"It's over, it's over. We're in big trouble."

Zhang Qingyuan's face turned green. He came here to catch a pervert, but it felt like he had entered the boss' lair.

"What's wrong? Your face is so green that it's almost spreading to your head."Zhao Lingshan asked in confusion.

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

Glancing at Zhao Lingshan with resentment, Zhang Qingyuan said,"It's over. I think your chastity will be lost."

Zhao Lingshan covered her chest and took two steps back, cursing,"You bastard, I treat you as a brother, but you have improper thoughts about me."

Huang Shuangshuang advised,"Team leader, don't be impulsive. Those who commit adultery will go to the oil pot hell and the ice hell."

"What the hell are you thinking? I won't feel anything for you even if you take off all your clothes and put me on my bed." Zhang Qingyuan cursed a little defensively:"I mean, this pervert is not the little ghost you mentioned, at least it is a disaster-level or robbery-level ghost!"

"We are now trapped in his ghost den, and the entire Jiangnan University is within the ghost den."

"Disaster ghost, it sounds so powerful?" Huang Shuangshuang didn't know whether she was amazed or curious, she looked like she had never experienced a beating.

"Are you talking about the same ghost den as the female ghost in Chunjiang Community? This pervert is so strong, great."Zhao Lingshan waved her fist fiercely and said in a very childish way.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the two of them speechlessly... He doubted very much that the two girls would shout"I will destroy you on behalf of the moon". They were just two country bumpkins who knew nothing about the danger.

He had to be serious and said solemnly:"I'm not kidding you, don't be careless, otherwise... you will die."

Zhao Lingshan, the big silly girl, finally took it a little seriously and whispered:"Do you want me to contact your grandfather?"

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at her and said:"Why? Do you think your grandfather has lived too long and let him come and die quickly."


Zhao Lingshan was so angry that she punched him in the head, hitting him through but not causing any damage.

"Damn it, when did this girl have this intention? What do you think we should do?"

Zhang Qingyuan pondered for a moment and said,"Don't act rashly for the time being. Contact Senior Yuanshan first and ask him to tell Zhao Jin about the situation here. Maybe he can bring in reinforcements."

Zhao Lingshan quickly took out her cell phone, but just like Chunjiang Community, there was no signal in the ghost den.

"No signal, what should I do?"Zhao Lingshan began to panic visibly.

It seems that I have to rely on my far-ahead mobile phone!

Zhang Qingyuan took out his mobile phone and sent a private message to Lao Wang, hoping that the other party was still awake at this time.

Less than half a minute later, Lao Wang actually replied. It seems that someone is really following his private messages.

Zhang Qingyuan: [Lao Wang, please contact Zhao Yuanshan and ask him to find a way to tell Zhao Jin that there is a disaster-level ghost in Jiangnan University. I am now trapped in the ghost den and cannot leave. Ask Zhao Jin to find a way to rescue me.……】

Wang Zhengyang: [Okay. I will ask someone to contact Master Yuanshan right away. Apart from this, is there anything else you want to do?]

Zhang Qingyuan thought about it and edited another private message and sent it over.

【The ghost at Jiangnan University is no weaker than the one at Chunjiang Community. Can you find a way to contact the government and ask them to seal off Jiangnan University and not let ordinary people in, otherwise it may cause great casualties. 】

Wang Zhengyang: [Don't worry, sir. The Wang Group has a very good relationship with the government. You can contact the Prime Minister's Office directly. 】

After contacting the external aid, Zhang Qingyuan relaxed a little. Now he just needs to find a safe place to wait for the support from the underworld.

The severed hand climbed from his sleeve to his shoulder, and the Eye of Earth in the palm of his hand looked towards the back mountain of Jiangnan University.

A faint yellow light column stood above the back mountain, which was very conspicuous among the ghosts filled with evil spirits.

"Lingshan, is there any god worshipped in the back mountain?"Zhang Qingyuan pointed to the direction of the light column and asked.

The latter was a little confused, and thought for a long time before saying:"Nothing, but many couples like to go there, especially at night."

I understand!

Every university has a place to play in the wild.

Although Hu Niu didn't know, the light column was obviously the light of the gods, and that place should be safe for the time being

"Let's go to the back mountain first and wait for rescue." After saying that, Zhang Qingyuan was about to go to the back mountain.

"Do we really have to go to that place?" Zhao Lingshan didn't know what was wrong with her. She looked embarrassed.

""Big sister, can you please stop thinking about nonsense? There is a god in that place who can temporarily protect us." Zhang Qingyuan said speechlessly

""Team leader is amazing. No wonder I always felt that the mountain was strange when I first came here. It turns out there are spirits." Huang Shuangshuang's eyes lit up, like a little fangirl.

Taking advantage of the night, the three of them quietly rushed to the back mountain.

However, before they had walked far, the evil spirits covering the dormitory area suddenly increased exponentially, which frightened Zhang Qingyuan, thinking that the ghosts hidden in it had discovered them.

"Ahhhh... Ghost!"

Suddenly a scream broke the silence, and the surrounding dormitories began to riot one after another

"There's a ghost, help!……"The cries for help suddenly stopped, probably someone died

"Run! Ghosts are coming... Feng Qi, Feng Qi has turned into a ghost."

One scream after another came from not just one dormitory, but all the surrounding dormitory buildings. In some dormitories, cell phone flashlights were lit up. Chaos, cries for help, panic... came without any warning.

"What's going on? Are there so many perverts?"Zhang Qingyuan looked at the dormitories around him in confusion, and didn't react for a long time.

Zhao Lingshan didn't know anything. She had checked the school for several days, but couldn't find anything.


There was a crazy slapping sound from the closed dormitory door. A large group of female students were trapped inside the locked door and couldn't escape.


"���Open the door!"

"Ghost is coming……"

Blood splattered everywhere

, and scarlet blood flowed out from under the dormitory door. Screams continued to be heard, and those who failed to escape turned around and ran upstairs.

"No… No, don’t come over here!"

On the balcony of the third-floor dormitory, a girl climbed up the fence and shouted in fear while looking at the room.

The next second, the girl jumped down, choosing to jump off the building rather than face the ghost.

After the girl jumped down, a woman with loose hair and a sinister aura on her body looked down woodenly on the balcony, then turned around and went back to the dormitory.

The entire girls’ dormitory area was filled with terrified cries for help and screams.

Ghosts seemed to be everywhere!

"Damn it!" Zhao Lingshan suddenly shouted

"Sijia and Tianling are still in the dormitory, I have to go back and check on them!" After saying that, Zhao Lingshan turned around and ran towards her own dormitory building.

"Wait, something is wrong. The one causing the trouble might be a ghost. If we go back now, it will be troublesome if we are targeted."Zhang Qingyuan hurriedly advised

"No! I can't abandon them. Don't worry about it. Go to the back mountain by yourself. I'll come over when I find them."After saying that, she left without looking back.

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

""Team leader, what should we do now?" Huang Shuangshuang asked

"What else can I do? I'll go with her. It's true that in troubled times, the Virgin Mary should be killed first.……"

Zhang Qingyuan cursed inwardly but could only follow with gritted teeth. Nothing could happen to Zhao Lingshan, at least not so easily, otherwise his status as a Taoist soldier would be ruined and Zhao Jin and Zhao Yuanshan would definitely turn against him.

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