"Woo woo woo……"

The cold wind blew across the land, the weeds in the green belt swayed in the wind, and the curtains in the open windows of the dormitory building next door fluttered like ghosts.

In dormitory 312, Yu Jing was a little absent-minded, looking worried. The roommate next to her asked jokingly,"Has the monitor hooked up with the junior these days? You always seem to be in a daze."

Yu Jing shook her head, looking a little nervous and a little scared, and said tremblingly,"Just now... just now the Dean of Academic Affairs came to me."

"What do they want to see you for?" asked the roommate.

Yu Jing's face was filled with even more fear, and she stammered,"The assistant, the counselor, Ms. Gao, and the head teacher, Ms. Ma, they...they are missing."

"Missing? Didn’t Teacher Ma and Teacher Gao come to look for Yao Jiaqi the night before? Did you take them there?"

Tears began to fall, Yu Jing lay on the table, sobbing,"It was...it was after that night that they disappeared."

"No... no way?" The roommate also felt a little panic for some reason.

At this moment, the dormitory door opened, and another roommate came back, covering his nose and said:"Did you smell it? There seems to be a bad smell in the corridor, like a dead rat."

""What happened to Jingjing?"

The roommate next to her shook her head, her face pale, and whispered,"Teacher Ma and Teacher Gao disappeared after they found Yao Jiaqi that night."


The dormitory suddenly became dark, scaring the three of them.

"Oops, I forgot the time. I haven't washed up yet. You two wait for me, I'll go wash up." With that, the girl who came in later took her things and ran out in a hurry.

There was no one in the dark bathroom at the moment.

The girl walked in and suddenly felt a chill and couldn't help shivering.

Squeak... a gust of wind blew, and the bathroom door slowly closed, revealing a slender figure at the door. It looked like a girl, but her belly was bulging, which looked very strange, and the bloody clothes on her body were even more terrifying.

Yao Jiaqi approached the woman who was brushing her teeth step by step, and the latter didn't notice it at all.

Half a minute later... hiss... accompanied by the sound of liquid splashing and the whimpering sound like a leak in the throat, the whole dormitory building seemed to be darker, and an inexplicable gloomy evil intention emerged from an unknown corner.


A sharp and piercing cry of a baby suddenly came, piercing the quiet night.

The sound echoed in the dormitory building, and then the girl's terrified screams rang out, accompanied by a series of unbearable curses.

"Who has a cat? It meows in the middle of the night. I don't know if it's scary."

"Is it a wild cat in school? I often see it.……"

Everyone thought it was just a cat's cry, and soon the dormitory fell into silence.

No one knew that in the washroom on the third floor, blood was splattered everywhere, and a body was lying on the ground, with a big hole in the head, and the inside was empty.


Behind the mountains of Jiangnan University, the Yin River flows across the sky. As a small boat passes by, two figures appear in the forest.

"We are here! This is Jiangnan University, how is it? Have you been away from the mortal world for a long time? Is it a little strange?"Zhang Qingyuan asked the little girl next to him.

Although he knew that she was an extraordinary person, he did not show it, nor did he deliberately do anything different. If he was too deliberate, he would accidentally arouse the other party's vigilance, and the difficulty of currying favor would increase exponentially.

After all, although the little girl is easy to deceive and can easily kick several meters away, it does not mean that she is stupid and will not be on guard against people with ill intentions.

""Team leader, do you come to the mortal world often?" Huang Shuangshuang asked curiously.

"I don't come here very often, but I just died not long ago, so I remember the world of the living more clearly."

"Okay, no more nonsense, let's get to work, go to the school and see, that pervert should be in the girls' dormitory, let's go find someone first."

After that, Zhang Qingyuan took Huang Shuangshuang down the mountain and rushed towards the campus. Neither of them noticed that a huge ghost barrier quietly covered the entire Jiangnan area of tens of thousands of square meters.

The night was dark, no stars were visible, the moon was high, it was a full moon day, but the moonlight was a little darker than before.

Zhang Qingyuan took out his mobile phone and sent a private message to Zhao Lingshan, asking her where she was.

【Come to Building No. 7 in the North District. I’ll be waiting for you here!

As ghosts, the two were very fast. They saw the dormitory area ten minutes later and quickly found Building No. 7 according to the sign.

Zhao Lingshan, who was hiding in the bushes, saw a cloud of black fog coming and knew that it was Zhang Qingyuan who came. She hurriedly whispered,"Here, here, come quickly, don’t let anyone see you."

The black fog dissipated, revealing the figures of the two. Zhao Lingshan stared at Huang Shuangshuang and found that there was one more person. Then she said with disdain,"Mr. Zhang, you are too shameless. You can do this to such a young child."

"Ahem... What nonsense are you talking about? This is Huang Shuangshuang, the evil suppressor, my little brother. I brought her here to help you get rid of the evil ghosts today."

Huang Shuangshuang also said:"Yes, I am the evil suppressor. I am here with our team leader to carry out the mission. I am very powerful."

Zhao Lingshan pouted... This cute little ghost girl in front of her is not only cute, but her only role is to cheer for her. It turns out that some men's habits are so evil.

I also heard that some people like to be called dad, especially when playing games with their girlfriends.

At this moment, Zhao Lingshan has labeled Zhang Qingyuan as a pervert with strange habits.

"Okay, I don't care what your relationship is. Just follow me and look for him in the girls' dormitory area. I think that damn pervert is hiding here. The night before yesterday, I sensed a flash of evil energy nearby, but when I got here, I couldn't find him.……"

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Qingyuan and Huang Shuangshuang suddenly turned their heads in tacit understanding and looked towards the dormitory building not far away.

""Team leader, there! There is a strong Yin Sha." Huang Shuangshuang said excitedly.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned, his face slightly solemn.

Yin Sha, a very strong Yin Sha, only slightly inferior to the female ghost in Chunjiang Community, shrouded the entire dormitory building.

Zhang Qingyuan quietly let the broken hand look at the dormitory building from his sleeve.

The picture sent back made Zhang Qingyuan gasp directly.

Evil spirit, resentment, Yin Qi... all kinds of terrifying auras intertwined, filling the entire Jiangnan University, everywhere, making him almost think that he had come to the wilderness of the underworld.

The most terrifying thing is that from the perspective of Tu Bo, a huge ghost den covered the sky above the school like an inverted bowl, separating the Yin soil of the Yang world.

Such a huge ghost den, such a terrifying Yin Sha, Zhang Qingyuan can no longer imagine how terrifying ghosts are hidden here.

I thought it was a welfare bureau, catching a pervert, and by the way, I could legitimately break into the girls' dormitory at night.

Who knew that this was clearly a death bureau.

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