"Oh, Mr. Zhang is here, welcome, welcome, my girl has been looking forward to seeing you."

At the entrance of the Qunfang Baigui Tower, Xiang Yuan came to greet him personally and loudly welcomed Zhang Qingyuan in.

""Shhh...be quiet!"

Zhang Qingyuan covered himself tightly, half of his face with a black cloth, to make sure no one could recognize him.

After all, a good boy who grew up under the red flag, visiting a place of brothels, always felt a little ashamed.

Of course, to put it bluntly, he was not familiar with it!

This first time, he didn't even bring his severed hand with him, and threw it in the graveyard.

"Sir, what are you afraid of? With your status as a god of humanity, you will only be regarded as a romantic and unrestrained person when you come here, and you will also get good reviews. No one will care."Xiang Yuan said as he led him upstairs.

"What about them? Are they also romantic and unrestrained?"Zhang Qingyuan pointed at the ghosts playing games in the pink gauze tent on the first floor and said

"They? They are all sex-hungry ghosts."Xiang Yuan said sarcastically.

At this moment, a young man wearing an ancient long gown and looking like a gentleman came towards them from the corridor on the second floor. He greeted Zhang Qingyuan when he saw him.

"It turned out to be Master Zhang. I didn’t expect to meet you so soon?" Cui Yun said politely. Zhang

Qingyuan was a little confused and said,"No, Master Cui, I’m covered up like this, can you still recognize me?"

This guy is really from Judge Cui Jue’s family. It is said that he is Cui Jue’s great-great-grandson and is very much loved by Cui Jue. Therefore, he has a very high status in the Cui family and is able to live in the Judge’s Mansion in the inner city.

It was he who brought gifts to congratulate on behalf of the Cui family two days ago.

Cui Yun unfolded the folding fan in his hand and said elegantly,"Master Zhang is really humorous. The human aura and divine golden light on you are like the scorching sun in the underworld. No matter how hard you try, you can’t hide it."

Zhang Qingyuan:"……"

He did know that after the Golden Book of Gods was conferred, he had undergone some changes, but he didn't know that such changes would be so conspicuous in the underworld. He won't be able to be the sixth Voldemort in the future.

Cui Yun was also very tactful. He said hello to Zhang Qingyuan and left. However, before leaving, he still told his followers to leave a message in a domineering manner: Master Cui will pay for Master Zhang's consumption today.

Zhang Qingyuan: Very good! Then I won't be polite and call up the top ten girls in your store.

Xiang Yuan led him into the attic, and the two sat down separately. After filling a glass of Yin wine, the old procuress asked,"Master, you came here today, did you bring something?"


Zhang Qingyuan directly threw out a thread-bound ancient book and slapped it on the table.

Xiang Yuan's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to take it, but Zhang Qingyuan slapped the ancient book and said,"You want to take it away like this?"

"Hehehe... Could it be that Master Zhenjun wants to communicate with the ten girls of my family first before talking about anything else?"

"Forehead……"Zhang Qingyuan's expression froze, and he said angrily:"Of course not... Let's talk about this later. It won't be too late to communicate after we have settled the matter first."

"Oh?" Xiang Yuan became a little more serious, sitting up straight, with a deep and unfathomable chest.

"I didn't understand what the True Lord meant. What Xue Ren told me was that Master Jian Jiaozi spared your life, and you agreed to help him get the ancient books related to Youdu and the Blood Jade Eye that Yu Xuanji had taken. Wasn't everything already agreed upon?"

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and said very bluntly,"That was because I was held to my neck by that bastard Xue Ren with a two-meter-long and half-meter-wide knife, so I had to pinch my nose and agree. Now I have the advantage, so naturally I have to negotiate terms with you." Xiang Yuan didn't seem surprised, and asked directly,"Then what the True Lord means is that you want the antidote for the Soul Devouring Ghost Bug? Isn't that not possible?"……"

Zhang Qingyuan waved his hands and said disdainfully:"I'll find someone to solve that thing when I get back. Does Xue Ren really think that his mediocre skills are invincible?"

Xiang Yuan's face was not very good, and he said:"What does the True Lord mean?"

"It's very simple. I'm sure you know that I'm working under the command of Yu Si Shou. Now I'm also the head of the evil suppression team, in charge of the Yellow Team. I'm responsible for gathering intelligence everywhere, looking for the evil spirits, and then dispatching tasks to earn merits."

"……So my request is very simple. You help me collect intelligence and find out where the ghosts need to be dealt with. Just tell me. This should be very simple for you. After all, you are still very powerful in the Yintu wilderness."

Hearing this request, Xiang Yuan's expression relaxed slightly and said,"If it's just this, then I can accept it on behalf of Master Jianjiaozi. After all, helping the True Lord climb higher is also beneficial to us. We still have to rely on the True Lord to get the Blood Jade Eye from Yu Xuanji."

"……However, as far as I know, the True Lord has made great contributions in the Yang world this time, and the Suppression of Evil Division may want to promote you to Suppression of Evil General, then what about the position of Huang Group?"

Zhang Qingyuan was not surprised at all to hear that he was going to be promoted, because when he was in Yu Xuanji's courtyard, Zhong Kui had revealed this idea.

"Even if I get promoted, I will still take on the duties of the Yellow Team, so you don't need to worry about it."

"Since the True Lord knows the answer, we can rest assured." Xiang Yuan reached out to the ancient book again.

But Zhang Qingyuan still held it, and the latter looked at him in confusion.

"I remember when I was captured by you and taken to see Jian Jiaozi, the evil spirit promised to fulfill one of my wishes."Zhang Qingyuan looked at her with a smile.

The latter immediately showed a tangled look and said,"Zhen...Zhen Jun, this Jian Jiaozi master promised you, but I can't make the decision."

"It's okay, you will definitely contact him anyway, just help me pass the message on."

Xiang Yuan wanted to refuse, but was worried that he would get angry, so she had to say:"Then you tell me, Master. As for how the master responds, that is not something I can control."

"Don't worry, my request is very simple, and I'm not greedy. If I ask Xiongshen to help me steal the elixir from Taishang Laojun, he will definitely not be able to do it."

"Please tell me, sir."

"Well, my wish is that the Lord of the Fierce God can fulfill my three wishes. How about that? Isn't that too much?"

"Hmm?" Xiang Yuan's smile froze on her face.

"Zhen...Zhen Jun, I'm afraid you……"She said with a forced smile, cursing Zhang Qingyuan in her heart.

Bastard, you are playing nesting dolls with me here, won't Master Jianjiao slap you to death?

Zhang Qingyuan shook his head and said with some disappointment:"I'm not going too far. It's just a matter of His Excellency the Fierce God nods his head. It's very easy. If you can't even agree to this, then I'm really……"

As he was about to put away the ancient book,

Xiang Yuan quickly stopped him and said,"Master, please don't worry. I can't make the decision. I can only report it to you."

""Okay! I'm not a stingy person. You take half of the ancient book, and I'll give you the other half after he responds."

As he said that, Zhang Qingyuan tore off half and threw it to Xiang Yuan, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot, but he still had to force a smile.

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