Zhang Qingyuan remembered that when he was alive, he had read the descriptions of ghosts by some ancient Confucian scholars. It was very likely that these people were obsessed with reading, and the ghosts they wrote about were all female ghosts, and they were all beautiful female ghosts. Any man could understand their intentions.

They wrote about a beautiful female ghost, and then learned about her miserable life experience. Then, relying on the scholar's self-imagination of righteousness, he successfully embraced the female ghost. This is probably what is often said,"There are beautiful women in books", and you can imagine what you can't get.

However, Zhang Qingyuan, who is in the underworld, really wants to say something to those old perverts who want to find female ghosts in his live broadcast room... It is more reliable to keep your five fingers safe than anything else.

When he pushed open the door of the Yin house, the blood moon had disappeared from the sky, and Fengdu City also looked very gloomy.

Rows of green lanterns hung all over the long street, with green candlelight. If he was not a ghost himself, he would probably have been scared to death at this time.

"I'm a ghost, I'm dead……"

After brainwashing himself for three seconds, Zhang Qingyuan walked out of the Yinzhai, wanting to see with his own eyes what the famous Fengdu City really looked like.

Woo woo woo woo...

The wind was blowing, and the air was filled with mist. The eerie and terrifying atmosphere was enough to scare ordinary people to death.

Zhang Qingyuan walked out, and the cold air hit him in the face, but he felt inexplicably comfortable.

"It seems that I am getting more and more used to being a ghost.……"He laughed at himself.

The surroundings were very quiet, and there were not many ghosts to be seen, only because this place was very far from Fengdu, and not many ghosts lived here. Even on the tombs along the street, there were not many ghost lanterns hanging.

Zhang Qingyuan looked back and saw a brand new lantern hanging on his own tomb. The paper on the outside of the lantern was still white, unlike those on some tombs, where the paper had turned light yellow and it was unknown how many years it had been hanging there.

His name was also written on the lantern: Zhang Qingyuan - symbolizing the identity of the tomb owner.


The familiar sound of the bolt and shuttle rubbing against each other attracted Zhang Qingyuan's attention. He looked in the direction of the sound and saw the door of the tomb diagonally opposite opened, and a hunched figure walked out of it.

"Cough cough cough……"

A violent cough was heard, and the hunched figure exuded a dead aura all over his body. Zhang Qingyuan could feel the piercing coldness from a distance. He felt a sense of inferiority for no reason... They were both ghosts, so why did he seem a little inferior compared to other ghosts?

"Hehe... new kid? Is that the brat you beat up yesterday?" A gloomy and hoarse voice seemed to come, and before Zhang Qingyuan could react, the old ghost came to him.

A wrinkled, gray-faced old man's face appeared in front of him, looking at him grimly.

Zhang Qingyuan was shocked, perhaps because of the previous self-hypnosis. He immediately calmed down and asked,"Old sir, what's the matter?"

After a few polite words, the old ghost seemed to like him a little, and put away the yin energy in his body. Although he was still hunched over, he barely looked like a normal old man.

"Hehehe...you are quite polite, kid. I, Zhao Jin, think you are a good person, so I want to remind you that you beat up that brat yesterday. Her mother is not a good person and might cause trouble for you."

Zhang Qingyuan's heart tightened, thinking of the brat he kicked away in the morning. Obviously, Zhao Jin was talking about this matter. That brat has a backer - is it his mother?

""Well, old man, who is the mother of that child?" Zhang Qingyuan asked nervously.

""Yes, isn't he coming?" Zhao Jin pointed to the side.

Zhang Qingyuan looked over and saw a clean white kid wearing a red bellyband, running towards him like the other kid yesterday. He pointed at Zhang Qingyuan and said in fear and anger,"He is him... He is the one who beat my mother."

Ding-ling-ling... a red light appeared, and a pleasant bell sounded. A slim woman in a silk skirt appeared on the street holding a pink oil-paper umbrella. There were several bronze bells hanging on the keel of the umbrella, and the sound just now was made by these bells.


When the ringing sounded, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly felt a splitting headache and couldn't help but cover his head.

""Ahem... Senior, a little punishment is enough. I just kicked the kid. He was too naughty. I saw that kid was new here, so I wanted to scare him." Zhao Jin spoke up for Zhang Qingyuan.

The ringing stopped, and the pain disappeared. After the torture just now, Zhang Qingyuan's face became paler. If he hadn't become a ghost and wouldn't sweat, he would definitely be sweating profusely now.

"Since Zhao kid is speaking for you, I will let you go. Be careful next time, and don’t act like a fool and offend everyone when you first come here."

The voice of the owner of the oil-paper umbrella was very pleasant to the ears, like a clear spring, and as gentle as the silk of a Jiangnan woman. There is no doubt that this is definitely the perfect female ghost described by ancient Confucian scholars. It

’s just that the oil-paper umbrella was placed very low, covering the face of the female ghost, and Zhang Qingyuan didn’t see what she looked like, but she should be good.

The female ghost took the hand of the little ghost and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped, turned her head and said to Zhang Qingyuan:"You died because of the evil ghost who took your life.

Your soul is in the hands of the evil ghost.

If you can’t get your soul back, you are destined to have difficulty in reincarnation in the underworld.

Let me remind you that it’s best to get your soul back within forty-nine days, otherwise your soul will be assimilated by the evil ghost and everything will be over.


After the voice fell, the figure of the female ghost slowly disappeared, and during this time, the little ghost turned back and made a face at him

"Hehe... After that senior said that, I realized that it was no wonder that you looked a little strange. It turned out that you lost your soul. It's your bad luck."Zhao Jin laughed.

Zhang Qingyuan was confused by the two of them and asked quickly:"Sir...ah, no, old immortal. Losing your soul is...���What do you mean?"

Zhao Jin did not answer him, but Zhang Qingyuan felt his collar tightened, and before he could react, his feet left the ground and were hung up. Looking back, he saw that Zhao Jin had taken out a scale from somewhere and was weighing his weight.

After a moment, Zhao Jin watched the scale reach balance, nodded and said,"It is indeed like this, it weighs only seven taels and four cents, and two cents are missing, which is the weight of the human soul.

Now you understand.

Boy, a person has three souls and seven spirits.

The spirit represents the blood of the physical body, which is yang and slightly heavier, with each spirit being one tael.

The three souls of heaven, earth and man represent the spirit, which is yin and is lighter, with each soul being two cents.

You are now missing two cents.


"If you lack a soul, when you reincarnate and step onto the Naihe Bridge, the cold wind blowing over the bridge will blow you down because you are not heavy enough. You will not be able to enter reincarnation and can only stay in the underworld without reincarnation. So hurry up and find a way. If you have money, spend it. If you have someone, find someone. Kill the evil ghost who killed you and find your soul. Otherwise, you are finished."

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