In the underworld, the blood moon was in the sky, the clouds were low, and the environment was as depressing as ever.

A large group of evil suppressors entered Fengdu City in a mighty manner.

The others dispersed, and Yu Xuanji asked Zhang Qingyuan to stay and went to her underworld. Zhao Jin was so shameless that he insisted on following to take a look.

Click, click...

The little ghost Xiaoqiu was running around the yard barefoot and wearing a rag bag. Yu Xuanji stood under the big tree and didn't say anything for a long time.

Zhao Jin winked at him, not knowing what he was doing.

"Senior Yu, why did you ask me to come here?……"Zhang Qingyuan tried to ask

"You have your own opportunities, and I don't want to ask too many questions or pry into your secrets, but today's matter can be big or small. Do you know what will happen once I report your achievements?"

Zhao Jin made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Zhang Qingyuan was too lazy to pay attention to this old ghost and asked respectfully:"What do you mean, senior?"

"You are just a small Li-level ghost, but you can kill the Jie-level existence and know everything about the world of the living. Do you really think that no one will covet you?"

Cold sweat dripped!

Zhao Jin laughed strangely and said,"Boy, don't think that Fengdu Underworld is a peaceful place. Some ghosts dare to tamper with the Book of Life and Death. What else can they not do? Crushing you to death is like crushing an ant."

Zhang Qingyuan looked at him innocently and said,"Senior, I am a soldier of Zaoge Mountain when I am alive and a ghost of Zaoge Mountain when I die."

Zhao Jin's face turned black and said,"Boy, what do you mean?"

"well……"Zhang Qingyuan sighed, shook his head, and said sadly:"Zaoge Mountain is a dignified sect with a lineage of Heavenly Masters that is feared by the three realms, but its Taoist soldiers were taken away by someone in the underworld. If this gets out, people who don't know will think that Zaoge Mountain is an unworthy descendant who can't even save the reputation of the sect."

"Bullshit!" Zhao Jin jumped three meters high on the spot and cursed:"See if the master doesn't kill you with a thunderbolt."

"I'm not wrong. I'm a Taoist soldier from Zaoge Mountain. I was bullied for no reason. I don't believe Zaoge Mountain will watch me die without helping me."

Huffing and puffing...

Zhao Jin was panting heavily. He suddenly realized that he seemed to have gotten himself a hot potato by tricking this kid into becoming a Taoist soldier.

Yu Xuanji stood aside without saying anything. She was probably speechless... She knew that this kid was smart, but she didn't expect him to be so smart and completely rely on Zaoge Mountain.

After calming down, Zhao Jin said,"Boy, don't play any tricks. The ancestors of our sect, either reincarnated or became gods and entered the heaven. They really don't have much power in the underworld. They want to protect you but they are powerless. Even if the truth comes out, the ancestors of the heaven will not care about the life and death of a small Taoist soldier like you."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan turned his gaze to Yu Xuanji again.

"I will take care of you, but it's hard to guard against a hidden arrow.……"


Yu Xuanji hadn't finished speaking when there was a sudden explosion in the sky. A ray of golden light pierced through the sky of the underworld, illuminating the vast expanse of space. A vast river appeared, running across the sky of Fengdu. The hot breath was like rising steam, and the wailing of countless ghosts came from the wild.

In the long river of great energy, ancient figures appeared one after another. There were ancient humans wearing animal skins and drilling wood to make fire, old men holding long whips, carrying medicine baskets, and tasting hundreds of herbs, and ancient emperors who established dynasties and controlled the people...

The entire river carries the epic civilization of the entire human race, and scenes after scenes are presented to all the spirits in the underworld.

Swish, swish, swish...

Above the city of Fengdu, one ghost god after another soared into the sky, looking at the strange phenomenon in the sky, the distant underworld hell, Yama Ghost City, the territory of the Ghost Emperor, and countless underworld bosses all appeared.

