Tick-tick… blood slid down the knife, and the girl who was pregnant with the ghost fetus had already fallen to the ground. The severed hand jumped into her stomach and soon jumped out with a manic ghost fetus in its grasp. The severed hand tightly controlled the restless ghost fetus, and the sharp teeth bit the hand without causing any damage.

"How does this thing exist?"

"Yin and Yang are separated, and the boundary between life and death is so clear. A living person actually gave birth to a ghost fetus with a ghost. Is this little thing a ghost or a human?"

Zhang Qingyuan muttered in confusion. This has touched upon the blind spot of his nine-year compulsory education.

""Team leader, do you think the ghosts in other dormitories are like this?" Huang Shuangshuang asked.

Damn it!

Zhang Qingyuan was stunned... This is not a pervert, but a seed ghost. He came from the underworld to the university and planted seeds crazily. He is simply a beast.

After dealing with the female ghost, the five of them went downstairs carefully. They didn't know if there were other pregnant girls hiding in this dormitory building. Zhang Qingyuan didn't dare to be careless.

Behind him, Zhao Lingshan was a little absent-minded, and I don't know what she was thinking.

"Shanshan, what's wrong with you? Zhuang Sijia asked

"I……"Zhao Lingshan hesitated to speak, looking embarrassed, and said hesitantly:"Wan...Wanwan may also be pregnant with a ghost baby"


"Wanwan...how could it be possible?"

The two roommates covered their mouths with disbelief.

"What's going on?" Zhang Qingyuan asked curiously.

"Last time, Grandpa used the immortal to point the way and called me to Zaoge Mountain. On the day I came back, Sijia, do you remember that Zeng Wan also came back?"

The two girls stared at each other with a pair of silly big eyes and nodded.

"That time, I sensed a very strong negative energy from her, but it disappeared later, so I didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that she had encountered a ghost, but I didn't notice it."

"Ah!" Zhuang Sijia exclaimed,"I remember that you said something strange and made her angry."

"Well, it was because I sensed the yin energy in her that I asked her."

The three girls looked solemn, all worried about their roommates.

When they arrived at the dormitory building, they could see people running away in the distance, looking down.

It seemed that someone had already escaped from the dormitory building.

"This... so many people, should we save them?"

Zhang Qingyuan was about to refuse, but the ghost didn't seem to want to give him this opportunity.

In the darkness, three strange figures were already walking towards them, ignoring the students running not far away.

"We are being watched."Zhang Qingyuan's heart sank, and he looked around and saw four girls walking towards him.

Each of them was covered in blood, especially on their abdomens. Those who were covered with clothes were fine, but those who were not covered with clothes had their horrible abdomens exposed, with two baby ghost hands waving inside.


" What...what should we do?" Zhuang Sijia and Tian Ling hugged each other in fear.

The severed hand jumped twice on Zhang Qingyuan's shoulder, attracting his attention.

"What's wrong?"

The severed hand stretched out a finger and pointed to a dormitory building across the street.

A blood-stained figure stood on the window fence of a dormitory on the seventh floor. She placed her hands slightly bent in front of her chest, as if she was holding something.

With the help of the severed hand's perspective, Zhang Qingyuan saw what was in her arms. It was a ghost baby that had already separated from its mother.

The woman and the ghost baby in her arms were staring at them. Unlike other ghost babies that had not yet been born, Zhang Qingyuan felt a great threat from her.

""Team leader, what should we do?" Huang Shuangshuang asked nervously.

"Don't worry about them... Let's go to the back mountain, and we'll chop down whoever comes over here!"

As he said that, Zhang Qingyuan took out a bone knife and handed it to the man with the broken hand, and then the five of them rushed towards the back mountain.

"Wow... wow wow……"

The shrill cry of a baby was heard, the wind was howling all around, and the dark fog visible to the naked eye swept in from all directions. Some unlucky students were caught in it and died after only two screams.

"This is not wanting us to leave!"

Zhang Qingyuan cursed inwardly, and immediately took out the Taoist suit and put it on. The golden divine light immediately illuminated the paradise, temporarily resisting the erosion of Yin Sha.

""So handsome!"

Zhuang Sijia seemed to have forgotten the danger and shouted like a fangirl.

However, Zhang Qingyuan no longer cared about the girl's admiration. He raised the sword in his hand and slashed towards the left front.


A sharp cry came, and a gray-green ghost baby was chopped off and fell into the arms of its ghost mother.

The ghost baby crawled directly into the belly of the carrier, staring at Zhang Qingyuan with a sinister look.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh... strips of objects flew out and wrapped around like chains.

"Damn, it turned out to be intestines!"Zhang Qingyuan felt sick, and finally knew what the sausage-like thing that was cut off at the dormitory door was.

"Huang Tianfa, thunder is coming!"


Thunder roared rapidly, and a flash of lightning tore through the evil ghost fog, hitting the ghost baby and its carrier.


At the same time, the ghost hand rushed out with a bone knife, and cut off all the intestines in three or two strokes.

""Watch them."

Zhang Qingyuan shouted to Huang Shuangshuang, then rushed out with his sword, slashing at the neck of the ghost baby carrier.

However, dozens of intestines rushed out from the darkness and wrapped around him.

"Damn, how can you be so disgusting!"

"The Mysterious Sect of Heaven and Earth, the root of all Qi.……"

Zhang Qingyuan's body glowed with golden light, and the strips wrapped around him instantly ignited like gasoline, burning towards the mother body.

As one of the eight great Taoist magic spells, the Golden Light Magic Spell is known by almost all Taoists and is applicable to all levels. Zhang Qingyuan also got it from Zhao Jin during his time in the underworld.

Other mother bodies carrying ghost babies also arrived. Zhang Qingyuan handed the defense task to Broken Hand and went all out to kill the mother body that gave birth to the ghost baby.

This one posed the greatest threat to him. If it was not resolved quickly, it would be even more troublesome if it attracted others.


"Woo wow wow……"

The ghost baby howled, and visible sound waves spread all around. Zhang Qingyuan's soul was flickering due to the impact, which showed how strong this ghost baby that could be separated from its mother was.

There were seven or eight mothers with ghost babies nearby, plus others that did not show up. If all the ghost babies were born, it would be terrifying. The nearly tens of thousands of teachers and students in Jiangnan University would probably be slaughtered.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan endured the discomfort, withstood the attack of the ghost baby, and forcibly chopped at the mother.

Puff ~

The smelly blood splashed, and the mother was cut in half, but the ghost baby broke away in an instant, pounced on him as fast as lightning, and bared his teeth fiercely.

My feet itch!

Zhang Qingyuan felt that his passiveness was about to break out, and kicked the ghost baby in the middle, kicking it out.

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