The popularity of Zhang Qingyuan's netherworld live broadcast room is still rising, and more anchors who are riding on the popularity have benefited from it.

The biggest beneficiary is naturally Northwest Tiger Brother. Zhang Dadan himself appeared on the live broadcast and went to find his grave. The curious netizens naturally did not miss this excitement.

Looking at the record number of people in the live broadcast room, Northwest Tiger Brother smiled so hard that his mouth could not close, and the fat on his face piled up in one piece, which was quite funny.

""Thanks to Brother Bold, this is the first time that so many people are watching my live broadcast." He said happily.

Listening to Brother Northwest Tiger constantly thanking the boss for the reward in the live broadcast room, Zhang Qingyuan's eyes turned green with envy.

"Brother Hu, you made a lot of money tonight." He asked sarcastically.

"Hahaha... no problem, it's all thanks to my brothers for supporting me. Next time, my brave brother, if you start a live broadcast, I will support you too."

"Ahem... the flattery is another matter. I am an orphan and will be buried in the cemetery when I die. Brother, can you help me burn some paper?" Zhang Qingyuan's abacus was clacking. Brother

Hu showed obvious hesitation, touched his shiny bald head, and said in embarrassment:"Brother, you……"

Obviously, he didn't want to agree. As a gangster, burning paper for others at their graves would be like recognizing them as his father. How could he possibly save face?

Zhang Qingyuan obviously knew his concerns and said in a gentle and persuasive way,"Think about it. So many people are watching you find the grave this time. Next time you burn paper, you can have a live broadcast and I'll make a guest appearance. It will be another hit."

【Hahahaha... Brother Tiger turned into a big boy on the spot】

【Support! I will come to support you when you live broadcast burning paper next time. 】

It is obviously unrealistic to ask Northwest Tiger Brother to be a"good boy" willingly, but if burning paper can increase his popularity, it is just like providing food and shelter for the orcs, and I am 100% happy to do it.

"Ahem...Although my brother Tiger is a gangster, he can't bear to see the suffering of the world. Brother Bold is an orphan, all alone, so why not burn some paper money? Brother Tiger, I have no choice but to do it. Don't worry, brother. I will buy some paper money at the entrance of the cemetery. As long as I can find your grave, I will burn the money and visit your grave immediately.……"Brother Northwest Tiger patted his chest and told him to rest assured.

But Zhang Qingyuan knew that in modern society, this way of burning paper was useless. His purpose was to get Brother Northwest Tiger to get some money for him, not to comfort him.

"Um, that! Brother, you may have misunderstood what I meant by burning paper. It is not like what you think, just buying some paper money and burning it."Zhang Qingyuan interrupted him.

Brother Northwest Tiger was stunned for a moment and asked,"If not that way, how should it be burned?"

"The industrially printed paper money bought on the market, as well as the ones that are burned casually, cannot be received by the underworld. You need to find someone who knows how to make this kind of paper money through a special ceremony, and then burn it with a specific ceremony, so that it can be successfully received by the underworld offering pavilion.……"Zhang Qingyuan tried his best to popularize these"feudal superstitions" to the other party, most of which he heard from Bian Fei.

"Is it so troublesome?"When Brother Northwest Tiger heard this, he backed off again.

It was not so complicated for him to burn paper and visit the graves of his parents.

"Ahem, I'll solve the account ban issue later, and I'll connect with you when I start live streaming.……"

Before Zhang Qingyuan finished speaking, Northwest Tiger slapped his thigh and roared,"No need to say more. Since you are so awesome, I will stop talking nonsense. No matter where you are, as long as you can find someone who knows this, I will definitely find him. I guarantee that you will never lack money in the underworld.""

【It's over, it's over, Brother Hu, you have fallen. You have recognized a father. Doesn't our generation status just go downgraded, brothers?】

【Brother Hu: Godfather, please come!】

【Large-scale recognition of fatherhood】


Various jokes popped up in the comments section.