"Is this, the canonization of humanity? Who is it?"Zhao Jin looked at the sky in shock, not noticing that Zhang Qingyuan beside him was agitated and exuding a majestic aura like a god.

Yu Xuanji didn't say anything, and Zhao Jin finally came to his senses and noticed something strange around him.

"Is it you, kid? ?"

Shock, surprise, astonishment... all kinds of expressions flashed across Zhao Jin's face, followed by jealousy, which made his face distorted and ugly.

Zhang Qingyuan opened his arms and closed his eyes. In his mind, the words of the great sages of the human race echoed. This was the sound of the sages recorded by heaven and earth since the birth of mankind.


The sky shook again, and a huge, rolled-up golden book and jade axis passed through the underworld sky and slowly descended.

The next second, the golden book unfolded, spiritual flowers fell from the sky, and the fairy music boiled, as if a goddess was singing and dancing in the dazzling divine light.

【The Great Xia Divine Omen Book says:

Jiangnan is in trouble, and ghosts are rampant. Today, Zhang Qingyuan is wise and brave to protect the people, saving tens of thousands of people from life and death. However, the hero is gone, and it is a pity.

Qingyuan's righteous deeds are mournful, and everyone in the world is convinced.

His merits are comparable to the righteousness of Guan Sheng and the loyalty of Yue Gong.

Now he is posthumously named"Great Xia Dangxie Zhenjun", and the title of Duke is posthumously granted.

The statue is allowed to be erected in the university, and the Qingsong Mountain Qingyuan Temple is also posthumously worshipped as the main worship, and sacrifices are offered in spring and autumn, and incense is forever enjoyed.

I hope that people all over the world will follow his spirit, go to the national crisis, and guard their homes. May my Great Xia be peaceful and stable, and the people be safe. 】

The majestic and solemn voice resounded through the underworld, shaking the heaven and earth. As the voice was read, one golden character after another was projected in the sky, like a sun, shining on the underworld.

A more vast and brilliant light fell and shone on Zhang Qingyuan. The six characters"Great Xia Dangxie Zhenjun" shone brightly, as bright as the blazing sun.

A complex talisman fell from the sky and slowly landed on Zhang Qingyuan's forehead, leaving an indelible mark on his forehead.

The strange phenomenon lasted for more than ten minutes, and finally Zhang Qingyuan's 360-degree holographic projection appeared in the sky, allowing all the ghosts to get to know his big face.

The divine light gradually dissipated, and after a while, the underworld returned to its dark and lightless appearance.

"This old man is fucking……"Zhao Jin's eyes were red, his expression was distorted, and he was about to swear.

At this time, a divine light descended from the sky and landed in the courtyard.

Zhong Kui, wearing the red robe of the top scholar, appeared again and said in shock:"It is really this kid, what did he do? After hundreds of years, the Human Dao Dynasty actually conferred the title?"

Yu Xuanji, who had been silent for a long time, seemed a little dazed and said:"Maybe... it has something to do with the matter of Jiangnan University that I reported to you before!"

"When we rushed there, the calamity-level ghost had been killed by Zhang... True Lord Dangxie, saving the lives of tens of thousands of teachers and students. Perhaps this is why the Humane Dynasty canonized him, but we didn't expect it to be so soon."

Unconsciously, Yu Xuanji gave Zhang Qingyuan a certain amount of respect and recited his honorific title.

""I see!" Zhong Kui was stunned. He had never expected that the boy whom he had despised and almost refused to recruit into the Suppression of Evil Division would cause such a big commotion.

As a person who had been canonized by the Humane Dynasty, he knew very well the value of this identity. Even the Heavenly Clan he had planned for Yu Xuanji was much worse than this identity.

It could even be said that he had one foot in the gate of Heaven. With a little more opportunity, he could enter Heaven and become a true god.

Like him, he had been staying in the underworld for thousands of years. It was not that he could not enter Heaven, but he just didn't want to.

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