"Zhang Zhenjun, come again later!"

Xiang Yuan enthusiastically sent Zhang Qingyuan out again, smiling sweetly and charmingly.

A pure-looking female ghost popped her head out from behind and asked,"Sister Xiang, what does this kid want those things for?"

Xiang Yuan held half a volume of ancient books in her hand and said calmly,"What does he want to do have to do with us? We just need to get what we want.""

"A celestial being descended from heaven today. The young master of Lu Pan's family will come soon. We should find a way to get information from him."

"Don't worry, sister. Lu Chen is the most obedient person."


On the other side, Zhang Qingyuan had just walked out of the Qunfang Baigui Building when he was blocked by Zhao Jin.

"You are really good, you dare to go to this group of ghosts, do you want to indulge yourself for the last time? Hehehe……"Zhao Jin said teasingly.

Zhang Qingyuan said with a straight face:"Senior, your golden body is gone."

Zhao Jin's face changed immediately and he said quickly:"Okay, okay, you are awesome, okay? I was just kidding."

Now the old man was like being pinched in the balls, not daring to explode at all.

"I say, kid, I just thought of a way for you. If it doesn't work, you can go and pay your respects to Master Xuandu or Master Nanhua. After all, you have done it in person before, so you might be able to get some advice.……"Zhao Jin said with a serious face.

Zhang Qingyuan frowned slightly when he heard this... It seems like a way, but will that kind of big guy really be proud of me? Last time, he acquiesced to his nephew, probably because he barely had some relationship with him. If he really came to him, it would be hard to say.

However, I can always give it a try.

"Ahem... Senior, do you know how to contact Master Xuandu and Master Nanhua?"

Zhao Jin squinted at him and said,"Do you think I would know?"

"Isn't that nonsense?" Zhang Qingyuan said speechlessly.

"Anyway, I've given you the method. Whether you can succeed or not depends on your own fate. Okay, it's ok. I'm leaving now. Don't go to such places in the future. Don't do something stupid at such a young age."

"Don't worry, my soul is definitely stronger than yours, so a one-night battle won't be a problem.……"Zhang Qingyuan said unwillingly

"I wish you become a ghost soon.……"

Before Zhang Qingyuan could even enter the tomb, he was called over by Yu Xuanji.

""Senior Yu, what's wrong?"

Yu Xuanji said nothing, silently took out a set of golden and white official uniforms and handed them to him, saying:"This is the uniform of the General of Suppressing Evil. Your appointment has been officially made. From now on, you will be the first General of Suppressing Evil under my command. The Yellow Group will still be led by you. At the same time, you have the right to mobilize the three groups of Tiandixuan to cooperate with your actions, but you must report to me afterwards."

Promoted again!

Zhang Qingyuan took over the official uniform and couldn't wait to go back and try it on.

By becoming the General of Suppressing Evil, he officially got rid of his status as a poor official and advanced to become an official. An official in the underworld is also considered a small underworld god. The next step is to enter the heavenly register, but this step is very difficult, because the underworld no longer has the right to decide, and it needs to be reported to the heavenly court for the consent of the heavenly court.

When leaving, Zhang Qingyuan felt that Yu Xuanji seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say it, and he didn't ask.

In fact, you don't need to ask to know what Yu Xuanji wanted to say, but in the end he was hesitant and didn't speak.

After all It actually involves the conflict between the Heavenly Court and the Buddhist sect.

Not to mention that Yu Xuanji is only the left deputy chief of the Suppression of Evil Division, even the Ten Kings of Hell and the Five Ghost Kings can hardly protect themselves in the face of the impending turmoil.

The only one who can sit back and relax in the entire underworld is the great god Taishan Fujun, and perhaps Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Even if the Heavenly Court and the Buddhist sect really fight in the underworld in the end, no one will be so blind as to dare to cause trouble to these two people.

After leaving Yu Xuanji's tomb, Zhang Qingyuan's face suddenly froze. He saw two ghosts standing at his door, dressed in servants' clothes, but with a sinister aura and extremely powerful strength.

"The second one is……"He asked with a sullen face.

The middle-aged ghost on the left bowed to him politely and said,"Greetings to the True Lord Dangxie. My master heard about the canonization of the human way and admired your heroic youth very much. He sent an old servant to deliver an invitation to come to your house for a chat. Your master will personally receive you then."

As soon as he finished speaking, the older ghost next to him also said,"My master has also heard about the deeds of the True Lord and would like to invite you to a chat. I hope you will not refuse."

After that, the two of them didn't care about Zhang Qingyuan's reaction and directly stuffed the two invitations into his hands and turned away.

Zhang Qingyuan looked at the invitations in his hand, which seemed to weigh a thousand pounds. The first one was signed with a"Jiang" and the second one was signed with a"Xue". Moreover, the banquet time was the day after tomorrow afternoon.

""Jiang? Xue? It seems to be King Qin Guang and King Zhuan Lun... As expected, I guessed it right. Heaven is really going to fight with Buddhism." Zhang Qingyuan quietly put away the invitations.

Both invitations were very important. He had to go because they were obviously representatives sent by the camps behind them. This was to force him to choose a side.

If it was a normal time, he would definitely stand on the side of Heaven, but now, no matter which side he stood on, he would die and be targeted by the other side.

"Damn it, you really won't give me any chance to survive!"

Zhang Qingyuan's face turned pale, and he cursed both sides in his heart.

But then, a fierce look emerged on his face:"If you don't dare to draw your sword, you will eventually become food on the table. Don't blame me for putting everyone on the table."

Thinking in his heart, Zhang Qingyuan's mind went deep into the Xumi Ring. There was a wooden box inside. It was something he had just got from the Qunfang Baigui Tower. It was a bomb that was enough to muddy the water.

Back to the Yin house, he couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and contacted Wang Zhengyang

【Boss Wang, the plan has changed. The opening of the temple will be moved forward to January 10th! 】

Wang Zhengyang responded immediately

【So soon? There are only five days left, so there is no time to prepare for many events!】

【No matter what, prepare as much as you can, but be quick. Also, please find someone to pick up Zhao Lingshan. She will summon me to the mortal world. In addition, I will give you something on the day of the opening of the temple. Please help me hand it over to the officials. They will need it when they ask the heavens. 】Wang Zhengyang

: [Okay! Then listen to you, sir. I will ask someone to prepare it immediately. 】

After contacting Lao Wang, Zhang Qingyuan told Zhao Lingshan about the time change and asked him to prepare. As for Zhao Jin, there was no need to go there. Zhao Yuanshan would definitely inform him.

After arranging these, Zhang Qingyuan locked himself up in the Yin house. The things Xiang Yuan gave him had to be sorted out for the convenience of Daxia officials. Time was very tight, and he dared not waste it at all. Whether he could find a ray of hope or not, it would depend on what happened.

As for the invitation two days later, Zhang Qingyuan had already figured it out. At that time, he would go to Qin Guangwang, the king of the heaven. No matter what, he was closer to the Taoist sect after all, and he could barely have some relationship with Nanhua Patriarch and Xuandu Master.

The most important thing now is how to contact these two big guys, urgent, waiting online!!!

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