"Hehehe... Dear customer passing by, we have new incense and candles. They have a rich flavor. Come and have a look. They are cheap and good value for money."

At the door of an incense and candle shop, two paper figures are soliciting customers with strange fake smiles.

"Incense and candles are one of the ghost foods, suitable for poor ghosts. They contain a small amount of Yang energy. Otherwise, if they stay in the underworld for a long time without Yang energy to purify them, the resentment and evil spirits accumulated by the blood moon and the underworld will pollute the ghosts along with the Yin energy, and they will gradually lose their minds. Most of the ghosts outside the city have lost their minds and kill each other to satisfy their desires."

"……At that point, it's basically over. Not to mention reincarnation, even if you get close to the ghost town, you will be cleared out by ghost soldiers. Unless you meet a great Buddha or Taoist who works hard to convert you, you can return to the real spirit."

Zhao Jin looked a bit like a senior, walking with Zhang Qingyuan in Fengdu City, introducing him to the common sense of the underworld.

""Ahem... Senior, what does that Qunfang Baigui Building over there mean?" Zhang Qingyuan obviously had a different focus, and pointed to an extremely ambiguous sign in front and asked.

Zhao Jin looked at him with a teasing look on his face, and said,"Why, do you want to go in and experience it? Be careful that your soul and body can't stand it. When you are alive, your kidneys can't stand it, and when you die, your soul and body can't stand it either. The female ghosts in there suck people like a pump. You need to rest for several years after going in. If you go in a few more times, it's no different from losing a soul or a spirit."

"So that's how it is... Seniors are still experienced."

Zhang Qingyuan flattered the horse, and then patted the horse's leg.

Zhao Jin blew his beard and glared, saying:"You damn thing, you dare to tease me, you're asking for a beating."

As he said that, Zhao Jin took out a black wooden sword from somewhere and hit him on the back of the head.

After hitting Zhang Qingyuan, Zhao Jin walked forward with his hands behind his back. Zhang Qingyuan looked around and saw that the number of ghosts gradually increased. They didn't look much different from living people, but they all had dead faces, which looked weird.

And it also confirmed Zhang Qingyuan's previous guess that the female ghosts of ancient Confucian scholars were all fake. The female ghosts he saw along the way were all very ugly. Either their hair was messy, like a chicken coop, or they were half-hooked, with their hands drooping, floating silently, the kind that could be hung on the door to ward off evil. The image of an evil person.

It’s a pity that his current Kuaishou account can only broadcast live but not post videos, otherwise he would have to shoot a few videos to cleanse the yellow brains of lsp netizens.

Ba ba ba... beep... bang bang bang... the loud music suddenly sounded in the street, which was very harsh.

Zhang Qingyuan looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a cloud of red mist floating in the direction of the outer city. Then two ghosts wearing black long gowns, with a"囍" character on their chests, round heads, and white faces painted with only a palm-sized blush on their cheeks jumped out, one of them holding a red sign in his hand.

The sign read: Lu Dan Yin Qin, the Happiness of the Underworld

"Yin kiss?"Zhang Qingyuan was stunned. Before he could react, a cold and old hand grabbed him and pulled him to the side.

"" What are you doing standing there like a log? Don't you see that they are looking for a wife? If you do a ghost marriage, be careful that you will be caught and used as a snack for drinking." Zhao Jin cursed.

Zhang Qingyuan came back to his senses and asked curiously,"Senior, what's going on? Are there people getting married in the underworld?"

Zhao Jin glanced at him, as if he was looking at a fool, and said unhappily,"What's so strange about this? Ghosts are transformed from humans. Since they were once humans, getting married and looking for a wife is not strange."

The ghosts around obviously knew what was going on. When they saw the ghost marriage team, they made way and hid on both sides.

The sound of gongs and drums became louder and louder. Soon the red fog dissipated, and the whole team appeared. There were little ghosts holding signs in front and behind, all dressed the same, with a very underworld atmosphere. There were eight sedan bearers in the middle, and four in front and back carried a big red sedan. It was hard to see what the ghost bride looked like.

On both sides of the sedan, there were female ghosts wearing ancient ladies' clothes, carrying baskets and scattering paper petals.

"Tsk tsk tsk… They married the daughter of the old ghost king outside the city. The Lu family is indeed a powerful family in the underworld. Zhao Jin said with a click of his tongue.

""Senior, what is a ghost king, and what is the Lu family?" Zhang Qingyuan was confused and could only ask the old ghost next to him for advice.

Zhao Jin looked at him with disgust and said,"You don't even know the Lu family.

Are you really an idiot or are you pretending to be stupid? Doesn't the famous Lu Pan know? As for the ghost king, it is a ghost who had some foundation in the previous life and was unwilling to stay in the city and be controlled by the underworld after death.

He ran to the outside of the city to be the king.

Generally, they are princes, generals, etc.

, and some little emperors who are almost mixed up also run to be ghost kings.


"Like this Shan Gui Wang, he was a general who led troops in the past. He died in a battle, and many of his soldiers followed him to the underworld. He gathered them and ran to the outside of the city, where he lived quite well."

With Zhao Jin's explanation, Zhang Qingyuan finally had a concept of the underworld and roughly understood some things. The underworld team walked very fast and passed by in a short while. Zhao Jin hurriedly pulled Zhang Qingyuan and said,"Let's go. It's not easy to get married to a wealthy family. Let's go and ask for a good start. It's a good opportunity not to take advantage of it.""

With that, the two followed the ghost team and entered the inner city. Zhang Qingyuan noticed that many ghosts followed them, obviously with the same idea.

The blood moon fell, and the defense of the inner city was not so tight, and the ghost soldiers at the gate did not block the way.

After successfully entering the inner city, Zhang Qingyuan found that there was a row of ghost soldiers standing guard along the street, escorting the ghost team forward. There were some shops along the street with the word"囍" posted on their doors, and red lanterns hung at the door. According to Zhao Jin, these were all Lu family's properties, which showed that the Lu Pan family was also powerful in the underworld..

Arriving at the Lu family's grave, Zhang Qingyuan was so envious that he almost cried when he saw the seven or eight meter high gate, the two meter wide black gate, and the two Yin beasts standing at the gate. He really felt like he had worked hard to pay off the mortgage for half his life, but in the end his house was not even as big as a rich man's toilet.

There was a small stall on the left side of the door. An old ghost in a red robe, who looked like a butler and was fat, was directing a group of ghost servants to give out prizes.

Zhang Qingyuan followed Zhao Jin and got a small red envelope each. He squeezed it with his hands and felt like Yin money.

"Hehe, not bad, five cents of Yin money, enough for five months' rent." Zhao Jin looked like a villain who had gotten a bargain, revealing a mouthful of uneven yellow teeth.

Zhang Qingyuan was about to open his red envelope when he saw a hand snatch it away like lightning. As he snatched it, he heard the other side muttering:"Little kid, why do you keep so much money? You don't look very smart, and I guess you won't be able to stay in the city for long. It's better to give it to me, the old man, instead of wasting it."

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

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