On the outskirts of XA City, Northwest Tiger Brother's car was driving on the road, and it was almost at Baolongshan Cemetery.

Northwest Tiger Brother, who was live-streaming, became more and more excited, and started to talk about all sorts of things. He also talked about his glorious deeds, when he used a machete to kill people from the south to the north of the city, punched the Nanshan Nursing Home, and kicked the Beihai Kindergarten.

【My grandfather knows how to burn ghost money. I sent you a private message. Let's talk in detail. 】

A not-so-obvious comment passed by. Northwest Tiger was busy talking about his glorious deeds and didn't notice it at all, but Zhang Qingyuan saw it and quickly reminded

"Brother Tiger, there is a person with the ID Northeast Cute Cat who said that her grandfather would burn Yin money. Please take a look and ask in a private message."

"Oh... I see. Let me take a look."

After Zhang Qingyuan's reminder, Northwest Tiger stopped bragging with a bit of reluctance and turned to his private message page. Sure enough, he saw a private message from someone with the ID Northeast Cute Cat. Looking at the avatar, it was a girl.

"Yo, this girl and Tiger are destined to be together. My name is Northwest Tiger, and your name is Northeast Cute Cat. Okay, I'm following you. I'll contact you after the show."

Northeast Cute Cat: [Yeah, OK】

【@What a beautiful girl from Northeast Mengmiao. Is she dating someone?】

【Love it, there are not only Siberian tigers in the Northeast, but also cute cats. 】

Many people in the live broadcast room went online to browse Zhao Lingshan’s homepage, saw the selfie she posted, and instantly became"hungry wolf"

"Brother Tiger, we have arrived at Baolong Mountain, and the yellow dog is waiting at the gate." The younger brother who was driving reminded him. Brother

Northwest Tiger immediately pulled back the gradually distorted tone of the live broadcast room and said,"Okay, okay, brothers, open your eyes. We have arrived at Baolong Mountain. Whether Brother Zhang Dadan is real or not depends on this. If Brother Dadan gets beaten by Brother Tiger, don't blame Brother Tiger."

"Don't worry!" Zhang Qingyuan replied.

After getting off the car, a little yellow-haired boy was standing at the entrance of the cemetery with a pale face.

Brother Northwest Tiger walked up to him, and seeing that his younger brother was strange, he asked casually:"Why is your face so pale, are you weak?"

The little yellow-haired boy's face became even paler. He held a mobile phone in his hand, which was showing Brother Northwest Tiger's live broadcast room.

He said tremblingly:"Tiger, Brother Tiger... This, this Zhang Dabing seems to be a real dead man!"


On a midsummer night, a cold wind blew from nowhere, and several people present shivered subconsciously.

【No way, have we really found Zhang Dabing’s grave?】

【This must be fake. There must be a script. Zhang Dabao first made a live broadcast of the underworld, and this anchor cooperated with him and happily harvested a wave of traffic.】

【Go and have a look, I can't hold back any longer. 】

Various comments began to flood the screen in the live broadcast room. Zhang

Qingyuan was very calm when he saw this scene. Brother Northwest Tiger calmed down and said,"You are afraid of nothing. You have been following me for nothing. I was a man who lived on the edge of a knife. I didn't know who was afraid of who."

""Let's go, lead the way!"

As he said that, Xibei led the way to the cemetery. Little Yellow Hair was scared to death. He looked at the live broadcast room on his mobile phone and saw that there was really a dead person watching him. But since Brother Tiger had spoken, he could only bite the bullet and follow him.

The cemetery was very quiet at night. The group of people, with flashlights, sneaked in under the guidance of Little Yellow Hair.

Baolongshan Cemetery, as the largest cemetery group in XA City, has buried many people. Several people walked from the foot of the mountain for more than 20 minutes and finally climbed to a position near the top of the mountain. The bloated Xibei Tiger brother was exhausted and panting.

""Are we...are we there yet?"

The little yellow-haired guy's face turned even paler, and he pointed to the left side of the mountain trail and said,"It's over there, the eighth one from the past."

After saying that, his feet seemed to be rooted, standing still.

Brother Northwest Tiger glared at him and cursed,"Go ahead and lead the way, do you want me to find it myself?"

The little yellow-haired guy walked forward reluctantly and soon came to a grave. Because of the promotion of cremation, the grave was only a small piece, and a small hole was dug in the soil to hold the urn, which was not big.

A group of people stood in front of the grave, and Brother Northwest Tiger put his face in front of the screen, not knowing whether he was panting or afraid. He took a breath and said,"Brothers, we're here. Whether it's true or not depends on now, don't blink."

After that, he turned the camera and shone the flashlight on the stele.

【[Tomb of Zhang Qingyuan]

There are a few big characters written in the middle of the tombstone, and the date of death is written in a font three sizes smaller next to it, and in the bottom corner it says who erected the tombstone [Established by Baolongshan Cemetery].

The tombstone was erected by Baolongshan Cemetery, which means that there are no relatives, otherwise the names of relatives should be written on it.


A very clear sound of swallowing saliva was transmitted to the live broadcast room, which was obviously made by Brother Northwest Tiger.

At the top of the monument, a photo was posted there. It was a photo of Zhang Qingyuan who had been sorted out by the funeral master and looked like a decent photo.


The cold wind from the mountains blew, taking away the heat of midsummer, and even a hint of coolness.

Brother Northwest Tiger and the others standing in front of Zhang Qingyuan's grave had not spoken for nearly half a minute, and the screen of the live broadcast room was also frozen on the monument.

【Hiss... I was so scared that I crawled into bed, but I still felt a cold wind blowing on the back of my head.】

【Damn, me too, I got goosebumps. Brave brother, I'll burn some paper for you later, but don't come looking for me.】

【It's over, it's over. Brother Hu is probably done for. Zhang Dabao has set a trap for him. He is trying to make him the scapegoat.】


A shrill cry came from the live broadcast room, and then someone started running down the mountain.

The Northwest Tiger brother holding the phone was startled, and the screen shook. He happened to be facing the aisle, and only saw three backs, and they ran away in a flash.

"Fuck you, wait for me!" Brother Northwest Tiger roared, shaking the mountains and forests.

Then the live broadcast room began to shake, accompanied by violent gasps.

It was difficult for Brother Northwest Tiger. He had just climbed up after a long time, and before he could catch his breath, he had to run down again.

The three younger brothers who ran away first didn't care about him at all, and they disappeared long ago. He was the only one in the dark mountain road. The darkness around him seemed to have a unique sense of oppression, which made him dare not stop even if his lungs were already on fire.

"Don't run, don't run……"Zhang Qingyuan shouted in the live broadcast room


Tiger's miserable cry resounded through the night sky, and his fat body ran faster, stirring up a gust of wind."……"

I didn't say anything. I'm in the underworld. How can I run to the world of the living to catch you?


There was a sound of something heavy falling to the ground, and then the live broadcast room went dark, nothing could be seen, and it was directly closed. Even Zhang Qingyuan was removed from the microphone, and I don't know what happened to Brother Northwest Tiger.

"After all, he is a man of the underworld, wearing a big gold chain and with a blue dragon and white tiger tattoos, but he was scared to death by me?"Zhang Qingyuan complained silently, then put away his phone and prepared to go out for a walk.

The blood moon outside should have set.

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