Walking out of the gate of the Suppression of Evil Division, Zhang Qingyuan was followed by several followers. He temporarily intimidated several people with his tricks, but this was definitely not enough. He knew very well that these guys would secretly investigate later.

However, when he was inside, he probed a little and looked at them with his broken hand. He found that although these guys had a powerful ancestor behind them, they were probably just marginal figures in the family. Although they were shrouded in the aura of the Yin God, it was so faint that it was almost invisible.

The only exception, and the one that shocked Zhang Qingyuan the most, was the little loli ghost Huang Shuangshuang. The wisp of purple luck almost blinded his dog eyes.

And the most important thing is that this little loli's luck does not actually have the gray and black luck that symbolizes the ghost. This is a living person who actually sneaked into the underworld and became an evil suppressor.

Purple luck plus a person dressed as a ghost... It is obvious that this noble lady came out of nowhere.

"The little girl is ignorant, innocent and romantic, and has an extraordinary status... I seem to see promotion and wealth waving at me!"Zhang Qingyuan thought silently.

If such a thigh can be grasped, will there be any fear of having no backing in the underworld in the future... The gimmicks of the Jade Emperor and Zhang Daoling can be completely thrown aside.

Pick it up when you need it...

After a while, Zhang Qingyuan and a few people came to a three-story building in the inner city.

【Jiuyou Yinshilou] This is a famous restaurant in the inner city. I heard that it was opened by a certain family of the King of Hell. The food inside is ridiculously expensive. The Yin money for a meal is enough for an ordinary ghost to work hard for half a lifetime.

As the saying goes, there is no one who can't be dealt with by a barbecue. If there is, then two meals.

Temporarily calm a few people down, and then invite them to have a meal. With both kindness and force, it should be almost done.

"Zhang, Master Zhang, you want to bring us here to eat?" Lu Zheng asked in shock, looking at the Yin Food House in front of him. Zhang Qingyuan turned his head and saw that except for Huang Shuangshuang, everyone else had a look of shock on their faces.

He asked in confusion:"Why? You haven't been here before? With your backgrounds, you shouldn't be able to afford to eat here, right?"

Jiang Sheng, who had been very arrogant just now, cried and laughed:"Master Zhang, although our ancestors are powerful, we are separated from them by several generations. We are just a little cared for, which is better than ordinary ghosts. How can we afford to come here?"

"So that's it!" Zhang Qingyuan touched his chin... If that's the case, then I'm relieved. It turns out that they are also a group of silver spear wax heads. They were so arrogant just now. People who don't know would think they are their own sons.

It's a bit of a loss to come to Jiuyou Yin Food House. If I had known earlier, I would have just found a stall on the roadside in the outer city to treat them to a meal. After accidentally finding out the details of several people, Zhang Qingyuan felt relieved. The only variable was that little Lolita.

"It's okay. Since you haven't been here before, just come here to see it for yourself, so that you don't look like a nobody when you go out."Zhang Qingyuan continued to maintain the appearance of a big boss. His attitude of not lacking money completely convinced these guys that he was an extraordinary person.

Only the little loli had an indifferent expression on her face and was not easy to fool.

High-end restaurants are different. Unlike the ones in the outer city, they don't have a few paper figures to fill the facade. The waiters and waitresses here are all female ghosts, and each of them is very beautiful.

"I almost thought I had entered a club in the underworld."

I picked a few cheap dishes and ate them with excitement. Although they were the cheapest, eight dishes still cost ten taels of Yin money, which was really ridiculously expensive.

Fried ghost crocodile eggs with red spider lily, soul-eating turtle soup... all kinds of strange ingredients from the underworld. The moment you eat them, pure Yin energy bursts out, and you feel extremely comfortable.

"It feels so good. After so many years of death, this is the first time I feel that the underworld is so beautiful"

"Thanks Mr. Zhang……"

Zhang Qingyuan stuffed his mouth with something and waved his hands repeatedly, saying incoherently:"Keep a low profile, stop calling me Young Master every day, just call me Boss or Team Leader from now on."

Unexpectedly, Huang Shuangshuang, who was dressed as a ghost, was also eating like crazy. Zhang Qingyuan couldn't help but worry. It would be bad if the ghost's food made this little Lolita lie on the bed.

But after watching for a long time, it seemed that nothing happened. This guy's mouth was full of grease.

After eating, a group of people walked towards the outer city. Like Zhang Qingyuan, although everyone present was a descendant of a big family, they all lived in District B of the outer city and could not follow their ancestors to live in the inner city.

"Okay, let's go to my grave first and assign tasks to you. According to Senior Yu's arrangement, our Yellow Group is mainly responsible for collecting intelligence for the other three groups so that they can be converted into tasks. It's safer. Be careful and there won't be any danger."As he said, Zhang Qingyuan took the eight people into his grave.

Looking at the grave with a yard in Area A, the few people were shocked again.

As old ghosts in the underworld, they knew very well that the grave in Area A was precious and it was not something that could be obtained casually.

"Could it be that we are really descendants of the Jade Emperor? It feels like a dream."

Zhang Qingyuan took out a few pieces of paper, which recorded the private messages from fans on Kuaishou and some information about ghosts and monsters that he had seen on Kuaishou videos in the past few days.

"There are seven of them. Except Huang Shuangshuang, each of you will be responsible for one of them. Go to the Yang world to find out the information. If you encounter a weak ghost, kill him on the spot. If you encounter a strong ghost, come back and report to me. Don't be impulsive."

Huang Shuangshuang, the only one left, pointed at her nose and asked cutely,"Team, team leader, what about me? What should I do?"

"If you want me to... just follow me to Jiangnan University to investigate a pervert."


"Well, a pervert, going to school to harm women in the world, is really too enviable... hateful."Zhang Qingyuan said righteously

""Yes!" Huang Shuangshuang clenched her fists, her face firm and with a bit of a middle school��:"Don't worry, team leader. I will definitely perform well."

"Okay, then come with me tonight. Go back and prepare first, and do your own thing. Shuangshuang, come to my place tonight and go to Jiangnan University together."

After hearing this, several people stood up and said goodbye with their respective tasks.

The yard soon became quiet, but Huang Shuangshuang was still standing there, twisting her fingers with an awkward look on her face, not knowing what she wanted to do.

"Why aren't you leaving yet?"

"I……"Huang Shuangshuang lowered her head and said awkwardly:"Team Leader, I haven't lived in a grave yet."

"Hmm? Did you live in a graveyard in the wild before?"Zhang Qingyuan asked in surprise

"Right, right, right... I am living in a grave outside," Huang Shuangshuang said, using the excuse that he helped to find a grave.

Zhang Qingyuan pretended to think for a while and said,"You are my subordinate after all. It's no big deal for you to always live outside the city. You can stay here with me today, and I will help you find a grave after the task is completed."

"Okay, thank you, Team Leader." Huang Shuangshuang thanked him very happily.

Zhang Qingyuan: Hum... As expected, Loli is easy to deceive! You want to move out after living here? Hehehe...

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