In the world of the living, after the ghosts disappeared, various videos began to burst out, causing a huge storm on Kuaishou.

Although after the ghost left, the official people entered to stabilize the situation and collected and sorted out the bodies of the dead, but they still couldn't stop the large number of photos and videos from leaking out.

Looking at the various corpses and the sprayed blood, most people really realized the horror of ghosts, unlike watching Zhang Qingyuan playing tricks in the live broadcast room before, they didn't feel anything.

The turmoil on the Internet even exceeded that of Chunjiang Community not long ago. A large number of media and anchors flocked to Jiangnan University, wanting to interview first-hand information as soon as possible.

【Shocked! Zhang Qingyuan saved tens of thousands of teachers and students at Jiangnan University!】

【The Savior of the World——Zhang Qingyuan】

【Thousands of people died overnight. What did the famous anchor Zhang Dabing do?】

Videos and news with various titles appeared. The core of the titles were all centered on Zhang Qingyuan, telling his deeds of saving Jiangnan University from various angles and methods, combined with the previous events of Chunjiang Community.

At this moment, Zhang Qingyuan has become the absolute top star in Daxia, crushing a group of celebrities in the entertainment industry, making many people depressed and experiencing the bitter tears of the leather pants singer. Hot searches were frequently snatched.

Just when the whole network was discussing Jiangnan University and Zhang Qingyuan, a king-level news emerged.

【Big news! After nearly a thousand years, he is once again enshrined as a god!】

【The Great Xia Exorcist—Zhang Qingyuan! 】

The Great Xia Supreme Golden Book was posted on the Kuaishou platform by the official account, and the number of views instantly reached tens of millions. In the comment area, all kinds of nitpickers began to appear, questioning that the official canonization of the Great Xia was too rash, comparing him with Guan Yu and Yue Fei, and listing his lack of qualifications.

However, such remarks were soon drowned out by verbal criticism, especially when an organization called"Source Power" emerged and began to defend Zhang Qingyuan on a large scale online.

Members of the organization struck hard on various platforms, hammering down all the negative comments one by one.

Then, there was another nuclear-level news—the Qingyuan Temple will be officially opened for the last time this month, and Wang Zhengyang, the boss of the Wang Group, will offer the first incense stick, and Zhang Qingyuan will also be there...

Also eye-catching is a controversial decision of Jiangnan University. In order to express gratitude to Zhang Qingyuan for saving the teachers and students of the whole school, a statue will be erected in front of the Jiangnan University Library to commemorate him.


In the underworld, Zhang Qingyuan finally returned to his own grave. Zhong Kui asked him about everything that happened at Jiangnan University, from beginning to end.

When asked how he solved the ghost boy, Zhang Qingyuan hesitated and did not give a clear answer. Surprisingly, neither Zhong Kui nor Yu Xuanji asked in detail.

Back to his own grave, Zhao Jin followed him.

""Senior, is there anything else?" Zhang Qingyuan asked suspiciously.

Ever since the Golden Book of Conferment, this old ghost has been very abnormal, jealousy mixed with various emotions, and he looks like a pig that has been in the mountains for decades and sees a pretty little pig when he comes down the mountain.

"Hehehehe……"Zhao Jin smiled wickedly and rubbed his hands, saying,"Well, you said that we haven't known each other for a long time, but I don't know why I always like you so much.……"

Zhang Qingyuan felt a chill and said quickly:"Stop, stop, stop. Senior, just say whatever you want to say. I'm still used to your old way and I want to recover."

Zhao Jin was not annoyed and said:"Okay, I won't hide our relationship. I'll be frank. Now that you have been canonized by humanity, you are considered a legitimate god. The Qingyuan Temple will surely have a lot of incense in the future. When will the temple be opened? I'll go and watch."

Got it!

This old ghost wanted to use his reputation to make himself familiar and earn more incense.

Zhang Qingyuan hesitated and said:"This is hard to say. After all, you and I are of different identities. If you want to enter the world of the living, you need the approval of the underworld. It's not like you can go casually."

"You don't have to worry about this. I will find a way to go there. Besides, this matter is related to you, so you have to go there when the time comes."

Zhang Qingyuan smiled secretly. Last time he asked me to add a golden statue to the temple, and this time he asked me to take him there on the day of the temple opening. This old ghost really attaches great importance to Qingyuan Temple.

"Go... It's not impossible, but the problem is that I still don't know how to use the incense. What if there are too many incense and there is no place to use them? It will be a trouble."

Zhang Qingyuan almost cursed directly. The last time this old ghost talked about helping him to add a golden body, he told him about the incense. Until now, there has been no movement. He still wants to get more wool from him?

"cough cough……"Zhao Jin was a little embarrassed, but still said shamelessly:"I am old and my memory is not very good. I can't compare with you young people."

"The matter of incense is not a secret in Taoism. It can be said that those who know it don't think it's a big deal, but if you don't know it, you will never get the way."

As he said this, Zhao Jin looked around and was very alert. He whispered:"The so-called heaven, earth, man, gods and ghosts is not only a general description of the way of cultivation, but also a classification of the level of cultivation, that is, heavenly immortals, earthly immortals, human immortals, gods and ghosts. This is the saying that is popular in the world."

"But seriously speaking, except for the celestial immortals, the other four categories are only barely related to immortals.

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are gods, because they all have their own constraints.

For example, earthly immortals build blessed lands, change mountains and rivers, and have merits in heaven.

They can enjoy merits and can also be regarded as the incense of heaven and earth.

Human immortals accept offerings from the world with their living bodies and then ascend to immortality.

Because they have never died, they have an extra layer of body than the gods, so they are also one level higher.

It goes without saying that gods and ghosts are immortals.

You all know.


"The word"immortal" is divided into two halves. It actually refers to people in the mountains, and can also be seen as people outside the world. The incense is the interweaving of various emotions of the world's people, such as obsession, wish, and thought. It seems to have infinite merits, but it is a big net that will drag people in the mountains into the world of mortals."

"Therefore, incense and fire can be used, but they cannot be used casually. Otherwise, they will be bound like the last four categories. Earthly immortals are bound by the merits of heaven and earth, human immortals and gods are bound by incense and fire, and as for heavenly immortals,……"

Zhao Jin changed the subject and said mysteriously,"It also receives incense, but it does not directly receive it by itself. Instead, it uses external objects. It is assisted by incense but is not affected by cause and effect. Of course, the effect is not as good as using it directly."

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly realized something.

Zhao Jin smiled and said,"So, you understand, right?"

"Got it!" Zhang Qingyuan nodded solemnly and said,"It means that you want to get the help of incense for free, but don't want to respond to the incense and bear the cause and effect. This is why many immortals are not effective, right?"

Zhao Jin:???

"Bullshit, is that what I meant? I meant to let you use your Nine Yin Soul Lotus to carry the incense, and I can use the Nine Yin Soul Lotus to practice, the effect is not bad, and I won't be dragged down."Zhao Jin was a little bit defensive, and directly pointed out the key point

"But, we are all ghosts, no matter how hard we try, we are still ghost immortals, why not use the power of incense to become gods, isn't that better than ghost immortals?"

Zhao Jin's face changed slightly, and he looked a little hesitant, but he still said hesitantly:"You don't have to think so much, anyway, I will definitely not harm you by telling you this, you died young, to put it bluntly, although you are dead, but your life span is not over, you will have a chance to get a glimpse of the opportunity to become a celestial immortal in the future... As for those whose life span has run out, why do you think the underworld changes the life and death book?"

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