Behind the Jiangnan University.

Zhang Qingyuan disconnected from the other party, glanced at the people who were looking at him, and finally set his eyes on the land god.

"Dear God, I leave these people to you."

The land god held his long staff and sighed,"It's my incompetence. If this matter could be resolved and you were still alive, I would write a letter to ask for a reward for you."

"" Wherever you want to go, I'll go too!" Zhao Lingshan volunteered.

Zhang Qingyuan said unhappily,"What are you going to do? Are you going to get yourself into the bed of a pervert? Look at you, you're not curvy, and your small A is ridiculous. A pervert may not be interested in you, so don't try to get close to you."

Zhao Lingshan was immediately out of control, her face flushed, as if she was having trouble breathing.

Zhang Qingyuan ignored her, turned to look at Huang Shuangshuang, and asked,"Shuangshuang, are you going with me, or waiting here?"

Huang Shuangshuang was obviously a loli with a middle school syndrome. She clenched her fists and said firmly,"Team leader, I'm going. I must defeat such a hateful ghost with my own hands."

I've been waiting for you to say this.

This little loli has an extraordinary identity. For some reason, she came to the underworld to be an evil suppressant. Zhang Qingyuan doesn't believe that she doesn't have anything to save her life. Maybe she can help him at the critical moment.

""Okay! Wait a minute, I'll get ready."

As he spoke, Zhang Qingyuan found an empty space nearby and took out hundreds of ancient Yin coins from the Xumi Ring.

Each Yin coin was wrapped with a faint aura, which didn't seem like much, but when put together, it was very substantial.

He placed the ancient Yin coins in a specific position according to the simplified version of the disaster-avoiding technique, and then sat in the middle, ready to cast a spell.

"What are you doing?" Zhao Lingshan came over and asked

"There is no time to explain. Stand further away and don't disturb me."

After that, Zhang Qingyuan recited the spell of the disaster-avoiding technique, and the ancient Yin coins on the ground immediately responded. A beam of luck and light rose from the Yin coins in each position, and then gathered on his head.

Zhang Qingyuan's gray-black luck appeared, mixed with a few imperceptible yellow luck.

The luck gathered by the ancient Yin coins slowly flowed towards him, and the familiar feeling reappeared, as if he had become the darling of heaven and earth, and every flower, grass and tree were conveying a sense of closeness to him.

After a moment, Zhang Qingyuan opened his eyes, puzzled:"What's going on? It's different from last time, only this little energy?"

Looking at the Yin money all over the ground, his luck decreased greatly, but it did not disappear like last time.

Damn it!

Where is the genius of cultivation? Something went wrong at the critical moment.

He took out the disaster-avoiding technique and read it again from beginning to end... Well, he couldn't understand most of it. The only part he could understand was the part about the method of changing luck that Zhao Jin taught him.

He scratched his head anxiously, unable to figure out what the problem was. The operation was exactly the same as last time.

A mysterious butterfly sneered with disdain!

At this moment, Huang Shuangshuang came over, looked at the Yin money on the ground, and asked in confusion:"Team leader, is this your disaster-avoiding technique? It doesn't look right."


Zhang Qingyuan looked at the little loli in shock and confusion... Does she understand this?

Huang Shuangshuang ignored his expression, squatted down on her own, moved the Yin money on the ground slightly, and said:"Team leader, you are so careless, these pieces should have been placed here."

Is it so weird?"

Zhang Qingyuan was skeptical and tried again. He saw that the Yin money on the ground suddenly became brighter and all turned into streams of light and gathered above his head to form a canopy. Some of them merged into his luck again.

Seeing this, Huang Shuangshuang said calmly:"Team leader, you see, you are too careless and put it in the wrong place."

Zhang Qingyuan: Tears!

Little Loli is so good, she is considerate of others' clothes... intentions. She never doubted that he was a rookie from the beginning to the end. She didn't understand at all

"Ahem... I didn't expect Shuangshuang to know this. I really didn't notice that I put it wrong."He said shamelessly, not admitting that he didn't know how to do it.

Let this beautiful misunderstanding continue, the glorious image of the team leader in her heart will not be damaged at all.

After preparation, Zhang Qingyuan rejected Zhao Lingshan's adventure again, and tricked her to stay here to take care of others. After all, the land god is old, and it is inevitable that there will be some mistakes.

This Hu Niu finally agreed reluctantly.

On the way……


""What's wrong, team leader?"

Zhang Qingyuan asked,"Are you scared?""

"Don't be afraid, with the team leader here, there will be no problem."The little girl stared at him with innocent eyes.

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

I don't believe in myself as much as you do.

"Is the team leader afraid?" asked the little girl.

"Of course I'm afraid! I'm afraid I'll never come back."

"Um...Team Leader, what if I really don't come back?"

Zhang Qingyuan walked in front with his hands behind his back, and said with a very"relaxed" smile:"If I don't come back, then I won't come back.……"


Huang Shuangshuang looked at his back and felt that the whole person was emitting a certain light.

In front, the severed hand on Zhang Qingyuan's shoulder quietly transmitted Huang Shuangshuang's reaction to his mind... As expected, those online writers are good at pretending. I only need to copy a sentence to win the admiration of an ignorant little loli. It's easy to do.

Huang Shuangshuang seemed to have made up her mind. She walked forward quickly, parallel to Zhang Qingyuan, and said:"Don't worry, team leader, you are so powerful, no matter what, you will be fine."

"Haha... Thank you for your good words! But Shuangshuang, if there is any danger later, you don’t have to worry about me. You must take out the things in the bottom of the box to save your life."Zhang Qingyuan patiently"reminded".

You must take it out, aunt, you must not hide it... Zhang Qingyuan wailed in his heart.

Huang Shuangshuang nodded heavily and said,"Well, I will... The team leader will be fine."

Huh... He breathed a sigh of relief.

He felt that this little Lolita must have fallen into the trap. With this deception, at the critical moment, can you really leave me alone and run away?

With luck, he dealt with Huang Shuangshuang again... Zhang Qingyuan felt that although this trip was dangerous, it should be no problem to save his life.

In the live broadcast room, many netizens watched his deception throughout the whole process.

【This dog is brave and kind-hearted. In a critical moment, he still wanted others to run first.】

【Humph... I don't believe it. This dog is so bold that he is probably planning something bad to the little girl.】

【Who is like you, who values women more than his life?】

【Hiss… Dog Dare, these words, the more I think about them, the more I feel something is wrong, but I can’t put my finger on it. 】

Some sensitive netizens have already sensed something, but they can’t find any evidence

【You bastards, stop talking about conspiracy theories. Zhang Dadan is such a good man. He saved so many girls at a critical moment, but now he wants to let this little girl escape first. If anyone slanders him again, we sisters on the Internet will not let you go.

The remarks from the young lady successfully stunned the others, and they no longer dared to doubt Zhang Qingyuan.

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