"Lin Zhenhu, if you dare to cause trouble again next time, I will send you to jail. Do you understand?"

Brother Northwest Tiger accepted the reprimand from the law enforcement officer with a bruised face. The XN City Law Enforcement Bureau knew this guy very well. He used to be a famous gangster and stepped on sewing machines several times.

But after the rise of short video platforms such as Kuaishou, this guy changed his way and began to rely on his previous underworld habits on the Internet. He attracted the attention of many spirited young men, became a little famous, and made some money.

I thought I would not see him in the police station again, but who knew that he was sent in again because of a call to the police from Baolongshan Cemetery last night.

Fortunately, he just went there for the live broadcast and did not do anything illegal or disorderly. He was released after being warned.

"……Xiao Lin, I also watched the live broadcast last night. I didn't expect that a gangster like you would be afraid of ghosts." A slightly older law enforcement officer asked jokingly.

He was quite familiar with Brother Northwest Tiger and had caught him several times.

Brother Northwest Tiger was a little embarrassed. Although his face still had the marks of being injured when he fled in a panic last night, he still insisted on saving face and said,"Captain Hu, what are you saying? I have been through the days of living on the edge of a knife, and I have never been afraid of this thing."

"Yes, yes, get out of here, I don't want to see you again." Commander Hu laughed and scolded him, and told him to get out of here.

Northwest Tiger suddenly looked a little bit wretched, looked around, no one was around, and quietly leaned close to Commander Hu's ear and asked,"Old Hu, we are so familiar with each other, I have something to ask you"

"Don't try to get close to me. I won't do anything that violates discipline."

"Look at what you said, what is illegal or not, brother, I am now a law-abiding citizen, I have turned over a new leaf, you can't look at me with the old eyes."

Commander Hu glanced at him and asked,"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, you also watched the live broadcast last night, about that Zhang Qingyuan, is he dead or alive?"Brother Northwest Tiger asked in a low voice, his expression was a little nervous.

Commander Hu's expression suddenly became a little serious, he glared at him and said:"I knew you would ask this, the anchor must be dead, I was there when I went to Fengmen Village, those live videos on the Internet, few of them are real, what ghosts and gods, now is the age of technology, you still believe this?"

After getting a positive answer, Brother Northwest Tiger was even more scared, his expression was a little unnatural, he made up a few nonsense and quickly slipped away.

At the door, his younger brothers were already waiting for him, and when they saw him come out, they quickly surrounded him, asking about his well-being with a flattering face.

Seeing the younger brothers who left him alone and ran away last night, Brother Northwest Tiger was immediately furious, glaring and cursing:"You guys are so disloyal, you actually left me and ran away"

"Brother Tiger, it's really not my fault. It was that bastard Huang Mao who ran away. We were so scared that we didn't dare to stay any longer."

"Yes, that's him."

Several younger brothers talked at once and put the blame on the little yellow-haired guy, who hid behind, cowering and not daring to say a word.

Brother Northwest Tiger looked at this group of useless guys and suddenly felt too lazy to scold them. He shouted,"Shut up and take me to the airport."

As he said that, the group got in the car. Brother Northwest Tiger took out his mobile phone, opened Kuaishou, and started sending messages to the cute Northeastern cat.

【Sister, where are you from? Brother Tiger just got out of the law enforcement bureau and I’m rushing to you now.

After what happened last night and having just confirmed that Zhang Qingyuan was dead, Brother Northwest Tiger was very sure that he had seen a ghost. He remembered that he had promised to burn paper last night. Now, even if it wasn’t for the traffic in the live broadcast room, he didn’t dare to go back on his word, for fear of being pestered by Zhang Qingyuan. He had to burn this paper just to get peace of mind.

The people in the underworld are bold and daring, killing people without blinking an eye, and superstitious. They worship Guan Gong and burn incense every day.

Cute Northeastern Cat: [Are you coming now? Add me on V and I’ll send you a location.]

After a few simple clicks, the two added their contact information, and Brother Northwest Tiger also received the location sent by the other party. It turned out to be in the Northeast, and it seemed to be quite remote, a small county town and a small mountain village that he had never heard of.

At the same time, Zhao Lingshan hurriedly took her mobile phone and found her grandfather basking in the sun in the yard.

"Grandpa, the Northwest Tiger brother from last night's live broadcast is coming. He probably wants you to help him burn paper."

"Well, bring him to see me when he comes." Zhao Yuanshan said calmly without opening his eyes.

""Grandpa, what are you going to do?" Zhao Lingshan continued to ask.

Growing up by her grandfather's side, she knew that her grandfather was a man of real ability. It was said that he was a person who had received Taoist ordination and established a magic altar. When the Great Xia Zulong Emperor overthrew the previous dynasty, he participated in the war. In the end, he seemed to have chosen the wrong camp and fled to a remote place in the northeast to hide his identity.

Hearing his granddaughter's question, Zhao Yuanshan suddenly opened his eyes and said:"The dynasty is established, humanity is prosperous, and the emperor of humanity suppresses the world. Generally, there will be no gods, ghosts, demons and evil spirits appearing in the world, but this time an evil ghost appeared inexplicably, which means that the destiny has changed, and some kind of accident may have happened."

"In the past, you were too lazy to learn those things from grandpa, and I didn't force you. After all, it's useless to learn them in this prosperous era. But now it seems different. Taking this opportunity, grandpa will lead you to the path of Taoism. Next, you just listen to grandpa. From today on, follow me to burn incense to the ancestor every morning and evening. Everything will be settled after that Northwest Tiger comes."

Zhao Lingshan didn't understand what he meant, so she had to agree. But in the next few days, Zhao Yuanshan started to get busy and asked Zhao Lingshan to help him make some tools, as if he was preparing to do something big.

In the past few days, the fact that Northwest Tiger found Zhang Qingyuan's tomb has caused quite a stir and has been on several hot searches.

And what Zhang Qingyuan said in the live broadcast room���The statement that he was going to cause trouble for the father of the boss of Kuaishou was also widely circulated.

Inside Kuaishou, several colleagues from the operations department of Lu Qi looked at each other in bewilderment as Yan Ziyue was called away by the secretary of the CEO's office.

"Hiss, the boss was called away? Or was it someone from the big boss's office who called him? There won't be any trouble, right?"

"It shouldn't be possible."

Yan Ziyue followed the secretary to the 18th floor president's office with a very nervous mood and walked towards the big boss's office.

""Boss Su, Director Yan is here." The secretary reported, closed the door and left.

Su Qiaoyang looked up at Yan Ziyue, who was in his early 40s and looked elegant. In his early 40s, he was already the boss of a technology company worth hundreds of billions, a new legend in the business world.

"Boss, you are looking for me."Yan Ziyue said nervously.

"Director Yan, don't be nervous, sit down! I called you here to ask what happened to Zhang Dabing on the Internet recently. I heard that you blocked his account and he threatened to go to the underworld to find trouble with my father?"

It's over, it still reached the ears of the big boss... Yan Ziyue cried out in his heart. As soon as his butt touched the chair, he stood up immediately and said,"Boss, don't worry, that's just an opportunity to stir up the heat. That guy violated the platform rules. If he broadcasts live again next time, he will be banned permanently."

Su Qiaoyang lowered his head to correct the documents and said,"Well, you can do whatever you want. The platform is ours. As for the so-called Internet celebrities, whoever we want to be popular can be popular. In Kuaishou, such awesome people are not allowed to exist.……"

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