Zhang Qingyuan looked embarrassed... He really didn't understand the meaning of this

"Then I wonder what the commander wants me to do?" he asked.

Zhao Yuanshan walked to the altar and did not answer directly. Instead, he said,"General Fu Wei, you saw it just now. In Taoism, it is called Taoist soldiers and Taoist generals. How do you feel about it? It is a kind of magic method unique to my Taoist disciples."

"……Those who can become Taoist soldiers are the ghosts of dead people, who are worshipped by Taoist incense and blessed by merit. In ancient times, generally only those who were born as military generals and warriors and had extremely strong boxing and kicking skills during their lifetime were qualified to become Taoist soldiers after their death."

"General Fu Wei was a general of the Wu Dynasty seven hundred years ago. Although he was only a small general, he died on the battlefield because of resisting foreign enemies. The founder of our sect took him in as a Taoist soldier and passed him down to me."

Hearing this, Zhang Qingyuan probably understood what he meant.

"Taoist priest, do you want me to become your Taoist soldier?"

"What are you thinking of?" Zhao Yuanshan sneered,"Although I only have the sixth-grade merit, I was a famous Taoist master in the past, with strong soldiers and horses under my command. You are nothing, and you want to become my Taoist soldier?"


After being ridiculed, Zhang Qingyuan was a little confused. If it wasn't him, then why did he tell him so much?

"All right, all right, I won’t beat around the bush with you. You’ve seen Zhao Lingshan, that girl. She’s my granddaughter. I want you to become her Taoist soldier, so that she can offer you sacrifices in the future. She will also burn some money for you during festivals. What do you think? Such a cheap deal is hard to come by even with a lantern."

As if afraid that he would disagree, Zhao Yuanshan continued to deceive him,"Boy, I’m not afraid to tell you that there are countless ghosts in the world, and most of them will suffer the pain of reincarnation and be judged by the underworld.

You’ve also seen what’s going on in the underworld.

If you become that girl’s Taoist soldier, you’ll be considered a person of status in the underworld in the future.

At least you can live in Fengdu City without paying any money.

In the future, when that girl cultivates the Dharma domain, you can even enter the Dharma domain, transform from a ghost body to a divine body, and become a heavenly soldier or general.


Zhang Qingyuan felt more and more unsure the more he listened to his nonsense... How could such a good thing happen to him? And Zhao Yuanshan looked very anxious. If there was no trap here, he could write the word Zhang upside down.

Zhao Yuanshan was a little thirsty after talking, so he drank a sip of tea. Zhang Qingyuan took the opportunity to ask in a low voice:"Master, what if I don't agree?"


Zhao Yuanshan smashed the teacup to the ground, stared at him with his tiger eyes, picked up the sword on the table, and shouted:"How dare you to provoke me, I will beat you to death today.……"

"I am convinced...I am convinced.……"

The cold chill filled his body like the cold wind of the coldest days of winter. Zhang Qingyuan immediately admitted his fear and quickly agreed.

This old Taoist priest had obviously set a trap for him to jump into. He had to jump today, whether he wanted to or not. The key point was that jumping would bring him benefits, including money from the underworld and help in finding human souls. If he didn't jump, he would probably get a one-stop service of a big sword and the thundering methods of the Taoist sect.

The two of them reached an agreement, and Zhao Yuanshan was very satisfied. He burned seventy taels of money for him according to the procedure. During the burning process, Zhang Qingyuan heard a voice from somewhere in his ear, telling him that there was an offering from the world of the living, and asked him to go to the offering pavilion to collect it.

"Okay, kid. Since we have agreed, don't lie to me. Although we are separated by the Yin and Yang, I can't do anything to you if you don't come up. But if I cut off the offerings from Master Zhao Jin and say that I have burned all the money for you, I guess you will not feel good in the underworld." Zhao Yuanshan reminded him cunningly.

The implication is that he has someone in the underworld, so don't even think about running away.

"It's all done, you can go back now. I'll go to Fengmen Village to capture the evil spirit and help you get your soul back. Then I'll call you back up."

After saying that, Zhao Yuanshan prepared to remove the altar and send Zhang Qingyuan back to the underworld.

"Wait, Taoist priest! Call Brother Tiger in. Since you are here, why not make a video with him to help him increase his popularity. After all, he has spent so much money."

After a while, Brother Northwest Tiger followed Zhao Lingshan in. Zhang Qingyuan took a video with him familiarly and said hello to netizens. At the same time, he said that he had sent someone to find the father of Su Qiaoyang, the boss of Kuaishou.

After Su Qiaoyang's father is dealt with, and then let his father deal with him... He, Zhang Dadan, can come back and live broadcast the underworld to netizens.

Zhao Yuanshan listened to Zhang Qingyuan's roundabout plan to save the country, looked at him strangely, and muttered:"This little bastard is also a black-hearted thing. If he can't trouble others, he will trouble his dead ancestors. He is really insidious."

Think about it from another angle. If some blind ghost really dug out Zhao Yuanshan's father who had died for who knows how many years in the underworld and beat him up, and then made him come to him in his dreams with a bruised face, he would probably jump up and down on the spot and overturn the altar of the Three Pure Ones.


After sending Zhang Qingyuan away, Zhao Lingshan quietly approached Zhao Yuanshan and asked,"Grandpa, what are you talking about with him in the room? You are hiding from me. When have you burned paper in these years and I didn't watch you?"

Zhao Yuanshan sighed, looked at his granddaughter with some doting, and said,"Stinky girl, I asked you to learn those tricks from grandpa in the early years, but you fished for three days and dried the net for two days, and you got nothing.

When the world was peaceful, grandpa didn't force you, but it won't work in the future.

Don't think about going anywhere this summer vacation.

Follow me here to study.

I have prepared all the Taoist scriptures for you to recite.

If you don't memorize them well, don't think about going to school.


"And let that little Linzi book tickets for us. We will go to the northwest soon to solve the problem of Zhang Qingyuan."

This sentence was like a bolt from the blue, hitting Zhao Lingshan's head. She was stunned for two seconds and said stupidly:"Recite... recite the Taoist scriptures? You old bitch……"

""Hmm!" Zhao Yuanshan gave her a look that stopped her from saying the rest of the sentence.

"Don't say that I, your grandfather, am making things difficult for you. In a prosperous dynasty, evil spirits appear. When things are abnormal, there must be something wrong. The world is peaceful, but I'm afraid that the world will not be peaceful. Learn more, it will benefit you in the future."

"As for Zhang Qingyuan, after we deal with him this time, I will go to the northwest to help him find his soul. Then I will take you to Zaoge Mountain to receive the Taoist ordination. I will then recruit him as a Taoist soldier and he will be able to protect you in the future."

"Huh? Daobing? Like Liu Da Ge? Can you change one? Zhang Dabing's thing is too ugly. It's not good-looking.……"


Zhao Yuanshan hit her forehead hard and said angrily:"You are so ugly. Who chooses Taoist soldiers based on appearance? I am so angry."

Zhao Lingshan was hit and her voice became weaker. She said:"But...but, that guy looks like he can't even beat me. Should I protect him or should he protect me?""

"Humph! What do you know? That kid is very clever. As soon as he went to the underworld, he knew he was planning to buy an official position in the Suppression of Evil Department. When he really enters the Suppression of Evil Department and becomes a ghost messenger, and you offer Taoist incense to him, he will definitely be unexpected in the future. Maybe it will be a surprise."

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