"Your hand……"

Zhao Yuanshan was so shocked that his mouth could hardly close. He looked at the severed hand with burning eyes.

The ghost boy who was beaten away in the distance turned into a black gas and ran away with a collapsed face.

"You...will all die here!" It uttered the most vicious curse.

"Don't run!" Zhao Yuanshan held a peach wood sword and pretended to shout as he chased after him for two steps before returning:"Humph! That guy ran fast, otherwise I would have struck him with a thunderbolt."

Zhang Qingyuan said speechlessly:"Senior, you can say this kind of thing in front of the enemy in the future."

"Humph, what do you know? This is called losing the battle but not the battle, and even if you get beaten, you have to scream loudly."Zhao Yuanshan said very naturally

"Got it! 'The top of the immortals, proud of the world, with me, Anlan will have the sky', I am familiar with this, say the most cruel words and get the most vicious beating."Zhang Qingyuan spontaneously recalled the online article he had read before his death.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't understand a word of it." Zhao Yuanshan put away the peach wood sword and went back to check on Shen Molin and Taoist Tongwei.

As expected, the two were dead and their souls were taken away by the ghost boy.

""Team leader, you beat that ghost boy away, you are awesome." Huang Shuangshuang came over holding her big shield and said with admiration.

"cough cough……"Zhang Qingyuan's old face turned slightly red, and he said shamelessly:"It's just so-so, mainly because I usually keep a low profile."

""Tsk!" Zhao Yuanshan beside him snorted disdainfully, not bothering to expose this guy.

"Boy, where did that thing go? Can you find it?"

Just as Zhang Qingyuan was about to let his broken hand search for it, a microphone connection request popped up on the phone interface again, still the same official account as before.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Qingyuan asked.

On the other side, Chen Ze's voice came:"Mr. Zhang Qingyuan, it's getting light outside, and more and more people are paying attention to what's happening here. The blockade outside has a great impact on Jiangnan City. I wonder if you have any way to solve it as soon as possible."

Zhang Qingyuan was furious when he heard it, and cursed:"Hurry up... hurry up your grandma's legs, didn't you see that Shen Molin and Tong Wei are dead? If it can be solved as soon as possible, I would have already...……"

"Mr. Zhang, don't be angry. I sent you a file in private message. You can take a look."Chen Ze replied.

What is it?

Zhang Qingyuan clicked on the private message doubtfully, and saw that the other party sent a picture.

The Golden Book!

His heart jumped, and he vaguely guessed something... With excitement, he clicked on it and saw the Golden Book, which symbolized the highest document of Daxia.

【The Great Xia Divine Omen Book says:

Jiangnan is in trouble, and ghosts are rampant. Today, Zhang Qingyuan is wise and brave to protect the people, saving tens of thousands of people from life and death. However, the hero is gone, and it is a pity.

Qingyuan's righteous deeds moved the heavens, and everyone in the world was convinced.

His achievements are comparable to the righteousness of Guan Sheng and the loyalty of Yue Gong.

Today, he is posthumously named"Great Xia Exorcist True Lord", and the title of Duke is posthumously granted.

His statue is allowed to be erected in the university.

In addition, the Qingsong Mountain Qingyuan Temple is posthumously established as the main worship, and sacrifices are made in spring and autumn, and incense is forever enjoyed.

I hope that people all over the world will follow his spirit, go to the national crisis, and protect their homes. May our Great Xia be peaceful and stable, and the people be safe. 】


Book from the Great Xia government!

It's just a matter of a big seal to stamp it, and the book will take effect. From now on, Zhang Qingyuan will be canonized by humanity and have the same status as Guan Sheng.

In the live broadcast room, Zhang Qingyuan's expression changed from surprise to joy, and his hands were shaking with excitement, and he almost couldn't hold the phone

【What did Gou Dadan see? Which young lady sent him the picture?】

【You are so brave, you have to hold back! It is very dangerous now. 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room didn't know what was going on, and all kinds of weird things came out.

Chen Ze spoke again:"Mr. Zhang Qingyuan saw that, as long as the matter of Jiangnan University is perfectly resolved, it will be true. I think this thing should be very important to you, right?"


Zhang Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief and slowly calmed down... It was indeed a big bait, so big that he couldn't think of any reason to refuse it.

"I understand. I will do my best in this matter. He nodded solemnly in agreement.

If he had previously thought about saving his life and just paddling and waiting for the underworld to rescue him, then the appearance of this golden book completely changed his mindset.

In the vast ancient history of Daxia for thousands of years, there were very few people who could receive this honor. Once the book was stamped with the seal, he could almost be said to have ascended to heaven in one step, with the blessing of the entire human dynasty.

"Boy, what are you doing? Your hands are shaking like this? Were you sucked dry by the female ghosts in the Qunfang Baigui Building?" Zhao Yuanshan didn't understand and teased him.

""Team leader, are you injured?" Huang Shuangshuang asked with concern.

"I'm fine!" Zhang Qingyuan raised his head and took the broken hand off his shoulder.

The soul's thoughts touched the broken hand and tried to communicate with it.

【You have an extraordinary origin and carry the power of Tubo. From now on, whether I will have a good life or eat coarse food depends on you. 】

The broken hand was puzzled: [Are you talking? It feels so strange】

【How could I be so powerful that I could knock it away with just one punch? I seemed to have a strong power just now, I don’t know what happened.

Obviously, the broken hand did not know its own identity, and it was also unable to mobilize Tu Bo’s power on its own.

"Can I merge with it through my soul and use its power?"

Once this thought came to mind, he couldn't stop it. He communicated with the broken hand through his soul.

【You said it once grew on my body, let's see if you can merge it back into my soul. 】

Broken Hand: [That makes sense, why didn't I think of that. I'm sure it's your hand, it can definitely merge. 】

Broken Hand was full of confidence.

As he spoke, the Broken Hand suddenly broke free, and then faced Zhang Qingyuan's right palm, imprinting on his hand.

【Don't move, I'll start to fuse them. 】


A huge amount of Yin Qi suddenly erupted, rushing madly towards Zhang Qingyuan's palm, and the severed hand turned red, and fine blood beads oozed out, but as soon as they came out, they directly penetrated into Zhang Qingyuan's soul.

Pain, cold chill... The whole right hand felt like countless ants were crawling, itchy and numb, and his soul also received a great shock, sometimes transparent, sometimes solid, only the right hand that was fused with the severed hand seemed to have become a solid body, and began to turn into flesh and blood.


Zhang Qingyuan's veins bulged with pain, and he couldn't help but let out a painful roar.

"Boy you……"Zhao Yuanshan dodged and jumped three meters away, creating some distance between him and Zhang Qingyuan. A terrifying Yin Qi suddenly erupted, mixed with a majestic aura, rushing straight into the sky. The calamity clouds in the sky that were summoned by the ghost child were disturbed by this Yin Qi, and the electric snakes dissipated.



""Lord of the underworld!"

Zhang Qingyuan shouted word by word with a ferocious expression and a distorted face.

The invisible pressure enveloped the entire Jiangnan University. The ghost babies that were wreaking havoc in all directions seemed to have sensed their natural enemy. They all knelt on the ground and trembled.

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