Inside the hut.

After Zhang Qingyuan reported his birth date, Zhao Yuanshan immediately took out a piece of yellow paper, wrote down his information on it, and then burned it while muttering something.

"Ten directions of land, the emperor of the underworld……"

Originally, Zhang Qingyuan could not hear clearly what he was saying, but as the yellow paper burned, the voice rang in his ears, as if speaking directly into his ears.

""Can you hear my voice?" Zhao Yuanshan asked after burning the yellow paper.

Zhang Qingyuan nodded and replied:"I can hear it very clearly. What's going on?"

"It's very simple. I will use your birth date as a guide and inform the underworld, and you will naturally be able to hear it."

"It's good that you can hear it, so that you can receive it when I burn money for you later. If you want to burn something for the dead in the underworld, you need to inform the underworld first and tell them who you want to burn it for. At the same time, tell the dead that someone has made an offering, so hurry up and go to the offering pavilion to get it, otherwise it will be a waste of effort."Zhao Yuanshan said a few more words to explain to everyone.

"If there are no such procedures, where does the money go? As far as I know, the ghosts in the underworld are very poor."Zhang Qingyuan asked curiously. Zhao

Yuanshan glanced at him and said,"Without these procedures, the things burned will most likely be useless. You think everything can be burned, then the underworld will become a garbage dump."

After that, Zhao Yuanshan left the altar and walked to the front. There was a big pot on the ground with a lot of ashes in it. It looked like it was specially used for burning paper.

"Things that can be burned are also specially made, not like the current ones that can be used by just printing a pattern."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yuanshan looked at Brother Northwest Tiger and asked,"Xiao Linzi, how much money do you plan to burn for this kid?"

""Xiao Linzi?" Brother Northwest Tiger never thought that he would be called such a father-in-law.

But he didn't dare to say more. He looked at Zhang Qingyuan, patted his chest, and said very proudly:"Brother, how much money do you need? Just tell me, I will pay for it."

"I still need 70 taels of Yin money, of course the more the better."Zhang Qingyuan's current goal is to buy an official position in the Suppression of Evil Division first, otherwise many things will be inconvenient.

""Okay, no problem! Isn't it just seventy taels? Seven hundred, seven thousand is no problem." Brother Northwest Tiger was still generous.

Zhao Lingshan gave him a thumbs up and said,"You are awesome! Rich man!"

Zhao Yuanshan took out a few pieces of paper slowly. There were complicated patterns painted on the white paper with red ink. It looked a bit like ancient silver bills. Zhang Qingyuan was sharp-eyed and saw the words"ten taels" written on it.

It should represent ten taels of Yin money.

He counted out seven pieces and said to Zhao Lingshan,"Okay, seven for seventy taels, girl, let him swipe the card to collect the money. You know the price."

""Okay!" Zhao Lingshan skillfully took out a POS machine and said,"Come on, Brother Tiger, swipe the card!"

Seeing this, Brother Northwest Tiger suddenly felt something was wrong... What the hell? Using a POS machine?

"Um, girl, I have cash with me, is it okay to give me cash?"

Zhao Lingshan looked at him suspiciously and said,"I have cash with me, don't you? I didn't see you carrying a bag?"

"How much money does it take to require a bag?" As he spoke, Brother Northwest Tiger took out a stack of banknotes, exactly ten thousand, and said generously:"Here, is ten thousand enough? No need to give the change for the extra money, just consider it as my brother Tiger's filial piety to Grandpa.

" Zhao Lingshan looked at the red banknotes in his hand, looked at him as if he were a fool and said:"Ten taels of Yin money notes, a total of seven hundred thousand, one hundred thousand, no bargaining, thank you!


"How much!!!"

When Brother Northwest Tiger heard the number of 700,000, his blood boiled and his neck stretched a size larger

""Seven hundred thousand! Ten thousand is equivalent to one tael of Yin money, a total of seventy taels, a number that even primary school students can calculate. Is your math teacher a physical education teacher?" Zhao Lingshan said sarcastically.

Brother Northwest Tiger smacked his lips, and a bitter taste came up:"Seven... seven hundred thousand, my two kidneys are probably worth this price."

"You are so weak, it's worthless 700,000 yuan. I am still more vigorous than you at the age of 70." Zhao Yuanshan mocked him without any hesitation.

Brother Northwest Tiger, a man from the Northwest and an eagle on the Gobi Desert, instantly shut himself up. He stammered for a long time before reluctantly saying,"I, I don't have that much money. Can you make it cheaper? Just a few pieces of paper."

Thinking of his bold words just now, he wished he could dig a hole in the ground and crawl into it.

"Humph! It's just a few pieces of paper. The paper I burn needs to be stamped with a seal. I have to sacrifice my own luck to make these pieces of money pass through the underworld. I collect money to borrow my luck to make up for it. Do you think it's that simple?"Zhao Yuanshan said unhappily.

Brother Northwest Tiger shrank his head and was a little afraid to speak.

"Xiao Linzi, how much money do you have? Spend it all."

"Just over 350,000……"

There was a sound of swiping a card, Zhao Lingshan grabbed his card and swiped it, saying,"What's the password?"


When the text message alert sounded, Northwest Tiger picked up his phone and looked at it. He immediately showed an expression of"I want to die" on his face. He felt that he had fallen into a trap.

"Ahem... that, Brother Tiger. When I solve the account blocking problem, I will take you to fly. If it really doesn't work, I will wait until I am well in the underworld, and I will be able to protect you when you die, and ensure that you have a good life."Zhang Qingyuan comforted him a little.

Brother Northwest Tiger showed an expression that was uglier than crying, and said,"Brother, thank you so much!"

This thank you was sincere, and Zhang Qingyuan said he received it.

After receiving the money, Zhao Yuanshan drove Zhao Lingshan and Brother Northwest Tiger out on the grounds that it involved the sect's secret techniques, and did not allow them to watch the operation below.

The two went out, the door was closed, and the room became quiet. Zhang Qingyuan was a little puzzled. What did it mean for an outsider like him... an outsider to be here when even his granddaughter could not watch it.

After a moment of silence, Zhao Yuanshan said,"Boy, what do you want so much Yin money for? I know a little about the situation in the underworld. Seventy taels of Yin money is a number that ordinary ghosts dare not even think about."

"Ahem... that……"Zhang Qingyuan hesitated for a moment, but finally said honestly:"I heard that you can buy an official position in the underworld with money." He stopped at the point, and the other party would definitely understand what he meant.

Zhao Yuanshan looked at him in surprise:"Which government office do you want to go to if you want to be a ghost messenger?"

""The Evil Suppression Department!" He did not hide this. It was not a big deal to know that they were separated by the Yin and Yang. Besides, this was no secret in the underworld.


Zhao Yuanshan nodded and said with some approval:"Young people have ideas and vision, and they know that the chief of the Suppression of Evil Division has a special identity. In this case, I will help you. Seventy taels of Yin money, the fat man can only burn thirty-five taels for you, and I will make up the remaining thirty-five taels for you. In addition, your human soul is lost, and I will also help you find it back.……"

If you are too attentive to someone, you are either a traitor or a thief.

Zhang Qingyuan asked with some caution,"Am I the illegitimate son of the senior?"

As soon as he said that, the pressure in the room immediately soared. Zhao Yuanshan cursed with a dark face,"Get lost, illegitimate son of a bitch. Have you lost your soul? Are your brains not working well? Didn't you hear that I have conditions?"

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