
The ghost child lay on the ground, his eyes bulging. Zhang Qingyuan stepped on his chest with one big foot and twisted it hard.

"I gave you a chance but you didn't use it!"

The ghost child was filled with hatred and struggled madly, but the foot stepping on it was like a mountain pressing down on it, containing infinite power, and it was impossible to escape.

"Who are you? I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you.……"

Zhang Qingyuan smiled dumbly and said,"I might be your non-blood-related father."


With a slight sound, Zhang Qingyuan held the Daobing Sword and pierced the ghost boy's chest.

The ghost boy's struggling body suddenly stopped moving, his hands and feet collapsed, and countless evil black air spurted out from the pierced holes. The ghost boy's body was covered with dense baby faces, and he cried loudly with his mouth open.

"Soul-collecting gourd, come in!"

Zhang Qingyuan unplugged the gourd, and the ghost child's soul disintegrated into hundreds of ghost babies, which sank into the gourd.


Zhang Qingyuan put away the gourd, his expression a little dazed, as if he had not yet reacted.

He raised his right hand and looked at the eyeball in the palm of his hand. The latter blinked at it a few times, very naughty.

"Ahem, can you come out again?" he asked.

Severed hand: [It seems I can, but it took so much effort to grow it back, why do you want to separate it again?】

"Come out first!"

Before he finished speaking, the power in his body began to drain away. Zhang Qingyuan felt that his body was about to be hollowed out. He couldn't help but let his legs go soft and half-knelt on the ground.

After a moment, the abnormality on his right hand began to retract and gathered in the palm of his hand. The blood and energy left his soul, and the familiar broken hand slowly condensed out, then jumped and landed on his shoulder. The broken hand gestured excitedly, and I don't know why he was so happy.

In the distance, Zhao Yuanshan and Huang Shuangshuang trotted over and saw the mother's corpse all over the ground. Zhao Yuanshan's face showed an angry expression.

"This ghost really deserves to die. A group of young girls were killed by it. Don't let it fall into my hands, otherwise I will burn it to death." The old Taoist said angrily.

Huang Shuang gave him a strange look and said bluntly:"Old Taoist, why do you always say such things a step late? My ancestor said that you are like an afterthought."

Zhao Yuanshan's old face was as red as a monkey's butt, and he didn't say a word for a long time.

""Team leader, did you kill the ghost?" Huang Shuangshuang asked as she trotted over.

Zhang Qingyuan said calmly,"Of course. This team leader only needs to do a little bit to kill the ghost boy.""

""Tsk!" Zhao Yuanshan sneered with a thick face.

With the death of the ghost boy, the ghost den shrouding the sky above Jiangnan University began to dissipate, and the hazy halo penetrated the dark clouds in the sky and scattered down. The dazzling golden rays of the sun brought warm hope.

Zhang Qingyuan patted his broken hand and said,"Let those souls out and let them return to their bodies?"

Upon hearing this, the broken hand immediately opened his palm, and the red eyes in his palms glowed with divine light. A passage suddenly appeared, and ghosts like a torrent flew out quickly, following the induction of the flesh, and scattered into every corner of Jiangnan University.

After a while, some people woke up one after another, and they were the first to discover the gradually dissipating dark ghost den. The scattered sunlight fell on their bodies, and they felt as if they were in another world.

"Too...the sun is out?"

"Did you survive?"

"The sun is out!!"

Seeing the sun, even though they didn't know what happened, the surviving students were all excited and couldn't help but raise their arms and shout, expressing their gratitude for surviving the disaster.

In the live broadcast room, millions of netizens began to swipe the screen

【Come on, great immortal, your magic power is boundless!】

【Zhang is so bold and awesome that he stepped on the ghost and forced himself to be its father】

【Be bold and stay safe! 】

A request for a live broadcast popped up, and it was still Chen Ze. Zhang Qingyuan was about to pick it up, but at this moment, a new change occurred.

The sky, which had been gradually brightening, quickly darkened, and thick black clouds appeared out of thin air, quickly occupying the sky, covering the entire sky again.


A dark river suddenly appeared like a river in the sky, across the sky.

On the black river surface, ferry boats with densely hung soul-guiding lanterns floated downstream. On each boat stood several evil-suppressing envoys, holding evil-slaying knives and hanging soul-collecting gourds, looking down at the scenes of the world of the living projected by the dark river.

Zhao Jin had a solemn face, his brows were wrinkled, and his eyes were searching everywhere.

"Amitabha, Master Zhao, the situation is not as bad as you said. If you lied about the military intelligence, the chief of the fish department might punish you." Monk Lingzhi said with a stern face.

He was still upset about Zhao Jin's"bald donkey".

Who said that monks are all magnanimous and know how to let go? Those who can let go have ascended to heaven and become Buddhas. Why would they still hang around in the underworld?

"We're here!" the ferryman said hoarsely.

""Okay, I'll go first, and I'll leave the rest to you two."

After saying that, Zhao Jinpo couldn't wait to jump towards the water and jumped into the Yin River.


Outside Jiangnan University, Chen Ze's face turned green. He thought the matter had been resolved, but suddenly the wind blew up and dark clouds covered the sky.

""What happened? Where did these ghosts come from?" he asked angrily.

The staff behind him were silent, no one dared to speak.

At this moment, the screen showed that the microphone connection application had been approved, and the live broadcast room was suddenly divided into two screens on the left and right.

"Mr. Zhang Qingyuan, is the ghost boy dead?"Chen Ze asked impatiently.

"Dead!" Zhang Qingyuan nodded.

"Those were the ones on that day.……"He asked in confusion.

Zhang Qingyuan was also a little speechless, and said:"They are similar to those late FBI in American movies."

Chen Ze was stunned for a moment, and asked in confusion:"Are you joking, sir?"

"Can't you see that? Those guys are the evil suppressors of the underworld. Damn it, I've dealt with them all, but these bastards are here. If I wasn't awesome, they wouldn't be able to collect my body in time."Zhang Qingyuan cursed.

As soon as he found something wrong last night, he asked Lao Wang to notify Zhao Yuanshan to contact the underworld. As a result, these guys only came now that the sun has risen. It's been almost ten hours, and they can't even eat shit in time. If they really rely on the underworld, Jiangnan University will probably have to be renamed Jiangnan Cemetery in the future.

"Okay, no more talk. They have already entered the world of the living. I'll go take a look. When the clouds dissipate and we leave, you can arrange for people to come in. There should be quite a few people who survived. Settle them well."

"I understand, I understand. Don't worry, sir."

"By the way, don't forget to send that thing, don't even deceive the dead, it will damage your virtue."Zhang Qingyuan reminded him with some worry. He spent a lot of effort and finally took the risk of merging with the broken hand, just to stamp the seal on the golden book.

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