Rumble... the sound of horse hooves once again broke the tranquility of Fengdu City. General Fu Wei sent Zhang Qingyuan to the gate of the Yin house, and then rode away with his Taoist soldiers.

The street was very quiet, no different from when he left, and Zhang Qingyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Since his death, he has come into contact with these supernatural things, and he realized that the so-called"superstition" can exist in the world for thousands of years, and it is not without reason.

At least Zhao Yuanshan's method of summoning him from the underworld to the world of the living opened his eyes.

Unfortunately, this is only an effect that can be achieved with the help of Taoist secret methods, and even if he goes to the world of the living, he cannot leave the altar and can't do anything. It is not considered to have truly broken the boundary between Yin and Yang and returned to the world.


There was the familiar sound of a door opening and a familiar cough.

Zhao Jin walked over with his hands behind his back and a hunched back.

"After being gone for such a long time, it seems that he was not just summoning spirits, but also doing other things.……"After mumbling a few words, Zhao Jin asked,"Boy, have you seen my nephew?"

"I see, it turns out that you are also a Taoist master, I really don’t know the real thing." Zhang Qingyuan flattered him.

But Zhao Jin didn’t accept it at all, and shouted coldly:"What a master, if you are really a master, you don’t need to come to the underworld, you should go to heaven to enjoy the bliss."

"Okay, after you went up, did you tell my nephew about your human soul? Tell me what you did."

Zhang Qingyuan did not hesitate and told him what had just happened. Anyway, if Zhao Jin wanted to know, he would know it naturally with his relationship with Zhao Yuanshan, so there was no need to hide it.

When he heard about seventy taels of Yin money, Zhao Jin's face turned green, and he shouted loudly:"What an unfilial son, you have so much money but don't know how to honor me, and you kid got it for nothing."

But he seemed to just vent his anger and didn't take the Yin money to heart. Instead, he was very interested in the fact that Zhao Yuanshan wanted to recruit him as Zhao Lingshan's Taoist soldier.

Zhao Jin stroked his not-so-long beard and said:"I remember that you were killed by a fierce ghost, so you lost your human soul, right?"

Zhang Qingyuan nodded.

"Then let me ask you, what will the world be like when you die?"

"What is the world like? Old senior, what do you mean by this?"Zhang Qingyuan asked puzzledly

"It's about the level of development the world has reached. It's too unstable. Are the people living and working in peace and contentment? Is the world at peace?"

"That's naturally peaceful.……"Then, Zhang Qingyuan spent more than ten minutes to popularize the current situation in the human world to Zhao Jin.

It can be said that this is the most glorious era in the history of Daxia, and it is even developing rapidly. It is just around the corner to become the world's number one country again.

After hearing his words, Zhao Jin frowned, pondered for a long time, and muttered in confusion:"That's strange, since the human world is peaceful, there should be no monsters and demons coming out to stir up trouble, why did you encounter a fierce ghost? Why is Yuanshan so anxious to get a talisman for his granddaughter?"

"Maybe it's because the place I went to was already a very famous ghost village. It has been abandoned for decades. Before it was abandoned, the times were very chaotic, and the remaining evil spirits."Speaking of this, Zhang Qingyuan felt a little uncomfortable.

It's really the development of the times. If you are not hungry, you will easily go to have nothing to do. He is a living example.

Zhao Jin is still struggling with the question just now. I don't know what he is thinking.

"Um, senior, if you have nothing else to do, I will go back first. It is a daytime ban now. If you are caught by the ghost soldiers, you will be fined. I was fined one or two ghost coins yesterday."

"Wait... I have something to tell you. What are those ghost soldiers afraid of? They have to take a detour when they see me."

Zhao Jin stopped him, speaking in a very arrogant manner, not taking Bian Fei and the others seriously at all.

"Boy, what are you looking at? Back then, I was also... Forget it, forget it, why am I telling you this? I just heard you say that you saved up 70 taels of Yin money in order to buy a job at the Suppression of Evil Division and become a Yin messenger?"

Zhang Qingyuan continued to nod. This was something he had planned long ago. At the same time, he was also a little alert. Would this old man be planning to take his Yin money? You know, in the underworld, Yin money is very precious.

Not only is it very expensive to burn Yin money, but according to Zhao Yuanshan, it also reduces your luck. Each piece is very precious.

"Put away your petty look, I am not thinking about your little money, I just want to tell you, since you are planning to be a ghost messenger, you'd better make more money and get an authority to travel between the Yin and Yang. If you just work in the underworld, you are just a laborer, and the money will be wasted."

Zhang Qingyuan was immediately excited when he heard it, and he quickly said"flatteringly":"Please give me some advice, senior."


listen, being a clerk in the underworld is not as easy as you think.

If you are not careful, you may lose your head or even be punished by the heavenly law.

Have you read"Journey to the West"? The Great Sage made trouble in the underworld and saved countless lives of the underworld god Yama.

However, because the Book of Life and Death was destroyed, many accounts that could not be settled had to be settled directly.

Otherwise, the truth would be revealed, and the Heavenly Court would punish you, and the entire underworld would have to be replaced.


"Therefore, if you become a Yinchai, it is best to get a position with great power but few things to do, such as the Suppression of Evil Division. Don't go for positions like investigating evil or judging. It is best to get a position of Suppression of Evil. On the surface, the position is not high, but it is the easiest to get in touch with that person.……"

Did Sun Wukong make a scene in the underworld and settle the accounts for the underworld?

Zhang Qingyuan's mind echoed with Zhao Jin's words. As a modern person, he understood what was going on after a little thought. It was obvious that the underworld had messed up the Book of Life and Death, increasing people's lifespans and reducing their lives, violating the number of days, and finally made it difficult to settle the accounts. It was the operation of the Great Sage that successfully solved the problem.

No wonder Sun Wukong had such a big face in the underworld later. He could go directly to the big boss Ksitigarbha when he had something to do.

As for the position of the Evil Suppression Department, if it is investigating evil and judging, it sounds like a civilian position. Those who work in the government office will always encounter one or two relatives who have committed crimes and someone comes to settle the matter. If they don't agree, they will offend people. If they agree, they will violate the rules of the underworld.

The evil suppressor is different. To put it bluntly, it is a thug who does dirty and tiring work outside, the kind who eliminates evil and kills evil. There are fewer interests involved, so it is naturally much safer.

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingyuan suddenly felt as if the clouds have been cleared and he was more grateful to Zhao Jin.

"Thank you for your guidance, senior." He thanked sincerely

""Okay, okay, I'm just giving you a few pointers. Anyway, you're going to become a Taoist soldier in Zaoge Mountain, so I'll do you some good deeds for the younger generation. And this is the portrait of our ancestor, Tianshi Ge Xuan. Hang it in your grave and worship it every day. It will benefit you."

As he spoke, Zhao Jin took out an ancient painting that was similar to the one hanging in Zhao Yuanshan's home.

Zhang Qingyuan glanced at the old Taoist in the painting and muttered,"Is this thing effective?"

Zhao Jin glared and said,"Tianshi Ge... ordinary people are not qualified to hang it, and you're still talking about it."

"The point is that when I was alive, I prayed to the God of Wealth every day but I didn't get rich. What can hanging this thing do?……"

"You little bastard, you have repeatedly insulted our sect's founder. I will kill you."

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