Zhao Lingshan has been much busier in recent days.

She sneaked around every corner of the school every night, trying to find the trace of the ghost hiding in the school.

At 9:50 in the evening, she returned to the dormitory on time. Before entering, she glanced at the door opposite. The door was closed, but there was a light on the crack of the door, and there was nothing unusual.

When she opened the door of her dormitory, she saw Zhuang Sijia and Tian Ling huddled in front of the computer, wondering what gossip they were talking about.

Unexpectedly, Zeng Wan, who hadn't been seen for half a month, came back and lay on the bed with her head covered.

She glanced at Zeng Wan, and the yin energy she had sensed on her body before had disappeared. She looked no different from an ordinary person.

"Shanshan is back? Shocking news, come and see, someone broke the news that Yao Jiaqi is pregnant, and it seems to be Lin Xuan's child."Tian Ling waved her hands again and again, excitedly asking her to eat the news.


Zeng Wan on the bed turned over hard, making a huge noise.

Zhao Lingshan just looked at it in confusion, without thinking too much, and quickly came over to eat the news together.


At the same time, in another female dormitory building, two female teachers from Jiangnan University came to the dormitory together. Led by a female student, they came to the door of a dormitory in the corner of the third floor.

"Teacher Ma, Jiaqi lives here alone. Soon after the school started, she seemed to have mental problems and often had conflicts with us. As the class monitor, I applied for a single dormitory for her."

"Thank you, classmate Yu. Teacher Gao and I will go in next. You go back and have a rest first!"

After the female classmate walked away, Teacher Ma knocked on the dormitory door. At the same time, the slightly younger Teacher Gao next to him shouted,"Classmate Yao Jiaqi, open the door. I am your counselor."

There was no movement inside. The two waited at the door for a long time. Finally, Teacher Gao took out a key, inserted it into the keyhole, turned it twice, and opened the dormitory door."


There was a slight friction sound from the bolt. The dormitory door slowly opened, and a cold air rushed out, accompanied by the smell of rotting meat.

It was not time to turn off the lights yet, but it was dark inside and the lights were not on.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but the two people’s hearts tightened slightly, and they couldn’t help feeling a little scared.

""Classmate Yao Jiaqi, are you there? Yao Jia...ah!"


A cold wind blew in their faces, and a figure emerged from the darkness and suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. Teacher Gao was frightened and screamed, and took a few steps back.

Yao Jiaqi had disheveled hair and a pale face. She was wearing a loose nightgown, but her lower abdomen was still slightly bulging. She stared at the two of them with lifeless eyes, and asked without any emotion:"Teacher Gao, and Teacher Ma, are you looking for me?"

Teacher Gao took a few breaths and blamed,"Yao Jiaqi, what are you doing? I called you for a long time but you didn't respond."

"I... was sleeping!" There was also no emotion in the response.

Both teachers noticed something was wrong and felt terrified, but in order to solve the problem, they couldn't just leave.

Teacher Ma stepped forward and said,"Student Yao, Teacher Gao and I have something to talk to you about. Let's go to your dormitory to talk. It's not convenient outside."

""Oh! Come in!" Yao Jiaqi turned around woodenly and disappeared into the darkness.

Teacher Ma followed in, touched the switch and turned on the light. The scene in front of her startled her.

She saw a big bag on the desk next to her. The stench she had just smelled came from the bag. Through the bag, she could see that there seemed to be some meat inside, which had already rotted, and big fat maggots were crawling happily inside.

"vomit……"Teacher Gao, who followed in, almost put the car in reverse gear

""Yao Jiaqi, what are you putting in here? It stinks so bad?" Teacher Gao asked while closing the door and covering his nose.

Yao Jiaqi sat on the chair, staring blankly in front of him, and said lightly:"Meat!"

"Meat?" Teacher Ma suppressed his nausea and opened the bag. Although it was already rotten, it was still clear that there was raw meat inside.

"They are all raw, how can we eat them?"

Yao Jiaqi suddenly turned her head, her dark pupils seemed to be connected to the abyss, and the two people's scalps tingled.

"Yes, it can be eaten. It likes to eat it very much, but... it seems not to like it so much recently."

As she said this, she stroked her belly and added nervously:"It should be that it wants to eat something fresher."


Teacher Gao's face was already pale... Could it be that Yao Jiaqi had gone crazy because of the emotional blow?

Teacher Ma was relatively calm. He pulled a chair and sat next to Yao Jiaqi, and said softly:"Student Yao Jiaqi, we all know about your situation. You are still so young. Don't care too much about emotional setbacks. You still have a great life in the future.……"

In order to enhance their relationship, Teacher Ma reached out to grab Yao Jiaqi's hand, but as soon as she touched it, she suddenly pulled her hand back as if she had received an electric shock, and looked at her in shock.

"You...your hand?"

What did she touch just now? It was a hand that felt like ice, and it was definitely not as warm as a normal person's.

In an instant, Teacher Ma's mind flashed with the ghost videos that she had recently seen on Kuaishou. Cold sweat began to flow from her forehead, and her face was paler than paper.

Teacher Gao didn't understand and couldn't help asking,"Teacher Ma, what's wrong?"

""Nothing...nothing!" Teacher Ma's body was a little stiff, and she began to stutter. She forced a smile and said,"Yao...Yao Jiaqi, it's so late. You should rest first. We will come to see you tomorrow."

After that, regardless of what Teacher Gao thought, she pulled the other party towards the door.

Zizi... the sound of electric sparks rang out, the lights flickered twice, and became a little dimmer than before, and Yao Jiaqi's voice came from behind.

"Teacher Ma, are my hands cold? I feel cold too.……"

Tick-tick...tick-tick... the sound of liquid dripping came simultaneously, and at the same time there was an even colder chill.

"Teacher Ma, what exactly happened?……"Teacher Gao turned around and looked, the scene in front of her made her pupils dilate instantly, and her expression changed from confusion to horror.

Yao Jiaqi's lower abdomen was red, and the scarlet blood was flowing out like crazy, and her two slender and straight legs were also dyed red.

"ah……"She screamed and fell to the ground, as if she had forgotten how to walk, and kept using her legs to push back.

Teacher Ma turned her head stiffly, looked at the horrifying scene in front of her, and immediately rushed to the door, trying hard to open it and escape.

But the lock seemed to be welded and could not be turned at all.

"It is hungry and wants to eat.……"

Yao Jiaqi walked towards the two of them with an evil smile on her face.

The clothes on her lower abdomen were lifted up, and a blue baby arm slowly poked out from under the clothes...


The lights went out completely, and the dormitory became dark in an instant, followed by a terrifying gnawing sound in the darkness.

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