Inside Jiangnan University, a faint smell of blood lingered in the air, and from time to time one or two screams were heard in the darkness, but they only lasted for a second or two before the noise disappeared.

After such a long time, the students in the dormitory had already found a way to escape and scattered across the huge campus.

The ghost fetus and the mother body also followed the breath of the living and began to hunt everywhere.

"Wow... wow wow……"

The occasional crying of babies is very creepy. Each cry symbolizes that a ghost baby has left the mother's body and is born into the world.

"Team leader, every time a ghost baby is born, the ghost becomes stronger."

"Well! We killed a few at the beginning, and now we came over and killed ten more, but the ghost didn't move. It seems that there are a lot of ghost babies, and he doesn't care about this loss."Zhang Qingyuan was in a very heavy mood.

The more ghost babies there are, the more dangerous the students trapped in the ghost den are. Each ghost baby needs to hunt a lot to be born successfully.

In the darkness, a pair of vague eyes were always staring at them. The broken hand stood on his shoulder, and the Eye of Earth in the palm of his hand was also locked on the ghost in the dark.

A child of seven or eight years old, with a dark blue body and no hair on his body, was a grown-up ghost baby.

Click, click...

A little ghost baby ran towards the ghost child barefoot, and the ghost child grabbed the ghost baby's bald head, and the dark blue breath spewed out, entangled the ghost baby, melted it bit by bit, and then wrapped a ray of extremely yin and evil breath into the ghost child's mouth.

I don't know if it's an illusion, Zhang Qingyuan feels that the ghost child seems to have grown a little taller.

Under the eyes of Earth, there are several ghost babies in the distance who have successfully separated from their mothers and ran straight towards the ghost child.

"It is growing rapidly. Is it too late to stop it?"Zhang Qingyuan was a little skeptical.

That damn underworld has not made any movement until now. If it drags on, someone will probably come to collect his body.

A moment later, the main gate of Jiangnan University appeared in front of the road. As a key university in Daxia, the school gate is very grand, four or five meters high and nearly twenty meters wide, with dragons and phoenixes carved on it. This gate alone is more than enough to buy an apartment in Jiangnan Province.

Under the tall door, three figures had been waiting for a long time.

Zhang Qingyuan stepped forward, and before he could speak, Zhao Yuanshan couldn't wait to ask,"Where is Lingshan?"

"She's in the back mountain. It's a hindrance to bring her along."

Zhao Yuanshan breathed a sigh of relief and turned to introduce Zhang Qingyuan to the two people behind him. Taoist Tongwei was a Taoist lineage. As for Shen Molin, he seemed to have some background as a Northeastern spirit.

"This is Huang Shuangshuang, also the evil suppressor. There are only five of us now, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to do anything."I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop that ghost

"On the way here, I have seen its true form. It has grown to the size of seven or eight years old after the fusion of several ghost babies. I am afraid that it will not have much time left."Zhang Qingyuan said worriedly. Zhao

Yuanshan shook his head and said very confidently:"It is not that simple. This ghost is against the will of heaven. The further it goes, the more difficult it will be. Moreover, the thunder tribulation has already appeared. At the critical moment, the punishment from heaven will stop it."

"Now we just need to try our best to clean up those ghost babies and mother bodies, delay their recovery, and then wait for the underworld to take action, hoping to hold on until then."

Tong Wei Taoist and Shen Molin had no objections, and the five of them walked straight into the depths of Jiangnan University.

The effect of the Tu Bo Eye began to take effect, just like a radar, through the direction of the Yin Sha flow, it easily searched for the ghost babies and mother bodies active in the school.

"The ghost's body is in the cafeteria, let's stay away from it and go to the boys' dormitory in the south area. The ghost babies first broke out in the girls' dormitory area. Some died, some escaped, and most of the mother ghost babies ran to the boys' dormitory."Zhang Qingyuan began to report the location with a God's perspective. Zhao

Yuanshan looked at the severed hand on his shoulder and said suspiciously:"Your ghost is very strange, is it a creature from the underworld?"

"Yes, yes, team leader, these hands and eyes seem to be extraordinary, like parts of a strong man's body."Huang Shuangshuang had noticed this thing a long time ago, but she didn't recognize what it was.

"Ahem... I don't know, it insisted that it fell from me and followed me."

The broken hand jumped hard on the shoulder, as if to say... I was originally a part of you.

Carefully entering the south dormitory area, a boy in his pants was running half naked, being chased by the ghost baby mother body, and ran away in a hurry without noticing the abnormality of this group of people.

【Screenshots have been taken. A naked man was spotted running at Jiangnan University late at night. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?……】

【In such a serious occasion, be less naughty, or the dog will die.】

【Damn, the entire Jiangnan University is closed. I was about to pass through there, but was blocked and turned back.】

【Just woke up, what happened? Dog boldly asked for help in live broadcast? 】

In the live broadcast room, there was rare harmony, and countless netizens were paying attention to their progress.

A mother with a split abdomen came towards them, and the ghost baby in the belly was holding a ball of white, tofu-like thing in his hand and stuffing it into his mouth. Zhang Qingyuan almost vomited out the food he had eaten in the underworld.

""This evil ghost must be killed!" Zhao Yuanshan took the lead and rushed forward with a peach wood sword.

Zhang Qingyuan pointed to the dormitory building on the left and said,"There is another one in that building, on the second floor, and he is eating living people."

""Ahem, let me do it!"

After that, Shen Molin took out a jade fox, bit his fingers and stained the fox with blood, fumbled with his hands, and muttered something in his mouth.

A strange power appeared beside Shen Molin. Zhang Qingyuan sensed a strong smell of incense, like a god, but not a god. The breath was not as pure as that of the land god, and it was mixed with strange power.


A cloud of smoke emerged from the ground, and then a fox with a pure white body and enchanting posture suddenly emerged.

A pair of humanized fox eyes swept across the people present. Zhang Qingyuan was startled and quickly looked away. This fox was even more charming than a woman, and almost made him feel

""Please ask the immortals to exorcise the ghosts!"

Shen Molin said respectfully, then took out a black pill-like thing from his pocket and fed it to the fox.

The latter took the pill, stretched his body very comfortably, then jumped forward with his furry tail, and disappeared as if he had traveled through space.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at Shen Molin with some curiosity... Is this the fox fairy, one of the five fairies in the Northeast?

This is also a well-known existence among the people. The fox is yellow, white, willow and gray. Its reputation in the northeast outside the pass is comparable to that of a righteous god. It has countless believers and has given birth to various mysterious legends.

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