
""Master, come often in the future!" Xiang Yuan shouted enthusiastically at the door.

Zhang Qingyuan leaned against the wall and waved his hand... I dare not, I dare not, I will never come again.

As expected, what someone said is right... No matter how heroic you are, you still have to lean against the wall to go out.

Ten female ghosts, he just wanted to drink some wine and talk about his ideal life as a ghost, but the female ghosts played tricks on him, and he didn't know when he took off his clothes.

"Bullshit doesn't attract people. If I believe you again, I'm a dog!"

After groaning for a long time, Zhang Qingyuan leaned against the wall and took half an hour to reach the door of the tomb.

Huang Shuangshuang was waiting for him at the door after not returning all night. She hurriedly ran up to hold his arm and said,"Team leader, where have you been? Why do you look so weak?"

Whoosh~ the severed hand also jumped down from the wall and landed on Zhang Qingyuan's shoulder. The big eyes in the palm of its hand showed some doubts.

""Ahem...I went on a secret mission last night and got a little injured, but it's okay. You know how strong I am, your team leader. I won easily." Zhang Qingyuan said with a shameless face.

He had to maintain his glorious image in the little Lolita's heart at all times.

"So, next time the team leader has such a task, he can call me. It is our responsibility to maintain order in the underworld."Huang Shuangshuang said righteously.

""Yeah... I'll definitely call you next time." Zhang Qingyuan said casually.

After resting in the Yin house for a long time, swallowing a lotus seed, and using the Nine Yin Soul Lotus to refine some incense power, Zhang Qingyuan finally revived with full blood and could fight all night.

I took out my mobile phone when I was free.

The popularity of Jiangnan University on the Internet has declined, but ghosts in various places are getting more and more intense.

Even the few dancing black silk girls I follow on a daily basis have no intention of selling their bodies.

Instead, many anchors who claim to be masters of Taoism are showing a trend of becoming popular.

Personal information interface

【Nickname: Zhang Dadan

Fans: 33.32 million

Followers: 12 Likes

: 4.7 billion

Withdrawable balance: 362 taels of Yin money]

After Jiangnan University, the number of fans increased by more than 15 million, almost doubling, and the reward also reached an astonishing 120 taels of Yin money, equivalent to more than 2 million yuan, just like picking up money from a sack. The wallet that had been shriveled due to buying a house began to swell again.

On the private message interface, a message sent by Lao Wang yesterday has not been read.

Wang Zhengyang: [Mr. Zhang, the opening ceremony is scheduled for 12 noon on January 31st. I hope you can come to attend.】

【Don't worry, I will definitely come! 】

Zhang Qingyuan would naturally not refuse. He had already felt the effect of incense, which was almost like a cheat for spiritual practice. Even Buddha would fight for this stick of incense, not to mention him, a small envoy.

Wang Zhengyang: [Mr. Zhang, Jiangnan University is building a statue for you. Wang Group and several partners of our company have jointly donated funds. Do you think the design is satisfactory? 】

Along with the news, Lao Wang sent a design drawing.

Clicking it, a large jade-white"Zhang Qingyuan" is lifelike, wearing armor, holding a long sword, with a jade-like spirit, bright eyes, and unparalleled style...

Zhang Qingyuan used all the adjectives he could use, and felt extremely satisfied. It was exactly the same as himself... Then he looked at the size of the designed statue-9.9 meters!

He was even more satisfied.

After chatting with Lao Wang, Zhang Qingyuan contacted Zhao Lingshan again.

【On January 31st, you come to Qingyuan Temple in Qingsong Mountain, and then perform a ritual to summon Taoist soldiers to take me to the world of the living. 】

Northeast Cute Cat: [What about the opening of Qingyuan Temple? Grandpa will go there that day, and I will follow him. 】

No wonder!

Old Ghost Zhao swore that he had a way to go to the world of the living. It turned out that he was referring to Zhao Yuanshan. It was estimated that he would be summoned up in the same way. There is a necromancy in Zaoge Mountain, and he experienced it last time.

Zaoge Mountain in the world of the living.

Because the haunted incident at Jiangnan University has been settled now, but the impact is too great, and many teachers and students have left serious psychological trauma, so they were all given a unified holiday. Zhao Lingshan naturally followed Zhao Yuanshan back to Zaoge Mountain

"Grandpa, Zhang Qingyuan seemed to go to the Qingyuan Temple on the day of its opening."

Zhao Yunshan was lying on a rocking chair, and said leisurely,"It's normal for that kid to go. He saved Jiangnan University and was deified by humanity. Now that the temple is open, if he can go again, the popularity of Qingyuan Temple will probably surpass that of most of the gods in heaven. This kid is incredible."

"Hehehe... I had good taste when I chose him as a Taoist soldier." Zhao Lingshan said with a sly smile.

Zhao Yuanshan rolled his eyes at her... I don't know who thought he was ugly in the first place.

"From now on, when you face him, you must not treat him like you did in the past. You must have enough respect. With him as your Taoist soldier, your achievements in the future will definitely surpass mine, and you may even get a glimpse of the immortal secret."

"Oh! But it's strange, I feel like I've gotten smarter in the last few days when I was practicing the Taoist scriptures. I can understand a lot of things that I didn't understand before. Grandpa, do you think I'm a Taoist genius?" Zhao Lingshan asked very proudly.

"Humph!" Zhao Yuanshan snorted coldly and said,"That's thanks to that kid named Zhang. The two incidents in Chunjiang Community and Jiangnan University have made him the center of attention. People must have spontaneously started to worship him and offer incense to him. You are connected to him on the same path, so his benefits will be fed back to you, and your benefits will also be fed back to him."

Just as the grandfather and grandson were chatting in the yard, Lu Zongyun, the head of Zaoge Mountain, hurried in.

"Uncle Master, something big has happened!"

"What's the big deal? The sky hasn't fallen yet!"Zhao Yuanshan took a sip of tea and said lightly

"The government wants to set up the Xiankui Division, and they specifically asked you to participate."

Zhao Yuanshan was unmoved and said,"I already knew about this, it's no big deal."

"There is another one you will never expect"


"Officials are going to climb Mount Tai to ask questions about heaven and earth…��"


Zhao Yuanshan spat out a mouthful of tea and said with wide eyes:"What did you say? To ask the heavens and the Tao... did the officials get kicked in the head by a donkey? How can such a thing be done so easily? If the result is not good, there will be chaos in the world and disaster for the people!"

Lu Zongyun said tangledly:"It seems that the ghosts are too fierce and there is no way to quell them, so they resorted to this desperate measure. I guess they are forced into a corner. After all, everything was going well before, and the country was peaceful and the people were safe, but suddenly so many things happened. I guess the higher-ups are also confused."

Almost at the same time, an official announcement was posted on the homepages of major online platforms.

【In view of the strange phenomena in the sky, ghosts and spirits everywhere, and disasters in all directions, the General Prime Minister's Office has decided to hold a meeting on January 15th, the eighth year of the Divine Omen, to ask the heavens for the way. From the date of this notice, Mount Tai will be closed, and no organization or individual may enter the area of Mount Tai. The results of the meeting will be announced to the world to reassure the people! 】

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