[Zhang Dadan, what happened to the haunted school I told you about last time? When are you going to deal with it?]

Zhao Lingshan sent a private message to ask.

Zhang Dadan: [A pervert, it shouldn't be a big deal. The underworld is very busy recently, I'll go there when I'm free. Besides, your classmates might want to persuade you to stop meddling in other people's business.]】


【Hurry up, I always feel something is wrong. I have been wandering around the school these days, but I can't find any trace of the ghost.

After talking with Zhao Lingshan, Zhang Qingyuan packed up and went out.

Today is the day for the evil suppression department. As one of the four team leaders, if nothing goes wrong, he will meet his younger brothers. The new ghost uniform he received has turned silver-gray, which is much more stylish, and he looks a bit like a leader. The severed hand jumped onto the table. With the help of the third-person perspective, Zhang Qingyuan saw himself, which was much better than a mirror.

"All right, let's go, come in!"

The broken hand got into his sleeve very skillfully, and there was a cloth bag inside, so the broken hand would stay inside when it had nothing to do, so as not to crawl around on his shoulders and head and attract attention.

When they arrived in front of the Evil Suppression Division, there were actually evil suppressors guarding both sides of the door, and the streets were not full of people signing up like last time, so the enrollment expansion should be over. He walked straight to Yu Xuanji's office area, and at a glance, all kinds of monsters wearing black evil suppressors' uniforms filled the entire yard.

As soon as he appeared in this silver-gray outfit, he immediately attracted everyone's attention, and hundreds of eyes stared at him.

Zhang Qingyuan held his head high and walked straight into Yu Xuanji's study with his not-so-skilled Eight Direction Steps.

"Another evil chief, the fourth one, right?"

"Humph, so what if he is the chief of evil suppression? He just took the lead and entered last.

Judging from the fluctuation of his soul power, he is only at the level of a fierce ghost.

However, he just meets the standard of being an evil suppressor.

What qualifications does he have to be the chief of evil suppression?"There was a lot of discussion outside.

The other three people inside had arrived early.

Today, Zhao Jin did not wear his ten thousand year old Taoist robe, but changed into the same uniform.

"Everyone is here... Come out with me over there and recognize the people under you."

Yu Xuanji said nothing more and walked out with the four of them.

"This is Yu Xuanji!"

Swish, swish, swish...

Everyone straightened their backs and looked up at Yu Xuanji and the four people behind him.

"Starting today, all of you are my evil suppressors. I have divided you into four groups, Tiandi Xuanhuang, and will be led by the four people at the back. The specific personnel list will be given to them, and you just need to obey the orders of your respective group leaders in the future."

After saying that, Yu Xuanji took out four pieces of paper and handed them to the four people.

Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly took it and saw eight names written on it. He asked in confusion,"Senior Yu, there are so many people, and I only have eight here?"

"Well! Anyway, we are just gathering information, eight of them are enough. They are all from some big families in the underworld. You should win over the people and don't cause any problems."

【Xie Yun, Fan Mulin, Lu Zheng, Cui Tong……】

The more Zhang Qingyuan looked at them, the more he wondered… Just looking at the surnames was a big surprise. Xie and Fan were from the Black and White Impermanence families. Lu Zheng was definitely a descendant of Lu Zhidao from the Investigation Department. As for Cui Tong, he was probably related to Cui Jue, the judge of the Yin Law Department.

As for the other four people, they were named Jiang Sheng, Li Cunxian, Bi Ling, and Huang Shuangshuang.

"Damn, the first four are fine, but if the last four say they have nothing to do with the Ten Yama Kings, I'll shit upside down on the spot……"Zhang Qingyuan cursed in his heart.

These are not eight little brothers, they are clearly eight big thunders, eight ancestors.

Yu Xuanji had already left, and no one knew where he went. Zhao Jin and the other two happily took the list to check people. After a while, the three of them left the Evil Suppression Division with hundreds of little brothers.

Before leaving, Zhao Jin secretly glanced at his list and said"earnestly":"Senior Yu has taken a fancy to you. These few are all big families in the underworld, with good backgrounds. I have handed them all to you. I really envy them."

Zhang Qingyuan cursed with a dark face:"Senior, you should envy me a lot more. For example, I am younger than you, my kidney function is better than yours, and my tumor is not as big as yours.……"

"Young people are just hot-tempered. You don't even appreciate my kindness in comforting you. Hehehe... Come on! I'm watching you." Zhao Jin was not annoyed. He walked away with his hands behind his back, gloating.

After a while, the field became quiet. Only the remaining eight people and Zhang Qingyuan were still there.

A showy boy came up, looked Zhang Qingyuan up and down, and said,"Are you our team leader?"

Zhang Qingyuan ignored him and scanned the field. There were six men and two women. Needless to say, the men were all very powerful. Only the two female ghosts on the side were a little bit better. The older one, in her early twenties, had a cold and bloodless face. She was also a great beauty when she was alive, but she died a little early. What a pity.

Another one, Zhang Qingyuan strongly suspected that the Suppression of Evil Division illegally employed child labor. The chubby face still had a bit of innocence. The big green eyes were not only gloomy but also revealed a stupid look of"I'm easy to deceive."

"Fortunately, fortunately, if it doesn't work, just kick out the six who are in the way and leave these two left and right arms."Zhang Qingyuan thought secretly in his heart

"Boy, I am talking to you!" The young man who just showed up continued to shout arrogantly

"" Who are you?" Zhang Qingyuan asked expressionlessly.

It was the first time he met his younger brother, and although there were some big surprises, he certainly couldn't admit defeat, and he had to be confident.

The young man said proudly,"My surname is Jiang, and my ancestor is King Qin Guang."

Zhang Qingyuan remained calm and replied lightly,"Oh, what about you guys?"

"You... you dare to look down on me?" Jiang Sheng suddenly asked angrily.

The other five young men in the back looked at the two of them with a joking look on their faces, ready to���Zhang Qingyuan makes a fool of himself

"Mr. Jiang, maybe I don't have much knowledge and have never heard of the name of Lord Qin Guang."

"Hahaha...you want to be our team leader just like that?"

Zhang Qingyuan said calmly,"Prince Qin Guang, of course I have heard of you, and I also know that the five of you are from the Black and White Impermanence. The two judges Cui and Lu, and the Chujiang royal family. As for the two women, they must be the Biancheng King and the Metropolis King, right?"

The cold female ghost did not speak, but the loli female ghost waved her hands and said,"No, I don't, I have nothing to do with the Metropolis King."

"It's good to know our identities. Do you still think you are qualified to be our team leader?" Jiang Sheng asked aggressively. Zhang

Qingyuan was not annoyed. He spread his hands and said,"We are all descendants of the major Yin gods, but so what? What does your ancestors have to do with you?"

The smiles of several people froze.

"Just like me, as a descendant of the Jade Emperor and a member of the same clan as Zhang Zu Tianshi, I never brag about my identity, let alone show off my ancestors."

In the gradually shocked eyes of several people, Zhang Qingyuan said very Versailles:"By the way, my name is Zhang Qingyuan. When you go out in the future, don't rely on your identity as my younger brother to cause trouble everywhere!"

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