"Oh my god!"

A pale face suddenly appeared on the screen, and Northwest Tiger was shocked.

"Damn, you are so brave, you really don't look like a living person, you scared me."

Zhang Qingyuan laughed and said,"I am not a living person, so it's not strange that I don't look like a living person."


Brother Northwest Tiger swallowed his saliva subconsciously, and suddenly felt a chill in the car, and the cold wind blew on the back of his neck, giving him goose bumps.

"Hiss… Okay, okay, don’t say anything, brother Bold, I’m suddenly a little panicked now.

Northwest Tiger brother wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead nervously, and then chatted with Zhang Qingyuan in a casual manner.

【Brother Tiger, Brother Tiger, ask him, what is the underworld like? Are there any female ghosts? Brother, I don’t think I will be able to get a wife in this life. I can go to the underworld to think about it after I die.】

【Amorous young woman, innocent senior, add V to see the photos. 】

Brother Northwest Tiger saw the question in the comment area and asked Zhang Qingyuan

"Well... there should be female ghosts, but I haven't encountered one yet. There is a Qunfang Baigui Building, I will go and experience it later."

【A building of beauties and ghosts? What is that? There are brothels in the underworld?】

【The brother above is short-sighted. Where there are people, there is demand. Ghosts are transformed from humans, so they must have demand.】

【When will Zhang Dabing's live broadcast room be unblocked?

With the addition of Zhang Qingyuan, the popularity of Northwest Tiger's live broadcast room has increased a lot, and more and more people have flocked in. On the one hand, they want to see the"dead man" Zhang Dabing who has become famous on the Internet, and on the other hand, they are curious whether Northwest Tiger can find Zhang Qingyuan's grave.

If the grave is found, it can be basically confirmed that Zhang Qingyuan is indeed dead.

The live broadcast room gradually became hot, and Zhang Qingyuan was worried that he would attract the supervision of Kuaishou, so he turned off his screen and only communicated with Northwest Tiger through sound.

"I have to say, when the camera of the bold brother was turned off, I suddenly felt that the Yin Qi of Brother Tiger dropped a little. It seems that there is a reason."Northwest Tiger Brother laughed happily.

Although there is a tattoo of a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right, this guy is a little fat, which makes him look more funny and not fierce.

At this time, Lu Qi, who had blocked Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast last time, also found that the traffic of [Northwest Tiger Brother]'s live broadcast room suddenly increased, so he clicked in to see the situation.

"Damn, this guy is here again. This time he learned his lesson and only turned on the sound but not the video."

"Who is it? Who has angered you, the super administrator, again?"A colleague next to him came over and asked.

Lu Qi pointed at the screen and said,"Who else could it be? It's Zhang Dadan. He went to connect with someone else's live broadcast. His name is [Northwest Tiger Brother]. He was broadcasting to find Zhang Dadan's grave. These Internet celebrities are really good at grabbing traffic. They will jump on the hot spot as soon as they smell it."

The conversation between the two attracted the attention of other people in the office, and they all came over to see how Northwest Tiger Brother was looking for a grave.

Even Yan Ziyue, the director of the Kuaishou Operations Department who was sitting in an independent office, came over in black stockings and long legs after hearing the noise outside.

"Mr. Yan, do you think this should be blocked?" Lu Qi asked with some entanglement.

Yan Ziyue lowered his eyebrows and thought, and finally said:"Let's wait and see, if it is too much, block it. And this Zhang Dadan, if he continues to broadcast live, the same content as last time will be directly blocked. Although the traffic is good, it is on the red line and is likely to cause adverse effects. The president also called to talk about this matter"

"Got it!" Lu Qi nodded, knowing that Zhang Qingyuan's account had basically been sentenced to death, and Kuaishou Company would conduct a strict review of him.

At the same time, Northwest Tiger Brother was still communicating with Zhang Qingyuan in the live broadcast room.

"Bold brother, when will you be live streaming next time? I will go and support you."

"The risk of my live broadcast next time will be greater. This time it was only blocked for one day. It will be dangerous if it is blocked again next time."Zhang Qingyuan said truthfully. As a host, Northwest Tiger Brother can also understand what is going on.

"That's a pity. It's too bad that I can't broadcast live with an account of more than 10 million fans. No, brother, you should change the content of your live broadcast."

Zhang Qingyuan said helplessly:"I can't change it even if I want to. I'm in the underworld. No matter how I broadcast, it will promote feudal dregs and violate the rules of the Kuaishou platform."

"makes sense……"

"……But I have found a solution to the ban."

"What method?"Brother Northwest Tiger immediately became interested.

Even the staff of Kuaishou office became interested and turned to look at Yan Ziyue.

"Why are you looking at me? Unless he can find the big boss, it will be useless for anyone to come."She said in a resounding voice.

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Qingyuan continued:"……Am I not in the underworld now? I checked and found that the father of Su Qiaoyang, the boss of Kuaishou, is dead. I will go find his father and ask him to send a message to Su Qiaoyang in his dream. Just don’t block my account."

Brother Northwest Tiger:"……"

Netizens in the live broadcast room:"……"

Kuaidou staff:"……"

【Damn, I'm impressed by Zhang Dadan's train of thought. If I can't find the boss of Kuaidou, I'll find the boss's father.】

【No, this guy is getting more and more boastful. He really thinks he is in the underworld. There are already professionals who have proved that his live broadcast room was made by software. Brother

Northwest Tiger was stunned for several seconds. It seemed that his thoughts were a little confused by the shock. He smacked his lips twice and said,"No... Brother, how can I say this method of yours?"

In the Kuaishou office, everyone subconsciously looked at Yan Ziyue again, as if to say: The other party has already made a move, how should you respond?

Yan Ziyue was a little annoyed. What a weird person. He is addicted to pretending to be dead.

She said impatiently:"What are you looking at? If he has this ability, I want to see how he can find the father of the big boss."

In the live broadcast room, Brother Northwest Tiger asked blankly:"No, brother, regardless of whether this is true or not, if you really find the father of the boss of Kuaishou, how can he definitely help you? And don’t all ghosts in the underworld have to reincarnate? Maybe the person has already been reincarnated."

"Don't worry, the efficiency of the underworld is very low. Some people have been dead for hundreds of years and have not yet been judged and reincarnated. The time is very long. All brothers, if any of you are about to die, please burn some paper for yourself in advance to avoid being poor and destitute in the underworld."

"As for how to get the boss of Kuaidou's father to help me, that's easy. I know a ghost soldier. If he doesn't cooperate, I'll catch him and beat him up. Then I'll let his father go to his dream with a bruised face. If it were you, would you agree?"

Zhang Qingyuan's words silenced everyone again. Although it sounded outrageous, the logic seemed to make sense after thinking about it. There was nothing wrong with it.

Looking at the inquiring eyes of his subordinates, Yan Ziyue was amused by Zhang Qingyuan and couldn't help scolding:"Nonsense, which mental hospital did he release him from?"

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