After following the old ghost Zhao Jin for a walk outside, Zhang Qingyuan was able to open his eyes.

When he returned to his tomb, the light of the blood moon had already appeared on the gloomy mountains in the west.

It rises in the west and sets in the east, which is completely opposite to the sun in the world of the living. Few people know the origin of the blood moon. Legend has it that it is related to a secret of the underworld.

When he returned to the tomb and watched the video, the hot searches about him were gone. Even the content of Northwest Tiger Brother's live broadcast of finding a grave was almost removed. It was obvious that someone was suppressing the hot searches.

"Damn it, just wait, I have to find your boss's father.……"Zhang Qingyuan cursed inwardly and turned off his phone.

The most urgent thing now is to find Su Qiaoyang's father as soon as possible and solve the problem of blocking the account. Otherwise, he will not dare to broadcast live, and he does not know how much money he will lose.

"I don't know how Brother Northwest Tiger is doing?" Zhang Qingyuan muttered, and there was nothing he could do but wait silently.

After all, the Yin and Yang were separated, and although there was a mobile phone that could connect to the platform in the Yang world, there was still too little he could do. Once he entered the Evil Suppression Division, he might be able to gain the authority to walk between the Yin and Yang worlds.


"You are Meng Miao?"Brother Northwest Tiger looked at the girl who came to pick him up. She was 1.75 meters tall, with a thin waist and long legs, and a cute face. A gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

""Haha? Isn't that cute enough?" Zhao Lingshan spoke in a Northeastern accent, which somewhat pierced Tiger's fantasy and instantly made the light in his eyes disappear.

Northeastern girls are like this, except for having an extra mouth, everything is good, making people want to poison her to silence her.

"Looks cute, sounds fierce……"

Zhao Lingshan rolled her eyes.

She had heard this kind of thing at least a hundred times, especially after she went to college and met that southern roommate, who once made her suspect that her throat had been ripped by a file.

After picking up Brother Northwest Tiger, the car drove out of the county town and headed towards a remote mountain village.

The road became more and more remote along the way.

If it weren't for the girl in her early twenties sitting next to him, Brother Northwest Tiger would have suspected that he would be stabbed in the waist.

I don't know why, since the last time I looked for a grave, I have become more and more timid.

"Um, that... cute girl, I don't know if your grandfather……"Northwest Tiger tried to ask

"Just call me Zhao Lingshan." Zhao Lingshan said as she drove,"My grandfather was a Taoist disciple, and later he lived in seclusion in the Northeast. After I showed him the live broadcast room and the live broadcast of Zhang Dadan, he asked me to call you over."

"Is that so?"Brother Northwest Tiger nodded in confusion. He didn't know much about the Taoist sect or not, or whether he received the ordination certificate or not. He just thought it sounded like that, not the kind of charlatan on the street.

"So, Lingshan, you also know something about this. What does bold brother mean by burning paper with particularity?" he continued to ask.

"How would I know? It's a different era now, who still studies that? But my grandpa has prepared a lot of things these days, probably for that matter. Also, have you brought enough money? My grandpa spent a lot of money preparing the materials this time."

"Don't worry, I'll give you enough!" Brother Northwest Tiger patted his chest and promised.

Half an hour later, the car arrived in front of the village. There were only a hundred households, and the location was very remote. Zhao Yuanshan lived on the hillside outside the village, living away from the crowd. Fortunately, there was a small road that the car could drive directly up, otherwise it would be another torture for the fat Brother Tiger.

""Grandpa, I'm back!" Zhao Lingshan jumped out of the car and shouted towards the yard. Her voice was a little sweeter, with a bit of the meaning of a southern little potato.

Brother Northwest Tiger also followed into the yard, and then saw Zhao Yuanshan lying on the rocking chair.

The latter opened his eyelids and glanced at him, and asked lightly:"It's you? I saw you in that live broadcast room. What's your name? Northwest Tiger?"

Brother Northwest Tiger is also a gangster. Although he is just a big gangster with a little fame on the street, he still has vision. He noticed the different temperament of Zhao Yuanshan at a glance.

He said very respectfully:"I dare not, old man, call me Lin Zhenhu, or Xiaolin."

""Yes!" Zhao Yuanshan nodded, stood up, and walked towards the inner room with his hands behind his back:"Xiao Lin, right? Come in with me."

The inner room was a bungalow like those in the northeastern countryside. It was not spacious, but it was connected to other houses and had a large area.

As soon as he entered the door, Northwest Tiger Brother saw an antique ink painting enshrined inside. The painting was of a Taoist priest. With the knowledge of graduating from elementary school, he barely recognized the origin of the character.

——Ge Xuan Tianshi of Lingbao Sect of Zaoge Mountain.

Zhao Yuanshan respectfully lit three incense sticks, bowed, and then inserted them into the incense burner. Then he took off the Taoist robe beside the altar and put it on, looking a bit like an old Taoist priest.

"Xiaolin, as far as I know, that Zhang Qingyuan is not your relative. You were entrusted by him to hold a memorial service, right?"

Zhao Yuanshan asked as he walked to the long table next to him. The table was filled with various Taoist instruments, which looked like a simple altar.

Seeing this, Northwest Tiger Brother became more respectful and quickly replied,"Yes, the immortal is right. I also met Brother Bold by chance, and then he asked me to help him burn paper."

"Hmm!" Zhao Yuanshan nodded and continued to ask,"Do you have his birth date and horoscope?""

"Birth date?"Brother Northwest Tiger was stunned for a moment. He had a weird birth date.

"" Grandpa, I have it, but it's his time of death, I don't know if it can be used." Zhao Lingshan said on the side.

Zhao Yuanshan took the phone and looked at it, thought for a moment, nodded, and said:"This is also OK, I will call his soul up and ask him."

After that, he put the phone aside, then lowered his head and wrote and drew on a piece of yellow paper, and the Northwest Tiger next to him���Seeing this, he subconsciously took out his mobile phone and was about to start a live broadcast.

He had already thought of the content of the live broadcast room: real-life footage of Taoist masters performing their duties.

If he could get Zhang Qingyuan to join the live broadcast, it would be another huge wave of traffic, which was exciting just to think about.

But before he opened the live broadcast room, he heard Zhao Yuanshan's voice:"Put away your phone. I am opening a ritual altar, which involves the secret techniques of our sect and cannot be shown to others."

The voice was unquestionable and had an unspeakable majesty. Brother Northwest Tiger shuddered slightly and reluctantly put his phone away.

On the other side, Zhao Yuanshan lit up incense and candles. The dim flames and the scent of incense filled the main room with a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Brother Northwest Tiger and Zhao Lingshan both felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere around them. They subconsciously lowered their breathing and watched each other perform their duties quietly.

"Zhao Yuanshan, Lingbao Dao of Zaoge Mountain, the sixth-grade treasure scroll of the Jade Talisman of the Supreme Three Heavens, the ghost general Fuwei listens to the order in front of the altar and opens the ghost road of the underworld... Please ask Zhang Qingyuan's ghost to come and see it, go!"

Boom boom...

The sound of horse hooves sounded and quickly disappeared. The light of the candle on the altar stretched out, as if illuminating a road that did not exist before, leading directly into the underworld.

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