At the same time, in a remote mountain village in the northeast of Daxia, it seemed isolated from the world, and the folk customs of the entire mountain village were extremely simple.

In an old house with a sense of age on the edge of the village, Zhao Lingshan, who was on vacation at university, ran back to the old house in a hurry with her mobile phone in hand.

"Grandpa, Grandpa, look at this, someone is looking for someone who knows how to burn paper money to honor the ancestors!"

An old man with white hair and beard, wearing old-fashioned cloth, and with a unique temperament, was lying on a rocking chair in the yard, resting his eyes.

The granddaughter ran over shouting, and the old man, whose peace was disturbed, opened his eyes and said helplessly:"You are shouting because I have a good heart, otherwise I would have been sent away by you sooner or later."

"Oh, grandpa will definitely live a long life." Zhao Lingshan took his arm affectionately and acted like a spoiled child, then couldn't wait to take out her cell phone and said,"Grandpa, look, the guy up there is looking for someone who knows how to burn Yin money."

"Burning ghost money?"A gleam of light flashed in Zhao Yuanshan's eyes, and then disappeared. He said lightly:"You can just buy some paper money on the street to burn. Why do you specifically look for people who burn ghost money? Don't modern people just want to comfort themselves? Who still believes in this?"

He lost interest in the words.

Zhao Lingshan pulled his sleeve relentlessly and said:"Grandpa, you see, this time is different. Look at this person who is connected with Brother Northwest Tiger. He is dead. Last time he started a live broadcast in the underworld, his account was blocked and many people didn't believe it. Today, Brother Tiger ran to find his grave, and this person came to connect and asked Brother Tiger to burn paper for him. It takes someone who knows this business to burn it for him to keep it."

When Zhao Yuanshan heard it, he sneered:"Tsk, this kind of nonsense can only fool little brats like you who know nothing. When you were a child, I asked you to recite more of your grandfather's books, but you refused. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been fooled by this trick."

Seeing that her grandfather didn't believe it, Zhao Lingshan got a little anxious and said,"Grandpa, don't disbelieve it. Recently, this man named Zhang Dade has been making a lot of noise on the Internet. First, he was killed by a ghost, and then he live-broadcasted in the underworld. Today, someone issued his death certificate. If you don't believe it, take a look."

As she said that, she began to look through the videos on Kuaishou.

Zhao Yuanshan didn't believe it at all. He closed his eyes and said impatiently,"Take it away, take it away. What's so good about it?"

"Look, look, Grandpa, take a look." Zhao Lingshan said relentlessly.

Zhao Yuanshan couldn't stand being pestered anymore, and said helplessly:"Okay, okay... Look, I'll take a look, okay."

Zhao Yuanshan took the phone and started to look through it. The first one was the last scene of Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast before his death. In the video, he pretended to be nervous and interacted with the live broadcast room.

However, when he saw Zhang Qingyuan in the video, Zhao Yuanshan's eyes became serious and said:"This kid is not short-lived, but he will have a big disaster.……"

As soon as the word"disaster" came out of his mouth, a red ghost suddenly appeared on the screen, and then a pair of pale ghost hands slapped Zhang Qingyuan on the shoulder. The next second, he rolled his eyes, his face lost all color, and he fell to the ground.

"" The evil spirit is asking for my life!"

Zhao Yuanshan stood up in a flash, his movements were flexible and he didn't look like an 80-year-old man at all.

Seeing his reaction, Zhao Lingshan was immediately proud and said,"Grandpa, the next one is the live broadcast of him in the underworld."

The video jumped to the next one, and Zhang Qingyuan appeared on the screen with a pale dead face. Although the style was weird at first, it looked normal.

However, Zhao Yuanshan could tell at a glance that Zhang Qingyuan was not in a good state, and his expression didn't look like a living person at all.

His face became more and more serious, until a blood moon appeared on the screen. Zhao Yuanshan was completely upset, and grabbed Zhao Lingshan and said,"Nizi, how can you contact this person?"

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