When leaving the Evil Suppression Division, Zhang Qingyuan was in a trance.

Zhong Kui's words really contained too much information... The Heavenly Court wanted to investigate the underworld!

This clearly told everyone that beheadings were about to begin!

Since Zhong Kui told them so openly, the underworld gods must have known the news by now, and they must be like ants on a hot pot. No matter what, before asking the Heavenly Court, they must find a way to come up with a set of rules, otherwise the living world will not accept it, and the underworld will probably be in great trouble.

Arriving at the Yin residence, Zhang Qingyuan did not go back, but turned a corner and followed Yu Xuanji into her yard.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jin, the old ghost with a sharp nose, had actually been waiting here in advance.

"Senior, is there something big going on with the celestial being descending from Heaven?" Zhao Jin asked impatiently.

Zhang Qingyuan felt Yu Xuanji's eyes on him, asking him to explain.

"Ahem… Senior Zhao is going to ask the heavens for the way in the world of the living." Zhang Qingyuan simply revealed the news.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Jin was not surprised at all.���Nodding, he said,"I already know that Yuanshan has sent news from the world of the living."

Unable to scare the old ghost, Zhang Qingyuan also informed him of the follow-up situation.

"Is the Heavenly Court investigating the underworld?" Zhao Jin frowned and lowered his head in deep thought.

At this time, Yu Xuanji spoke:"Qingyuan, if my prediction is correct, someone from the Ten Kings of Hell and the Five Ghost Emperors should come to see you soon."

"Looking for me? What for?"Zhang Qingyuan was a little confused.

Although he was about to become an evil suppressor, he should not be able to contact these underworld bosses.

"That's right!" Zhao Jin suddenly realized,"This guy has just been canonized by the Xia Dynasty. In order to deal with the inquiry about the heaven and the earth, these guys may ask him to come out to mediate. Don't make things difficult for the underworld when asking for the truth. Otherwise, if the Xia Dynasty holds on to the ghost disaster, the underworld will never be able to get through this."

So that's it!

Zhang Qingyuan touched his chin, thinking... It seems that he has become a hot commodity.

But Zhao Jin's next sentence broke his fantasy.

"Boy, don't think this is a good thing. Although the source of this matter is the questioning of heaven in the mortal world, for the underworld, the catastrophe comes from heaven. If the heaven really wants to take this opportunity to cleanse the underworld, then no matter what the final result is, it can't escape this catastrophe. So you'd better be careful and don't rashly get dragged into it."

"If everything goes smoothly in the end, then everyone will be happy, and the underworld gods will be grateful to you. If fate is like a knife and you fall into the underworld, I'm afraid you will find it difficult to escape and will be retaliated against."

Zhang Qingyuan suddenly felt cold in his heart:"Senior, what you mean is that I'd better not get involved, and I should ignore anyone who comes to me?"

"It shouldn't be that simple!" Yu Xuanji suddenly said

"I was wondering if this matter was related to the Buddhist turmoil."

Buddhist turmoil!"

A flash of thunder flashed in Zhang Qingyuan's mind, and suddenly, he seemed to understand the connection.

""Two seniors... what do you think? If Heaven takes this opportunity to clean up the tentacles of Buddhism in the underworld, is it possible?"

As soon as the words fell, the whole place fell silent.

Zhao Jin widened his eyes and looked at him in horror. Yu Xuanji's eyes also fell on him through the paper umbrella.

The wind blew the trees and made a rustling sound. It seemed that it was not the wind that was moving, nor the leaves, but the hearts of the people.

Zhao Jin and Yu Xuanji were not talking. Obviously, the speculation thrown out by Zhang Qingyuan was too relevant. It was so important that the two even wanted to pretend that the conversation in the courtyard today had never happened.

Heaven wanted to clean up the tentacles of Buddhism in the underworld. That would be a truly terrifying event that would trigger a major earthquake in the three realms, enough to blow up the entire underworld.

The most important thing is that after Zhang Qingyuan said this, combined with what happened before, the possibility is very high.


Yu Xuanji's soft breathing could be heard from under the paper umbrella, as if she was trying to calm her agitated mood.

"I hope that what happened today will not be spread out. You should know the consequences." She warned calmly.

"Yes Yes Yes……"Zhao Jin hurriedly agreed, then turned around and stumbled towards the door.

Zhang Qingyuan also realized that he had made a big mistake. He should not have said that just now. Even if he discussed it with Yu Xuanji or Zhao Jin in private, he should never say it like this.

After all, their relationship was not good enough to share such a secret.

""Why don't you leave?" Yu Xuanji asked in a slightly cold tone.

Zhang Qingyuan's mouth was slightly bitter. Since he had already guessed the possible plan of the Heavenly Court, his identity as a human being was a time bomb.

If he came forward to mediate the matter of asking the heaven and asking the way, it would hinder the Heavenly Court's plan. But if he didn't come forward, he would definitely be targeted by the Yin God who was related to Buddhism, which would be more troublesome.

"Yu... Senior, there have been reports of ghosts causing trouble in the world of the living recently, and I want to go and check it out."

If you can't afford to offend me, can't you just hide from me?

Zhang Qingyuan decided to run to the world of the living and hide first. No one could find him, so let's see how he could be implicated.

Yu Xuanji stared at him for a long time, and finally threw out a fatal question:"Do you think you can leave the underworld at this time?""


Zhang Qingyuan felt cold all over... Yes, before asking Tian Wen, he was the center of the storm, how could he run away.

When leaving Yu Xuanji's Yin house, Zhang Qingyuan's steps were extremely heavy, as if he was filled with lead. It took him a full ten minutes to walk a distance of just a few dozen meters. His mind was already in a mess, as if a big hand was pressing down on him, blocking all the ways to survive, and there was no hope at all.

"Damn it, I just got the title, and before I could take off, I got into such a big trouble. It's really fucked up."

He cursed in his heart a thousand times, but he couldn't get rid of his anger. The most important problem was that he couldn't find someone to vent his anger on.

This was completely forced by the situation. No one was deliberately targeting him, but it happened to him. He couldn't resist, and he couldn't find a place to reason.

"No, no... I can't just sit there and wait for death, I have to think of a way. Damn it, if you really push me to the limit, I will fight you to the death. I want to see who is more afraid of death."

Zhang Qingyuan's face was ferocious, and he was already ruthless in his heart... If someone really came to force him, he would never give up, and he would take the opportunity of asking the heavens for the way in the world of the living to poke a hole in the sky.

"The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish! If it doesn't work, I'll completely overturn it, drag everyone down with me, and kill them all. Only then will there be room in the underworld for me to take over.……"

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan made up his mind instantly, and a bold plan came to his mind.

He turned and left, rushing towards the Qunfang Baigui Building...

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