
Thunder roared, and flashes of lightning fell from the sky, and the surrounding ghost mother bodies suddenly fell down like wheat being cut.

Zhang Qingyuan held the jade pendant of Tiangong, like the god of thunder, controlling the thunder in the sky to eliminate the target.

The ghost mother's body was directly electrocuted into charcoal, and even the ghost fetus in her belly lost its vitality, turned into a pool of black water, and its form was defeated.

The evil spirit accumulated in the surroundings dissipated in an instant, and only a few horrible corpses lying on the ground foreshadowed the danger just now.


Before Zhang Qingyuan had time to breathe a sigh of relief, the broken knife suddenly appeared in front of him, pointing at the dormitory building not far away.

At the edge of the roof, the ghost baby that he had just kicked away was standing there, looking at them with a cold expression.

I thought this little ghost would come to cause trouble again, but another figure shrouded in darkness suddenly appeared behind the ghost baby, picked it up, and disappeared.

Zhang Qingyuan only saw a pair of red eyes, revealing endless evil

"That ghost……"

A deep chill rose in my heart. I took a quick glance and had the same illusion as when I faced the Black Monk and the Evil Buddha. This was a very scary ghost, definitely a calamity-level existence.

Although I didn't see its full appearance, I thought these ghost fetuses were planted by it.

"Let's go, quick!"

Zhang Qingyuan said with a gloomy face. He was about to take Zhao Lingshan and others away, but he found that those who escaped from the dormitory building were actually running towards them. They must have seen what they did just now and came to seek shelter.

"Zhang Dadan……"

"It's Zhang Dadan!"

There were several shouts of surprise from the crowd.

It seems that I still have female fans... Zhang Qingyuan was slightly happy, but the next second he started to have a headache. With so many people surrounding him, should he take care of them or not?

After thinking for a while, although no one could do anything about it, since they were already in front of him, he still had to save them.

After all, from the time he started live streaming after his death to the present, the largest increase in fans was when he saved hundreds of people in Chunjiang Community. In the context of the chaos caused by ghosts in the world, he was regarded as a savior by many people and gained a huge reputation.

Once the Qingyuan Temple is built, if you want to have a steady stream of incense, this savior persona must not collapse, and it must be responded to before there can be requests.

"Zhang Dadan, are you here to save us?" a little girl asked while holding up her phone and filming.

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at the dozens of heads around him and said righteously,"Yes! I heard that there were ghosts causing trouble at Jiangnan University, so I hurried over."

"Wow……"A group of girls exclaimed in unison, their eyes full of admiration.

The experience just now left them with a huge psychological trauma, and his appearance at this moment was almost like the male god that every girl dreamed of, coming on a colorful cloud.

"Woohoo… I thought I was going to die. That ghost was so scary. Everyone in the dormitory next to me died."

"I'm so scared... woooo."

Suddenly, there was crying all around. After seeing Zhang Qingyuan, the tense nerves finally relaxed, and many people suddenly broke down emotionally.

""Okay, okay, don't cry, little fairies. It's very dangerous here. Let's leave first." Zhang Qingyuan shouted with a headache and temporarily suppressed his crying.

Then, he spent a few minutes explaining the situation to everyone, and then led a group of female students to the back mountain and into the woods.

"Zhang Qingyuan, the boys' dormitory is in the south area, should we go and rescue them?" Zhao Lingshan came up and asked. Zhang Qingyuan glanced at her and asked,"What? It's not enough to save your best friend, you also want to save your boyfriend?"

Zhao Lingshan blushed and said angrily,"Bullshit, I don't have a boyfriend.……"

"Are you proud of not having a boyfriend? Are you proud of not having a boyfriend? Why don't you look for the reason in yourself?"

"Go to hell!"

Zhao Lingshan was so angry that she punched him. Zhang Qingyuan didn't dodge or evade. He was a ghost and was immune to physical attacks.

The fist went through his head. Zhao Lingshan shook it off and went to find her two girlfriends angrily.

Zhang Qingyuan remained silent... He naturally knew what Zhao Lingshan meant.

But the situation was unclear now. He had to bite the bullet to save the girls next to him, so he didn't care about the boys in the south district. Now he could only pray that they were thick-skinned and could withstand the beatings from the female ghosts. After all, they were a group of grown men. Son.

Being beaten twice is not a big deal.

Finding a reason to make himself feel at ease, Zhang Qingyuan lowered his moral standards by a large margin.

Put aside personal qualities, enjoy a bad life, refuse mental exhaustion, go crazy when something happens, rather than wronging yourself, it is better to embarrass others... Contemporary truths must be heard.

Along the way, screams were heard from many dormitory buildings from time to time, and the yin energy was filled in the air. The ghost babies and carriers were probably going crazy.

A group of female college students were frightened and clung to Zhang Qingyuan.

"Ghosts are not so good, they can't touch entities... If they were stuck like this when they were alive, they would probably bleed from their noses."Muttering silently in his heart, Zhang Qingyuan began to wonder how that pervert could have sex with someone?

Fortunately, there were no ghost babies and mother bodies to stop them, and the group arrived at the back mountain smoothly.

"Team leader, the incense here is very weak. Even if there are gods, I am afraid they are about to die. Huang Shuangshuang looked at Shan Lindao

"Whatever, he is a god after all, he should be able to help."

After that, Zhang Qingyuan led the people up the mountain path. The light emitted by the god was on the mountainside, deep in a dense forest.

Twenty minutes later, in the dense forest, Zhang Qingyuan used his broken hand to pick up the dense bushes in front.

A small shrine appeared in front of him, made of several stones, less than half a meter high, with a little old man with a simple and honest smile on his face.

"The land god?"

The female students nearby also gathered around and looked at the shabby altar curiously.

"Is this the land god?" Zhao Lingshan asked

"It should be, but it seems that no one has worshipped it for a long time, and the power is about to disappear."Zhang Qingyuan sighed.

This is the consequence of the technological explosion. The immortals and gods are declining. When it comes to the critical moment, they may not be able to provide protection for people.

"Lingshan, you light a stick of incense first, and everyone else come over and worship the Earth God. Each person should light a stick of incense and provide him with some incense.

After making the arrangements, he took out his phone and saw that Wang Zhengyang had already replied to his message.

【Mr. Zhang, the Prime Minister's Office has notified Jiangnan Province to block the area around Jiangnan University. Master Zhao Yuanshan has also been contacted. Is there anything else, sir?】

【Nothing's wrong for now!

After replying the message, Zhang Qingyuan returned to the live broadcast preparation interface, thought about it, and changed the live broadcast title to: [Ghost disaster at Jiangnan University, tens of thousands of teachers and students are in danger, and we urgently need the help of the masters from the world of the living! ]

I don't know when Zhao Jin will come, so he decided to save the country in a roundabout way and see if he can use the live broadcast to attract the masters of Buddhism and Taoism from the world of the living to save the situation.

The main reason for not starting the live broadcast before was that he was worried about attracting people who didn't care about their lives to break into the ghost den and cause unnecessary casualties. Now that it has been blocked by the government, there is no need to worry about these.

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