
Black thunder exploded, the sky was covered with thick dark clouds, and the world became corrupted, as if the real underworld had descended.

If the ghost den of the ghost boy turned the world of the living into the underworld, then now, this ghost domain is the real underworld.

Where Tu Bo stood is the underworld.

Zhao Yuanshan had already run a hundred meters away, looking at the pillar of yin energy that soared into the sky, his eyebrows kept jumping, and he felt extremely uneasy.

He didn't know what happened, he only saw that Zhang Qingyuan and the broken hand seemed to have undergone some changes

"Whoosh... whoosh... whoosh……"

The heavy breathing sounded like the movement of a giant beast. Zhang Qingyuan lowered his head slightly and slowly walked out of the Yin Qi column. He had taken off his Taoist uniform and was only wearing a pair of shorts. His muscles were clearly visible and red. His stomach, which had been soft for more than 20 years, now had eight abdominal muscles.

But the weirdest thing was his right hand, which was obviously thicker than his left hand. It was covered with strange patterns, which seemed to contain some kind of magic. His eyes also changed from the normal green color of a ghost to a strange blood red, as if he was a ghost that had been transformed by the evil spirit.

"Team leader?"Huang Shuangshuang looked at Zhang Qingyuan, whose image had changed drastically, with a silly look on her face. She was about to speak, but her pretty face suddenly turned red and she turned her head to the side.

"Team leader...why don't you wear any clothes? I don't want to see these."

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

【How is it? How is it? I said I grew on you, right? Look, how well it merges, this is what I really look like. 】The excited shout of the broken hand rang out in his consciousness.

Zhang Qingyuan's head was a little dazed, and his will seemed to be suppressed and dominated by a cold emotion, but he could still control his body. After all, this was just a broken hand of Tu Bo, and it did not contain its complete will.

The body was still dominated by himself, but he seemed to be 1+1, becoming another individual with a completely new mind.

A lot of information emerged in his mind, which was the common memory of the broken hand and Tu Bo's Eye. The underworld was chaotic, the earth was ignorant, ghosts were rampant, Tu Bo walked around, subdued the terrifying underworld creatures, and shocked the underworld, and no one was dissatisfied.

It established the underworld and became the master of the underworld. The entire underworld world seemed to have become its territory, dominating billions of ghosts and controlling reincarnation...

Scenes after scenes emerged in his mind, all of which were partial memories carried by the broken hand and Tu Bo's Eye.

Zhang Qingyuan opened his right hand, and saw that the Eye of Earth was still in the palm of his hand, and had not moved to the center of his brows or anything like that. His entire right hand was surging with terrifying power, and he had the illusion that he could easily poke a hole in the sky.

"Little...boy, are you okay?" Zhao Yuanshan ran away again and shouted from two or three hundred meters away.

""Hehehe... Taoist monks, very fresh souls!" Zhang Qingyuan laughed grimly, staring at Zhao Yuanshan with a grin showing a mouthful of white teeth.

The latter screamed strangely and ran away very fast. He didn't look like he was about to die as Liu Fuwei said.

"General Fuwei, hurry up and pull me up, run!" Zhao Yuanshan shouted and jumped onto Liu Fuwei's horse, impatiently saying:"Hurry, hurry, hurry, run."

The latter hesitated, turned to look at Zhang Qingyuan, and said uncertainly:"Master Yuanshan, I feel that Brother Qingyuan seems to be fine."

"Bullshit, didn't you hear him? He wants to eat my soul, right?"

Zhang Qingyuan flashed and appeared in front of Liu Fuwei's horse, and said faintly:"I was just joking with the real person, why are you so funny?"


The scene was quiet for a moment. Zhao Yuanshan was furious. He jumped off his horse with a peach wood sword in hand and cursed:"You son of a bitch, I will chop you to pieces today!"……"

He raised his sword high, but seeing the strong Yin Qi all over Zhang Qingyuan, the terrible pressure was restrained a lot, but it still made him tremble with fear.

"Forget it, I've lived for so many years, I'm too lazy to bother with you, I'll let you go today." The old Taoist priest decisively admitted his mistake and took back the peach wood sword in dismay.

Huang Shuangshuang trotted over, not caring whether Zhang Qingyuan was wearing clothes or not, and looked at him curiously and said,"Team leader, are you okay?"

"Of course it's okay, I'm fine, your team leader!" As he said that, Zhang Qingyuan clenched his fist, and the Earth Eye in his palm searched everywhere, and he couldn't wait to catch the ghost boy and give him a good beating.

"Boy, you are now……"Zhao Yuanshan was in doubt and had not yet determined what his current state was.

"The King of Hell praised me as a good boy and asked me to save the people. He then gave me a telekinetic skill and let me show my power. I will kill the ghost boy here today!" Zhang Qingyuan continued to talk nonsense. Zhao

Yuanshan's face trembled. This lie was an insult to his intelligence. But thinking that he probably couldn't beat this kid now, he had to hold back the thirsty peach wood sword.

"Let's go! Find that ghost boy……"

Before he could finish his words, something strange happened. The surrounding evil spirit seemed to be attracted by something and suddenly flowed in one direction.


The lightning tore through the black cloud, and the calamity cloud that was covered by the dark cloud reappeared, more agitated than before. The electric snake accumulated, and the extremely yang and strong power even suppressed the dense yin spirit, unable to shake it in the slightest.

"Damn it, that ghost must have sped up its progress."Zhao Yuanshan exclaimed.

Zhang Qingyuan raised his right hand, and the Earth Eye in his palm swept across the entire Jiangnan University. He immediately saw the direction of the playground, where densely packed ghost fetuses gathered. Some had already been born, and some were still in the mother's body, connected by an umbilical cord.

According to a rough estimate, there were as many as five or six hundred. It seemed that the ghost child had gathered all the ghost babies, whether they were born or not.

It stood in the center, with black demonic energy baring its fangs and claws, accurately grabbing the ghost babies that had been born and devouring them.

The ghost child grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a short moment, all the ghost babies were devoured, and his body had grown to One meter seven, very close to maturity.

The demonic energy began to shrink and gathered around it, and then spread out in all directions with it as the center, like a spider web, leaving criss-crossing lines on the ground, faintly forming the appearance of a formation.

Countless evil spirits poured down, and the lines on the ground lit up with a strange black light. A huge shadow in the sky enveloped the entire Jiangnan University.

Woo woo woo...

The black wind was howling, as if thousands of demons were roaring, shaking the heavens and the earth. The shadow in the sky twisted and changed, turning into a big face, which was a giant version of the ghost boy. His expression was distorted and terrifying, and the eyes with two holes stared at the earth, as if they could suck people's souls away.

"Well……"Zhao Yuanshan groaned, and sat cross-legged on the ground with a pale face, saying:"It is forcibly devouring everyone's souls, find a way to stop it, quickly!"

After that, he closed his eyes and said nothing, reciting the Taoist scriptures to calm his mind.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the shadow in the sky indifferently, and his figure soared into the sky, followed by thousands of yin energy, like the emperor of the underworld descending, and rushed straight towards the ghost boy...

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