaster-avoiding Technique.……"

"Why do I feel like these are all low-level magic techniques?" Zhang Qingyuan asked suspiciously.

Zhao Jin's old face turned red, and he stiffened his neck and said,"It's not about the preciousness of the technique, but the suitability. You are just getting started with your cultivation, so learning a little bit of this is enough." Zhang Qingyuan was not stupid, and shook his head and said,"That won't work, unless you exchange all your magic techniques for mine."

"It's a deal! Come on... I've sorted all these out, take them quickly." As he said that, Zhao Jin took out a booklet and stuffed it directly into Zhang Qingyuan's hand.

Damn... I lost!

Seeing the reaction of this old ghost, Zhang Qingyuan felt that he was still too young and fell into the old man's evil plan.

"What are you looking at? I've given you the thing, so don't regret it. Hurry up and give me the art of turning beans into soldiers." Zhao Jin said righteously.

He suffered a loss, but thinking about their relationship, he was too lazy to care about it, so he gave the written art of turning beans into soldiers to Zhao Laogui, who immediately flipped through it as if he had found a treasure.

Zhang Qingyuan also looked at the magic secrets that Zhao Jin gave him. There were five kinds in total. Anything that could be learned by this old man should be useful.

Magic techniques like the Five Ghosts Moving Technique, the Summoning God Technique... needless to say, Uncle Jiu had talked about them in the movie, but another magic technique that looked familiar yet unfamiliar caught his attention.

"……The art of warding off disasters? I seem to have heard of it somewhere before."

I opened it and saw the words 'The Art of warding off disasters of the Earthly Evil' at the top', six characters in large letters.

""Seventy-two Earthly Evil Techniques?" He couldn't help but exclaimed

"Hehe...how is it? At least I am several generations older than you, so I didn't let you suffer any loss, did I?"Zhao Jin laughed.

Something is wrong...if it is really the Taoist 72 Earthly Evil Techniques, would this old ghost give it to him so easily?

After reading it carefully, Zhang Qingyuan's face turned black and he couldn't help cursing:"Isn't this the luck-changing method you came up with in Youdu?"

"That's different.

The method of changing luck is a simplified version of the method of warding off disasters.

The real method of warding off disasters can absorb external luck, keep it for a long time, and eliminate bad luck.

It's just that it's difficult to learn, and I haven't figured it out yet.

But I see that you are amazing and intelligent, and you are a natural genius in practicing Taoism.

I'm sure this method of warding off disasters will not be difficult for you.

"Zhao Jin was also very skilled in flattering people.

Zhang Qingyuan seemed not to hear what he said. He stroked his chin while looking at the method of warding off disasters. His mind couldn't help but recall the vision when he performed the method of changing luck. He actually absorbed all the luck of the ancient Yin money. In the end, although most of the luck dissipated after encountering Tu Bo's broken hand, at the beginning of the change of luck, some wisps of luck were completely integrated into his own luck.

"Could it be that I accidentally performed a real disaster-avoiding technique?"

The more Zhang Qingyuan recalled, the more he felt that this possibility was very high, and he even began to doubt himself... Could it be that I am really a genius in cultivation, and I can perform a disaster-avoiding technique for no apparent reason? Old Zhao, Old Zhao, this time I will make you lose your pants.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan was delighted:"If I can perform it once, I can perform it a second time."

A mysterious butterfly:???

Both of them felt that they had taken advantage, and Zhao Jin ran away happily with the secret book in his pocket.

Zhang Qingyuan called the broken hand that was running around in the Yin house, and quietly gave it a few instructions, and then the broken hand sneaked over the wall to the next door.

He left the Yin house and walked towards Area B to find Bian Fei and Deng Qigong. He happened to use the excuse of moving to visit them and took the two of them to find Yu Xuanji through the back door.

As long as the two of them entered the Evil Suppression Department, they would be his team.

Make more friends and fewer enemies... The way of dealing with things by great people is so simple and effective, and Zhang Qingyuan regards it as a guiding principle.

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