
The black shadow in the sky opened its huge mouth, like a black hole, erupting with terrifying suction.

In Jiangnan University, no matter where people were hiding, they felt their minds shaken and dizzy, as if all their strength was taken away in an instant, and they collapsed to the ground one after another.

The only ones who survived were the girls hiding in the back mountain. The land god kept his word, and a divine light column, like a magic needle that stabilized the sea, forcibly blocked the attack of the ghost child.

Zhang Qingyuan stood in the sky, and saw thousands of ghosts with faint white light rushing into the shadow's mouth like thousands of rivers returning to the sea.

He stepped into the sky, and the yin energy around him boiled. A blooming lotus seat appeared under his feet. He raised his right hand, and the earth god in his palm was so red that it wanted to drip blood.

In an instant, a touch of red light expanded rapidly like ink splashed into water, and soon enveloped the entire ghost den.

Zhang Qingyuan stood on the lotus seat, and said in a dignified and indifferent manner:"I am the Lord of the Underworld, in charge of the souls of all living beings. How dare you devour living souls?"

This plain question seemed to contain great power. The ghost that was about to be devoured stopped in the air, and then the red area began to shrink, like a fishing net, catching all the ghosts in it.

On the back mountain, the divine light emitted by the land god protected the women behind him. A group of people looked at the direction of the Jiangnan University stadium from afar, with fear, confusion, confusion...all kinds of emotions appeared on their faces. At this moment, everyone's three views were reshaped.

"This kid is weird, where does he get this power? It feels like I've seen the underworld!" The land god muttered.

""Grandpa Land, who is that person?" a girl asked curiously.

"Isn’t it that guy named Zhang?"

" it Zhang Dadan?"

"how could be?"

"It's really him. My phone has 100x zoom, so I can take a clear picture. I didn't expect he has such a good figure and is full of muscles.……"A girl is holding her phone and is crazy about it

"Really, really, let me see!" Instantly, several heads came over, with stars in their eyes.

Zhang Qingyuan's live broadcast room was even more explosive. Hundreds of thousands of netizens watched him fly in the air, watching him block the ghost child with a wave of his hand, and seize tens of thousands of ghosts.

【This, this, this... is this dog really brave? Didn't he run away in panic before being chased?】

【Come on, great immortal, your magic power is boundless... You bastards, do you think you can call me a brave dog?】

【Wow... Zhang Dadan looks very stylish without clothes. Sisters, please watch out. If anyone dares to call him"dog daring" again, we will collectively beat him up.】


The red domain dragged all the ghosts into the Eye of Tubo and temporarily contained them.

Facing these ghosts, Zhang Qingyuan had an inexplicable feeling that he could indirectly dominate them with the power of his severed hand and the Eye of Tubo, so that he could easily snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

"The title of Tubo the Lord of the Underworld is probably not called out of thin air, but he naturally controls some kind of power in the underworld."Zhang Qingyuan silently guessed

"Die! Die, die, die... I want you to die!"

The ghost boy was extremely angry, his red eyes seemed to be spewing fire, and he roared madly.

The shadow in the sky twisted and changed again, rushing towards Zhang Qingyuan, as if he had not swallowed the ghost, and wanted to swallow him to make up for it.

""Looking for death!"

He snorted coldly, and some memories of Tu Bo emerged in his mind. With a thought, blood and tears flowed from the corners of Tu Bo's eyes and scattered in the air.

Hula la...

The sound of the tide gradually rose, and the blood and tears seemed to multiply, turning into blood that covered the sky and set off a surging wave.

The demon shadow that pounced on him couldn't react at all and was directly drawn into the blood. He struggled frantically, but seemed to be trapped in a quagmire, getting deeper and deeper.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at this scene and felt a sense of déjà vu... The first time he looked at the underworld with Tu Bo's eyes, it seemed that in the blood moon, there was a vast sea of blood churning.


A blue-gray figure soared into the sky and attacked him. It was the ghost child on the ground who couldn't sit still and wanted to sneak attack him.

"If you stand in my way, I want you dead.……"

The evil spirit condensed and turned into a huge skull, which opened its mouth and swallowed Zhang Qingyuan. The surrounding world fell into darkness, and dense ghosts appeared, crawling all over his body like ants devouring an elephant.

Zhang Qingyuan was unmoved, raised his right hand, and veins like dragons popped up, and smashed fiercely into the dark void.


The ghosts wailed, screaming at the top of their lungs, and fell off his body one after another.


The dark space that trapped him shook constantly, cracks appeared one after another, and then the space exploded and returned to the sky above Jiangnan University again.

The ghost boy seemed to have been hit hard, and fell to the ground with a scream.

In the sky, the surging sea of blood also submerged most of the demon shadow, corroding and decomposing it like sulfuric acid, and then being assimilated by the sea of blood.

"Soul... come back!"

The ghost child on the ground let out a shrill roar, and it was answered by the cries of hundreds of ghost babies who were still in the mother's body and had not yet been born.


There was the sound of blood splattering everywhere. These ghosts forcibly tore off the umbilical cords connected to their bodies and were born prematurely.

The mothers who lost their ghost babies fell to the ground one after another, and in the blink of an eye, no one was standing.

The ghost baby rushed towards the ghost child and merged into the ghost child's body with the evil aura that had not yet fully developed.

In just a moment, the ghost child's body grew a little bigger again, his face became mature, and his aura became more evil.


The red calamity clouds in the sky were ready to move, as if they had sensed that the target had touched the red line of heaven and earth.

Zhang Qingyuan looked up and saw that the thunderclouds were extremely violent, but they had not yet descended.

""You gave birth to so many ghost babies prematurely, can you still achieve the step of turning from a ghost into a demon?" He said contemptuously.

Unable to become a demon, this ghost child was just a dead ghost in his eyes.

After integrating the power of Tu Bo, his strength has surpassed the robbery-level ghosts and is infinitely close to the ghost fairy level. Zhang Qingyuan even has a hunch that he has limited the use of Tu Bo's power, otherwise he can be even stronger.

"You deserve to die!"

The ghost boy had a ferocious look on his face, staring at him and roaring,"I have no grudge against you, and I didn't even make things difficult for you when you entered the ghost den to kill my soul. Why do you have to go against me?"

Zhang Qingyuan was amused. It stands to reason that a ghost that has grown to this level should be able to get rid of the influence of evil spirits on its IQ. He didn't expect that this ghost boy was still so naive.

"Haven't you heard a saying?"

Ghost Child:"???"

"When you see injustice, you should speak up and take action.……"

In the confused eyes of the ghost boy, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly attacked

"In order to level the road, you'd better die early.……"

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