[What does it mean? Is Jiangnan University haunted?】

【The dog was in trouble and actually started a live broadcast to ask for help.

At two o'clock in the morning, netizens who practiced immortality discovered his live broadcast room for the first time.

Zhang Qingyuan took a look and saw that there were 80,000 people at this late hour. They all wanted to go to the King of Hell early and strive to be good young people.

"Dear all-powerful friends, if you know any Taoist masters near Jiangnan, please contact them and come to Jiangnan University for emergency. Jiangnan University is in a ghost disaster, at least a robbery-level ghost. Tens of thousands of teachers and students in the entire school are trapped in the ghost den and may die at any time."Zhang Qingyuan shouted to the live broadcast room

【Even a bold dog can't handle it?】

【I'm in Jiangnan. There's a small Taoist temple in our village. I wonder if the Taoist priests there can help. 】

Zhang Qingyuan:"My friends, don't mess with me. The situation at Jiangnan University is more troublesome than that at Chunjiang Community. In addition to the robbery-level ghosts, there are countless ghosts... ghost followers. I can't handle it all by myself. I've contacted the underworld. I don't know when they can come to rescue me. I can only ask the masters in the world of the living to come and handle it together."

"In times of prosperity, we should practice solitude and retreat from the world; in times of chaos, we should help the world... All of us in the Xuanmen sect should have the ambition to save the world and prove the truth when we encounter this chaotic world. Zhang Qingyuan invites you to come down the mountain and help the world."

After a compliment, Zhang Qingyuan saluted the camera.

His rare serious speech temporarily stunned the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Dear friends, please help spread what I just said. The lives of tens of thousands of teachers and students of Jiangnan University are in your hands."

【Since the dog has said so, I must help him.】

【In prosperous times, monks amass wealth; in troubled times, Taoists go down the mountain...Evil spirits are rampant, and it's time for them to show up.】

【Screen recorded + forwarded!】

【You are so bold, hold on, brother. I am still waiting for the time to come and join you. 】

Netizens spoke one after another. At this moment, the number of people in the live broadcast room has risen to 200,000. With 200,000 netizens and his own influence, it should be enough to spread throughout the entire Daxia Internet in a short time.

At this time, a live broadcast application popped up. Zhang Qingyuan wanted to refuse, but when he saw it was marked with a government certification, he immediately realized that the news he asked Wang Zhengyang to pass to Daxia had attracted the attention of the top leaders.

He immediately agreed.

""Hello... Zhang Qingyuan? Can you hear me?" a middle-aged man's anxious voice came.

"I can hear you. Are you from the government?"

"Good! What is the situation at Jiangnan University now? From the outside, we can see that there is no movement inside, but all physical signals have been cut off and we cannot contact the inside. Can you give us a brief description?"

Jiangnan University is one of the highest institutions of learning in Daxia, gathering countless elite students from the entire Daxia. With such a big incident, Daxia cannot attach too much importance to it.

From the moment they received the news, they began to find a way to contact the school. If Zhang Qingyuan did not start the live broadcast again, they were ready to arrange for someone to take the risk and come in to find out the situation.

"The situation is very bad now!" Zhang Qingyuan said in a very heavy tone

"Before I came, I thought it was a little ghost, but after I came, I found that the problem was serious. This ghost was more fierce than the one in Chunjiang Community. I couldn't handle it alone. He also transformed many ghosts. I just came from the dormitory building. Almost every dormitory building was haunted. Many people have died. I only had time to save some of them."

As he said, Zhang Qingyuan pointed the camera at the female students who were kneeling and worshiping the land god.

"I found a land god here. Due to lack of offerings, the land god is almost extinct. These students are offering incense to it, hoping to wake it up and provide some protection."

After listening to his description, the other side was silent for a while, and the tone became more solemn.

"From what you said, that ghost has threatened the lives of all the teachers and students of Jiangnan University? When will the so-called reinforcements from the underworld come, and what do we need to do?"

Zhang Qingyuan:"When will the reinforcements from the underworld come, I don't know. I have asked Wang Zhengyang to contact Zhao Yuanshan, the real person of Zaoge Mountain, and ask him to help notify the underworld... As for help, I have just said that it would be best if the real practitioners of Buddhism and Taoism in the world could come to the rescue and stabilize the situation, so as not to let the ghosts kill everywhere, and wait for the underworld to arrive and deal with it."

After a pause, Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment, and then said:"This ghost's behavior is a bit abnormal. I'm worried that it may have some plan. It would be best if someone can come to support it as soon as possible."

"OK, I understand!" The other party said very seriously:"Before that, please do your best to ensure the safety of teachers and students. If you can safely get through this disaster, your contribution will be comparable to Guan Sheng and Yue Fei, and Qingyuan Temple will be justified!"

After that, the other party hung up the microphone directly.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned... What did that last sentence mean? Comparable to Guan Sheng and Yue Fei, is this using the bait of deifying the human dynasty to lure me?


At the same time, in the Prime Minister's Mansion in Longjing, Daxia, a group of people sat around the desk, watching Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast room displayed on the projector. No one spoke for a long time.

Sitting in the main seat was an old man who was over 60 years old and had a head full of silver hair.

"Tell me, what should we do?"

"Are you talking about Jiangnan University? Or the recent events?" the deputy asked cautiously.

"All! Jiangnan University is the top priority. With such a big incident, I have to report to His Majesty at the court tomorrow morning. We need a plan."General Minister Li Chaogang said

"My suggestion is to contact all the major sects and Buddhist temples in Daxia first and send people to Jiangnan University to help Zhang Qingyuan stabilize the situation. We must not let too many people die. As for the future, the Xiankui Division of the previous dynasty was good at dealing with the chaos caused by evil spirits and ghosts. Now it seems that we also need an Xiankui Division."A mature and prudent regent suggested

"Not bad!"

"Haifeng Gong said that it makes sense."

Everyone agreed with this opinion.

However, Li Chaogang seemed dissatisfied and knocked on the table and said,"Is that it? Don't forget that the previous dynasty established the Xiankui Division because the world was in chaos and the human nature was unbalanced, which led to the emergence of demons and evil spirits."

"Today, Daxia is enjoying an atmosphere of eternal prosperity, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the world is at peace. However, at this time, demons and ghosts appear and cause chaos, and we have to set up the Xiankui Division to deal with it. You are all senior ministers, how can you appease the public?"

"It is more difficult to prevent the people from speaking out than to prevent the river from flooding. There are many historical books, and there are not enough such lessons, everyone?"

The atmosphere in the meeting hall became solemn again. Compared with Jiangnan University and the current situation of the demons and monsters, the most important question was what Li Chaogang raised later.

"well……"Someone sighed and said,"It is hard to predict the secrets of heaven. If there is really no way, then we can only climb to the top of Mount Tai and ask the heaven. If it is the will of heaven in our Great Xia, then a reasonable explanation will be given."

Ask the will of heaven!

It has existed since ancient times, especially when the world is in chaos and the people's hearts cannot be stabilized.

But this is a double-edged sword. If the will of heaven is in the current dynasty, then the world can be settled. If not, then it is the time when dragons and snakes will rise from the land and change the world.

No dynasty would do this easily unless it is a critical moment.

Li Chaogang did not speak for a long time. He closed his eyes and thought for a long time. He opened his eyes tiredly and said,"Then let's ask the will of heaven! We are united and devoted, the Holy Lord is also wise and good, and the prosperous times are far better than ever before. We have a clear conscience, and I believe that the will of heaven should also know.……"

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